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Will Souths Go Back To Back In 2015 ?


Teo and Burgess were the main drivers of our defensive line this year, so it'll be hard to replace them two.

But with Stewart coming into the side we'll play a different style of footy. You'll have two back rowers with the ability to ball play which should give our outside backs more room and chances. And with the twins going through the middle, we should still have that strong go forward.

Like everyone said it'll be tough to get up emotionally, but I think we still have a side to make the top 4 and anything is possible in the finals.


We will have the talent on the park to do it but the drive will not be there.

I'm expecting a similar year next year to what the Roosters produced this year.

We will have our fair share of wins and probably make the top 4 but in the end, someone else will want it more than us.

100% agree
when it comes down to the crunch time in finals, the team that wants it more will get the cookies and its hard to think that the team that wants it more is the team that just achieved it. It's what made souths so good this finals series, having never reached the top, they wanted to get there more than anyone else

Slight tangent, but i think the next club to go back to back will be the Warriors, if that takes 20 years for them to win one, so be it, but i reckon one day they'll get a coach and a set of halves that can figure out how to maximise the obscene level of power, speed, and talent those warriors sides ALWAYS have and when they do, they'll dominate for a few years. Once they get the right coaching-halves combination to win one, i reckon they'll rattle off 2-3 over a 5 year span

The Chello

gee it's tough for a side to go back to back, agree with this comment.
Personally, I don't think so. They have some football ahead of them including the club challenge and some with rep duties maybe. The loss of Sam cannot be under estimated. Te'o was aggressive which was more evident in the finals series so his experience will be missed.
To say George and co will step up with these two absences is fine but Sam is probably in the best 3 forwards in the world so that is hardly replaceable.
Stewart is injury prone and he has never played with us so that's going to take some time in developing. Training is fine but match play will take a little longer. Grant is a work horse who I'll think will relish the chance at Souths as did not get many opportunities at Panthers this year. I'd like to see McQueen step up this year as I thought he was certainly flat in some games. Did a good job in the GF when he came on and looking more of that effort.
We certainly have a talented squad but everyone guns for the premiers and each lift when they play them. The Roosters were not at their best this year yet finished high on the ladder, a credit to their players and coaching staff. Maguire and co have the talent to do the same.
I do think AJ and Walker will come into contention this year for SOO if they maintain their improvement in the game.
The draw will also play some part in the scheme of things. We've played the Roosters twice nearly every year for a while, not sure how that's fair but love the contest.

Tbh - the Cowboys, if they can maintain their rage, would be my pick out of the rest of them


It's an interesting question, and one that cannot be answered simply by analysing souths themselves. There's no doubt that they'll miss Burgess next year. I think Stewart and Te'o cancel each other out. However in the scheme of things, you'd have to say that they'll be a different side next year. Perhaps better, perhaps worse. But certainly different. It's probably interesting to point out that Souths' winning percentage over the last few years without Sam Burgess is actually quite high.

But what must also be considered is where the challenge is going to come from. You would say that, on face value, the other recently successful teams are all, for one reason or another, going to be weaker.

The roosters are without Sonny Bill and Minichiello, who basically have set the culture for that club in the last two years. They are likely to pick up Blake Ferguson, but it remains to be seen whether he'll fit in there.

Melbourne have lost Hoffman and a hell of a lot of depth. The big 3 are getting older.

Canterbury lose Ennis, who was more important to them, than I think they realise. There are also suggestions they'll lose some depth.

Manly- Losing G.Stewart, King, and possibly other members of their core group.

North Qld basically followed the same trajectory that they have for the last 4 or 5 years. And with no real additions to their side (and the loss of Tariq and Ashton Sims, never thought I'd be saying that of Ashton), their pack does not look as daunting at this stage.

One team on the up is certainly Penrith, who'll add Apisai Koroisou to their ranks. Koroisou and Segeyaro are effectively the same player, and could potentially form the most devastating dummy halves combination in recent memory. An 80 minute danger. They're not losing anyone of note, and will be better for the experience this year.

Parramatta are probably the other team on the up, however it remains to be seen whether a Chris Sandow led side, can take that next step. He's got a track record for not standing up, and against the great sides, Hayne can't do it by himself. How Peats returns from injury, and Watmough's impending recruitment shape as the determining factors.

So in conclusion, I suppose the question shouldn't be whether souths can go back to back, but rather, who is going to beat them.
We will have the talent on the park to do it but the drive will not be there.

I'm expecting a similar year next year to what the Roosters produced this year.

We will have our fair share of wins and probably make the top 4 but in the end, someone else will want it more than us.

This. After killing off a 43 year demon it's hard to get up and do it all over again. Plus two key players missing doesn't help.

Tommy Smith

I too think they'll struggle greatly with motivation.

It only takes a minimal drop off, single percentile, to cause a great team to look like merely a good team - as we saw with the Roosters.

And the loss of Sam is huge. He's an 80 minute force of nature that sets the tone. Te'o is a big loss, too.

Of course they can go B2B but I think it'll be unlikely. 7/1 imo. As someone pointed out however, where will the challenge come from? I certainly think the Roosters, Cowboys and Panthers will be right up there. After that it's anyone's guess.


I too think they'll struggle greatly with motivation.

It only takes a minimal drop off, single percentile, to cause a great team to look like merely a good team - as we saw with the Roosters.

And the loss of Sam is huge. He's an 80 minute force of nature that sets the tone. Te'o is a big loss, too.

Of course they can go B2B but I think it'll be unlikely. 7/1 imo. As someone pointed out however, where will the challenge come from? I certainly think the Roosters, Cowboys and Panthers will be right up there. After that it's anyone's guess.

Roosters will be a great bet at big odds to miss the top 8 next season,there two best influences SBW and Minichello are gonski,without them they have no inspirational leaders,expect the likes of Jake Friend,Cordner,Jennnings and Pearce to be out drinknig at 4am next season and all over the news.

The Roosters are gone.


First Grade
nope and I don't think they'll make top 4 to be honest. To many things went their way, every player almost had great years, even the rookies, they were ref favourites and received more penalties than any other side, easily, next year they lose their two best forwards, not every one of their rookies are going to follow it up with as a good a first year, they are easily one of the sides that loses far more than they gain. 5th is my estimation.


I think the biggest challenge for Souths next year is we'll be changing our game plan - we won't have the forward pack to trample our opposition anymore and with the backline we now have, along with Glenn Stewart, we'll be playing a more expansive game.


Rabbitohs, Roosters, Panthers, Dogs, Cowboys will be thereabouts and that's all that really matters for sponsors and supporters of teams needed to push Melbourne and Manly out of the way


I think its very very possible we could do it. Desire is going to play an important part in it but the good thing is that we've got alot of young players who are hungry for success and a couple of quality players who are coming to the club, who no doubt have a point to prove and a coach who is a hard task master and ensures that his team stays focused. Therefore, I don't see hunger being too much of an issue - we've got players who are striving for rep jumpers, players looking to get their careers back on track and the goal of being the first club to go back to back since 92-93. If those doesn't make you hungry then you shouldn't be playing for the club.

The other obstacle to overcome is replacing Sam Burgess and Te'o. I'm not too worried about Te'o because up until a few weeks ago, I thought he was an overrated player; I'm not saying he was bad, I'm just saying he was as good as his reputation as an origin player suggested. Nevertheless he came good in the end and his last few games for the club were superb. Sam Burgess on the other hand is a big loss, but you can't think that way. The amount of times in sport, where you see a champion leave a club and people say "oh we'll never replace him" and then the club finds a quality replacement or manages without him is unbelievable. I've mentioned before that I think Tim Grant can be converted to a lock and play a bit wider because he's got the Burgess-esque build of having size but being really lean and mobile. If not then we've got Glenn Stewart, who on his day, is arguably the best ball playing forward in the competition. I've also mentioned before that it would not surprise me if Maguire, being an ex-strength and conditioning coach, devised a way for Stewart to manage his body better.

The other big obstacle is other teams, in particular clubs who are on the rise and who are going to just as hungry as we are to win the premiership. The gap between the big four clubs and the rest of the comp has closed - we've just come out of one of the closest and tightest premierships ever and the scary thing is that it could be even closer next year. I expect the Cowboys to be even more competitive; I still find the difference between their best and worst football staggering. Then you've got Penrith, who have put together a side with amazing depth that neither injuries, nor suspension managed to stop until the penultimate game of the season. Add to that, our usual sparring partners of Manly, Melbourne and the Roosters and you've got one heck of a tight competition.
The draw will also play some part in the scheme of things. We've played the Roosters twice nearly every year for a while, not sure how that's fair but love the contest.

When the draw is put together, each club is asked to name the 6 (iirc) sides they really want to face at home and when. Both the Roosters and Souths have listed each other as they have usually gotten big home crowds for the games. So you can't say it is unfair if both sides are asking for it now eh?


It's an interesting question, and one that cannot be answered simply by analysing souths themselves. There's no doubt that they'll miss Burgess next year. I think Stewart and Te'o cancel each other out. However in the scheme of things, you'd have to say that they'll be a different side next year. Perhaps better, perhaps worse. But certainly different. It's probably interesting to point out that Souths' winning percentage over the last few years without Sam Burgess is actually quite high.

But what must also be considered is where the challenge is going to come from. You would say that, on face value, the other recently successful teams are all, for one reason or another, going to be weaker.

The roosters are without Sonny Bill and Minichiello, who basically have set the culture for that club in the last two years. They are likely to pick up Blake Ferguson, but it remains to be seen whether he'll fit in there.

Melbourne have lost Hoffman and a hell of a lot of depth. The big 3 are getting older.

Canterbury lose Ennis, who was more important to them, than I think they realise. There are also suggestions they'll lose some depth.

Manly- Losing G.Stewart, King, and possibly other members of their core group.

North Qld basically followed the same trajectory that they have for the last 4 or 5 years. And with no real additions to their side (and the loss of Tariq and Ashton Sims, never thought I'd be saying that of Ashton), their pack does not look as daunting at this stage.

One team on the up is certainly Penrith, who'll add Apisai Koroisou to their ranks. Koroisou and Segeyaro are effectively the same player, and could potentially form the most devastating dummy halves combination in recent memory. An 80 minute danger. They're not losing anyone of note, and will be better for the experience this year.

Parramatta are probably the other team on the up, however it remains to be seen whether a Chris Sandow led side, can take that next step. He's got a track record for not standing up, and against the great sides, Hayne can't do it by himself. How Peats returns from injury, and Watmough's impending recruitment shape as the determining factors.

So in conclusion, I suppose the question shouldn't be whether souths can go back to back, but rather, who is going to beat them.
I think the main challenge come finals time for us is going to be from a team that has never won it before or haven't won it in a while. Penrith are a team on the rise but their fortunes depend so heavily on Jamie Soward. His kicking game allows them to get good field position, drop outs etc. and basically gives them a platform for their attack. I like Matt Moylan as a player but I think the channel 9 commentators go way overboard and hype him up too much! Nevertheless, theyve got quite a decent forward pack, two very good hookers, talent out wide and solidarity in the halves.

The Cowboys are the other team that frightens me. On their day they can be unstoppable. Every time we seem to play them they absolutely smash us. However, for me the spine of their team are too inconsistent as players; they need to address this.

Manly, Melbourne, and the Roosters - have lost players but they are ALWAYS hard to beat.

The competition is going to be closer than what it has ever been before.


Penrith's impressive rise has made Rothfield's bagging of Gus about his performance at the Panthers pretty funny.

I think it was clear that Penrith lacked a big game winner in the match against Canterbury. Is Wallace going to present that when he returns? I'm not sure. But they almost had nothing against the Dogs' defence.

If the Dogs get Morris, and a great fullback, and Licha'a impresses, I think they could win it.
Penrith's impressive rise has made Rothfield's bagging of Gus about his performance at the Panthers pretty funny.

I think it was clear that Penrith lacked a big game winner in the match against Canterbury. Is Wallace going to present that when he returns? I'm not sure. But they almost had nothing against the Dogs' defence.

If the Dogs get Morris, and a great fullback, and Licha'a impresses, I think they could win it.

I think Moylan will become that for the Panthers. Junior Peach and Junior Cartwright could well develop along those lines as well.

If they can stay injury free, they will be a very dangerous team.

Personally, I think the Cowboys will win it next year. They have been building towards it for a few years now and this continual frustration of losing in the prelims should give them the drive they need.


Souths pride- most of the reasons you state are applicable to every defending premier. Why shouldn't they be hungry for all the reasons you stated? The fact is for all those reasons, the drive to win that first premiership and prove themselves and capture that immortal moment is the strongest motivation in rugby league. For Souths all that is magnified with the history. In other circumstances I think they'd be as good a chance as any recent premier, next year I think they lose their edge and probably don't want it in those crucial moments like Easts this year. I tip 3rd and out in the prelim.

Panthers have a match winner in Soward. The team was a rabble in that prelim and they didn't have the variety of options to get through it. With a halfback, Api, Moylan, Soward, Peachey, Cartwright,Seg next year they have have winners.

If Green can solve the early season form and the away form issues Cows always have they have a much better chance and clearly have the talent to do it.


Someone mentioned it before but the biggest hurdle as premiers is that every week teams are gunning to beat you. There's no flying under the radar and there's no excuses.

When Canberra won in '89 it was as a team that still had improvement in them with Clyde, Daley, Stuart and Walters on the rise. The same can be said of Brisbane in 92 & 93. Will souths improve next year? Possibly with Keary etc but they've lost a hell of a player in burgess.

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