Watched the Footy show last night.
Clearly everyone who knows anything about the Rules of Rugby League agrees it was a fair try and the decision to award it was correct.
The only people still bleating about it are showing how little they understand about the rules and the application of the rules by continually harping on with irrelevant and ill-informed comments that serve only to highlight their ignorance and immaturity in being unable to accept the reality of the situation.
One of the comments on the show last night was about how the "mug punters" are having a hard time accepting the decision because they don't understand how this rule is applied. This was from NSW commentators and players as well. The posts on this forum and in this thread arguing about it sure support that view. Its like a Cult of Mug Punter Denial.
And Springs and Valheru are the leaders of Jonestown
And they would all blow up if they saw that awarded a try in any local rugby leeague game. Or if they let that go in any other part of the field. It came off Inglis's hands and arms last = knock on.
I accept the reality of the situation. If you don't like our interpretations that f**k off. No one is forcing you to sit here and whinge back at us. For some reason you're the one who sounds so offended a lot of people actually f**king disagrees with you.
You're the one who seems to have very little understanding of the rules. Namely that if a player loses control of the ball and it goes forward off his hands it is a knock on. For some reason you seem to be unable to grasp that obvious detail, a major staple of rugby league as a sport. Why Karl, why can you not grasp this simple concept?
I understand how the rule is applied. And from no one if the ball is ever dislodged legally from my grasp in a local game I will complain until they check the f**king video slow it down to prove that in a 1000th of a second I did not play at it when it came off my arm. :roll:
Rugby league was not meant to be refereed in that way. It's an absolute joke. You say we don't understand the rules, well on every f**king game on earth between the try lines that would be a straight up knock on called by the ref with no f**king complaints. But now all of a sudden in the NRL in goals the rules f**king change. What a f**king joke. This isn't about NSW winning or losing. They were going to lose anyway and they deserved to lose. This is about rugby league changing the f**king rules continually, the video ref being a joke, NRL using different rulings from the rest of the sport and the NRL in goals using different rulings from the rest of the f**king field! If that was called a no try no one will be f**king complaining. However we better see every decision looked at repeatedly for intent and brain reaction because that's what this stupid decision was made on.
In every rugby league game since Wednesday = going to ground the ball, loses the ball after it's dislodged legally = knock on. Now we have to ref every decision in super slow motion and judge for intent and brain reaction if we are going to be consistent. That's what's f**ked about the decision. They are assuming Farah's intent to knock it out of his hands, if it was just to plant his foot there it would be ruled a knock on. They are also assuming Inglis loses intent to ground the ball after Farah's foot comes in contact with it, because it sure looks like his hands and arms touch the ball after that and it sure looks like he's still trying to ground it, but they assume differently. So now I want to see every decision judged on assumed intent of the player and how fast their brain reacts/if they are playing at the ball/where they think the ball is. That's what needs to be done to be consistent. Not just in the in goals but all over the f**king field.