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With or without Rogers, Titans won't alter stance on Turner


cyberdj said:
Don't know of anywhere on the internet where the NRL Rules and Regulations are. I can't post what I have (and it isn't complete) as I don't have access to a scanner.

Thanks for the reply.

Just so I am clear, you don't have the complete copy of the "NRL Rules and Regulations" yet you keep referring back to it in your posts?

I dare suggest the legal minds of the NRL would be fully aware of the "NRL Rules and Regulations" on this matter before they came out and made it clear that they would be siding with the Gold Coast Titans on this matter - would that be a fair assumption?

All in all, again, I don't want this to head to court and I do not want to see a young talented player sitting on the sidelines for three years.


Perth Red said:
But would Rogers leave the ARU if the Titans hadn't offered him a contract? In some ways the Titans are enticing Rogers to try and get out of a contract by offering him a deal. It's a different scenario but has some links.

The Gold Coast Titans have not offered Matt Rogers a contract barring the deal he has signed for 2008 and 2009.

Michael Searle and John Cartwright have only suggested that if Matt Rogers was released from his current contractual agreement with the ARU/NSW Warratahs, we (Titans) would be interested in sitting down discussing a deal for 2007.


El Diablo said:
its used often when explaining why the Storm have no juniors and also quite often as a reasonan for low home crowds.

They do have an affiliation with the Victorian Junior Rugby League, they have some of their junior development teams playing curtain raisers, and they also have some teams from the top level comp playing curtain raisers.
They have a whole State to try and develop players from....

El Diablo

Post Whore
Perth Red said:
But would Rogers leave the ARU if the Titans hadn't offered him a contract? In some ways the Titans are enticing Rogers to try and get out of a contract by offering him a deal. It's a different scenario but has some links.

do you actually think before posting :?


cyberdj said:
They do have an affiliation with the Victorian Junior Rugby League, they have some of their junior development teams playing curtain raisers, and they also have some teams from the top level comp playing curtain raisers.
They have a whole State to try and develop players from....
An affiliation is no good if its not acted upon..and for developing a state,they could do worse than borrow some ideas from brisbane.


Assistant Moderator
Evolution said:
Even though he needs a release to go to the Titans from the ARU he is still walking out on a contract which still has a year to go.

You may not like my choice of words of ‘breaking’ a contract but he is still not committing to what he originally signed up for.
You still don't follow.

It takes two sides to agree to a termination of a contract. If only one side wants to terminate (and the other side still wants the contract honoured), then they are breaking the contract.

Rogers is NOT walking out on contract. He is NOT breaking a contract. He is seeking a release. There's a big difference.

With contracts, this is quite acceptable to ask for a release. If both parties agree to end the contract, then the contract terminates and there's no dramas.

However, if union said no and Rogers said, 'stuff it, I'm going to the Gold Coast anyway', then he is indeed walking away/breaking a contract. Just as Turner is trying to do. But that doesn't seem to be happening with Rogers.

Read it carefully.

Evolution said:
When Turner signed up for the Storm Melbourne had checked with the NRL if he had lodged a contract and they said no. As far as they were concerned he had no contract with the Titans when they did it.
Do you have a source for that?
I thought Turner asked for a release from the Titans but was denied.



Michael Searle said:
“We believe the NRL’s interim assessment of the validity of our agreement with Steve Turner, is a vindication of the integrity, professionalism and good faith that we have displayed in these negotiations. However, we believe the Storm attempting to sign Steve Turner, after we were very clear to the Storm that we had an agreement with Steve Turner is reprehensible. It shows a lack of respect for not only the Gold Coast Titans administration but Gold Coast Titans fans as well.”

“We were very clear with the Storm’s administration before they offered him a new three year deal that we had an agreement with Steve Turner that was legally enforceable and his manager was very clear that we had an agreement but they chose to ignore that very clear advice and sign Steve Turner anyway. Their actions were arrogant and showed complete contempt for our Club”

My understanding of the above is that Brian Waldron approached the Titans about releasing Steve Turner - Searle consulted with Cartwright in which a decision was made that we would not release the player - Melbourne go ahead and make the announcement.


Assistant Moderator
cyberdj said:
I don't believe the manager had anything to do with the Storm contract, he tried to help Turner once he'd found out what had happened. However he did contribute to the mess by not getting the written Titan's contract signed and submitted to the NRL in the ten days. Apparently, and I only have a post by Willow (see link below) as proof (but as an Administrator, he's/she's word is the TRUTH. A paper contract was delivered the day after the agreement, approximately 30 days later, it was still not signed and sent to the NRL... was the manager being lazy, was their an issue with the terms of the contract, why have the NRL forsaken their own Rules and Regulations???


nqboy said:
OT, but what makes an administrator's word the TRUTH any more than someone else's word?
LOL. What makes you think cyberdj is being up front with you?

This is the same fella who reckoned the media have an agenda against Turner and plays the Admin/Mod card at the drop of a hat.

Anyway, its not my word you need to accept. Here you go:

During a flying visit to the Gold Coast to celebrate his signing, the 21 year old said he had based his decision to move north on his desire to make a name for himself as a fulltime fullback.

Turner said, “The opportunity to play in my preferred position at fullback excites me. I have been behind some great players at the Storm and have been appreciative for the support they have shown me but the chance to concentrate on the number 1 jersey at a brand new club is something that is too good to pass up.”

Turner said, “The Titans have staff that I am familiar with; John (Cartwright) was my lower grade coach at the Panthers and I played with Satts (Scott Sattler) & also the chance to experience Billy Johnstone as a conditioner is very appealing. Let's hope I can leave the Storm on the highest note possible.”

The following day the Titans had a contract couriered to Steve Turner and his management.



First Grade
You're too touchy Willow. It was just a general question, not against you personally.


lol, thanks Willow, guess it's a proven fact that the contract was delivered the next day, and I don't have to take your word that it was the TRUTH.

DeeGan said:
Thanks for the reply.

Just so I am clear, you don't have the complete copy of the "NRL Rules and Regulations" yet you keep referring back to it in your posts?

I don't have a complete copy, doesn't mean I don't have the relevant section.

The Titans request for monetary compensation and two junior players is too high a price. Hope he enjoys his time playing for the Titans or twiddling his thumbs for three years. Unless of course he (and he alone) takes it to the courts and wins.



"A GUTTED John Cartwright has revealed his personal disgust at wing Steve Turner's refusal to join Gold Coast and claims the NRL's newest franchise is now better off without him."

So, why exactly are the Titans still pursuing their man? Is this proof that it is just a game of young Mr Searle trying to prove he has a bigger clock than anyone else?


Assistant Moderator
nqboy said:
You're too touchy Willow. It was just a general question, not against you personally.
I think you're reading too much into my response. Relax.

cyberdj said:
lol, thanks Willow, guess it's a proven fact that the contract was delivered the next day, and I don't have to take your word that it was the TRUTH.
Caps lock jammed?

By Postpak apparently.
You're most welcomed but its only a news release.


cyberdj said:
I don't have a complete copy, doesn't mean I don't have the relevant section.

So the answer is no ;-)

Again, it is fair to assume the legal minds (no disrespect, though you would have to imagine they are more knowledgable than anyone on this forum in relation to this subject) of the NRL are fully aware of all of the 'NRL Rules and Regulations' which was kept in mind when reviewing this case, a case the NRL has stated they side with the Gold Coast Titans.

As I said earlier (it is a trend here to repeat ones self), a court victory does not force the hand of the NRL to register a contract of a player who is direct breach of the stipulated "rules and regulations".

Molly said:
So, why exactly are the Titans still pursuing their man? Is this proof that it is just a game of young Mr Searle trying to prove he has a bigger clock than anyone else?

An example of not fully understanding the issue in it's entirety or someone casting a line looking for a bite? A bit of both perhaps? :lol:

You will find the club has all but given up on having Steve Turner in a Titans jersey, we are now pursuing compensation for the release of the player who has signed a contract with the Storm after agreeing to terms with the Gold Coast Titans in June 2006.

Search the forum for more threads/posts on this subject.


Assistant Moderator
Molly said:

"A GUTTED John Cartwright has revealed his personal disgust at wing Steve Turner's refusal to join Gold Coast and claims the NRL's newest franchise is now better off without him."

So, why exactly are the Titans still pursuing their man? Is this proof that it is just a game of young Mr Searle trying to prove he has a bigger clock than anyone else?

That article is less than a week old. The issue has been going on for months.

Can't say I blame Cartwright for being pissed off. He used to coach the kid. He took him on trust and he shook his hand on the deal.

Also from that article:

"We flew him up, showed him around for two or three days and he agreed to me that he would come here," Cartwright said.

"We shook hands. He looked me in the eye. The deal was done. He even started looking for accommodation.

"I only coached him in a couple of games at Penrith and my reaction has been the same as it would be for any player in this situation. But to do what he has done . . . I'm not happy. I'm extremely disappointed, to say the least."

Turner agreed to a three-year deal in July before backflipping in August and signing a significantly richer contract with the Storm.

In my opinion, any coach in this situation would eventually show his disappointment. Bellamy included.


First Grade
I can sum it all up everyone, no need for further discussion.

f**k Turner, that f**king f**k!

that is all.


First Grade
its a tallent, what can i say?

I fully support the Titans in this matter and hope they dont back down in any way.


El Diablo said:
Storm fans are as bad as Turder

Good post...one step closer to 20,000.

Time to reflect - 20,000 posts and not one of them meaningful in any way, shape or form.

Good job...turnip.