The rugby (union) crowd won't like seeing NSW and QLD in the World Cup, or Lancashire and Yorkshire, yeah they'll be on twitter trying to take the T Carney out of it, but they know that lots of ppl would be interested in seeing NSW vs. QLD, and Lancashire play, Will Greenwood will almost certainly tune in, he's a very proud Lancastrian, and sees himself as a Lancastrian before an Englishman.
Again, there would be no anthems, yes, countries in effect will be taking part, but it'll be a Rugby League World Cup, not an international tournament, it'll be a celebration of the game, and I don't want a rent a crowd, yes I'd want new ppl to come and watch but ones who may genuinely start to follow and support the sport, not the usual "in" crowd, by that I mean the ppl who follow what's in or going on at the time. Like the thousands of apparent cycling "fans", as the BBC put it last nite, following the Too-ur duh Froh-ncc in Yohrrrkk-shuur.