And they would all blow up if they saw that awarded a try in any local rugby leeague game.
I understand how the rule is applied. And from no one if the ball is ever dislodged legally from my grasp in a local game I will complain until they check the f**king video slow it down to prove that in a 1000th of a second I did not play at it when it came off my arm. :roll:
Rugby league was not meant to be refereed in that way. It's an absolute joke. You say we don't understand the rules, well on every f**king game on earth between the try lines that would be a straight up knock on called by the ref with no f**king complaints.
All of the above is absolutely correct - no question.
However, rather than everyone continuing to bitch about it, or rather than this kind of decision becoming common place, there are a couple of simple solutions which would ensure that it doesn't happen again:
Option 1
Remove the Video Referee completely from the game.
Option 2
Keep the Video Referee but remove the option to use slow motion replays. Additionally, you could limit the number of times they watch each shot.
Note: With both these solutions, you would need to ban clubs and media from using slow motion replays to pick referees performance apart.
The consequence of these options is simple:
- referees are empowered, they would not be afraid to make a decision, because no one would be slowing every decision down.
- common sense would be used, as they would be relying on their gut instinct - rather than looking for a technical breach.
- mistakes made by the referee would be easier for the fans to accept, as they are only getting one look at it (at full speed).
- consistency between the decisions made in general play and the in goal
Unfortunately, the likelihood of this occurring is less than 0%.
And for the record - I actually agree with the decision that was given. ONLY because that is the only decision that could have been made, given the video referee system that they have in place.
Without the video referee slowing down the shot, I have zero doubt that the on field referees would have said No Try.