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win, lose or draw


Oh and if we have a good vibe at training during the week and we then proceed to lose it's tough for Stone to explain the loss because been a first grade coach is all about creating a fun, good week at training right - results will follow correct?

Straight out of the school of Hagan. #-o

Joker's Wild

He's not a Stone troll, but someone who is not getting the guillotine out after nearly 1/3 of Stone's 1st season in charge. Sure I'm getting genuinely worried too about the coaching, but I'm really starting to worry about the players and this 'drugs scandal' that has been hovering over their heads since Wicks was arrested. If there are, god forbid, more players involved then I don't think even the late Jack Gibson could coach us into the 8 this season.

Glad to see someone using their head for a change

This issue is far bigger than the coach and players individually
Maybe the bad news we don't want to hear is closer than we think. Stone is not up to it and his demeanour after games is more like a father rather than a coach. Too biased and not enough bottle to rev up his players. Matty Elliot is available after the end of the year I think but he could win his first title this season. Penrith are going terrifically.
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knights girl

Its unfortunate that the knights board don't have the backbone to do something now. Look at the bench rotation last night what coach in their right mind has all those players(hilder, simpson, cross and evarn) on there at once.......explain that one to me......what game plan or tactics have the knights had in any game this year??? none!! our defence is horrid and our attack- well we don't have any...I thought a coach was suppose to implement game plans and tactics.....it is obvious he is nothing more then a queensland cup coach and is not up to nrl level......

Spot On

He's not a Stone troll, but someone who is not getting the guillotine out after nearly 1/3 of Stone's 1st season in charge. Sure I'm getting genuinely worried too about the coaching, but I'm really starting to worry about the players and this 'drugs scandal' that has been hovering over their heads since Wicks was arrested. If there are, god forbid, more players involved then I don't think even the late Jack Gibson could coach us into the 8 this season.

Hope for the best, prepare yourselves for the worst.


First Grade
f**k the pitchforks! I want RPG's!

You want some role playing games? Is that your way of saying you want to be coach instead? :p

Sorry couldn't resist the lame gamer joke - yes the rocket launchers would certainly sort some sh*t out!

Big Tim

First Grade
Example a) of a Stone troll.

Its week f**king 6. What about my post says I hang myself on Stone's stone's?

My point is, again, ITS WEEK f**kING 6!

This club will go nowhere if everyone writes off every coach after 6 weeks into his tenure. Now you can say that he was there last year, but to me, that doesnt count as the players pretty much coached themselves at that stage.

I will gladly call a spade a spade, or Stone a dud if it is warranted, but its week f**king 6.

Its so easy to death ride someone, ala Karma, and then sit back and go "I told you so"

lolthread is in terms of "win, lose or draw" being a lynch Stone thread. Thats a hook.


Its unfortunate that the knights board don't have the backbone to do something now. Look at the bench rotation last night what coach in their right mind has all those players(hilder, simpson, cross and evarn) on there at once.......explain that one to me......what game plan or tactics have the knights had in any game this year??? none!! our defence is horrid and our attack- well we don't have any...I thought a coach was suppose to implement game plans and tactics.....it is obvious he is nothing more then a queensland cup coach and is not up to nrl level......

paragraphs are your friend.

I am with tim - lolthread, although I too am extremely concerned about our coaching.


FFS. It sucks, but we don't have great team at the moment. That's all it is
This was a top 8 team last year, and I know we lost Wicks and Houston, but we gained Cross, Paterson and Tuimavave, so in some regards its on paper an even better team, and yet Stone has managed to take us from a top 8 team to THE worst team in the comp (and by some margin).
I don't think he should be sacked yet, I'd give him to the end of the season but if get the de facto spoon than surely he needs to be shown the door and his some of the off contract players should follow
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Gene Krupa

Its week f**king 6. What about my post says I hang myself on Stone's stone's?

My point is, again, ITS WEEK f**kING 6!

This club will go nowhere if everyone writes off every coach after 6 weeks into his tenure. Now you can say that he was there last year, but to me, that doesnt count as the players pretty much coached themselves at that stage.

I will gladly call a spade a spade, or Stone a dud if it is warranted, but its week f**king 6.

Its so easy to death ride someone, ala Karma, and then sit back and go "I told you so"

lolthread is in terms of "win, lose or draw" being a lynch Stone thread. Thats a hook.

It might be week 6 but tell me, how many second halves have we won this year? The problem is, the players seem to have zero confidence in the coach. Last night was evedence of this. They didn't even bother putting in in the first half because there was nothing that Stone was going to say that would get them through the second half, so when they got behind, it seemed they all went, oh well, next week can't come quick enough, atleast Stoney will say the same thing as he has the last few weeks so I may as well switch off now.

You don't see that being a problem?

And no-one is death riding. I just want what's best for my club and another, jobs for the boys, players best mates option isn't the answer. You'd think after Hagn that would be obvious.


I agree with the OP's assessment that we are in a heap of trouble. I dont blame stone, the players or anyone other than the f**king geniuss that let smith go.

I feel for both stone and the players. call them whatever names you like, they were never give a chance this season.

Big Tim

First Grade
To me, they are trying to hard to "create" artificial plays, rather than going with whats in front of them.

I was hoping this would disappear with the return of Kurt, as this is his game.


Its week f**king 6. What about my post says I hang myself on Stone's stone's?

My point is, again, ITS WEEK f**kING 6!

This club will go nowhere if everyone writes off every coach after 6 weeks into his tenure. Now you can say that he was there last year, but to me, that doesnt count as the players pretty much coached themselves at that stage.

I will gladly call a spade a spade, or Stone a dud if it is warranted, but its week f**king 6.

Its so easy to death ride someone, ala Karma, and then sit back and go "I told you so"

lolthread is in terms of "win, lose or draw" being a lynch Stone thread. Thats a hook.

Watch it man... we wouldn't want people to think that the Crusade are "telling everyone how to be real fans" now, would we?? :roll:


Stone is not the only problem we have. This is basically Smiths team,the players suited his gameplans and he got the best out of them. In some cases he had them over achieving. In fact the whole of last season the team over achieved. Smith has shown over the years he doesn't need the strongest roster to get results. Now he's gone though we are being shown up for what we are,a very very poor footy team.

I don't think there are many coaches who could get better results than Stone has with the team he is stuck with,i actually feel sorry for him. Not 1 of our players would be in the top 5 in the NRL for their position and seeing the difficulty we have in attracting decent players we are going to be bottom feeders for years yet. Get used to it boys,we're a long long way off being a competitive team again.