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Worst Try In The History Of Origin


First Grade
Complete bullshit on all counts.


You're saying that. How rich. Tell me how Farah intentionally played at the ball then? Can you read his mind? You seem so sure of Inglis somehow not playing at it when trying to score a f**king try.

Anyway this sets a precedent now. From now on I want to see all knock-on/strip calls looked at. We have to determine"
a) Whether a player has intentionally or unintentionally knocked the ball from his opponent's grasp
b) If he did intentionally knock it loose, whether the player got a touch to it afterwards
c) If the player did get a touch afterwards, if he intentionally played at the ball after it was knocked free. Because if it hits his arm or hand after it has been dislodged he could not possibly have played at it after.
d) If the defender unintentionally dislodged the ball. From now on if the slightest touch from any body part of a defender dislodges the ball, the ball is live and any touch after that from either player will be deemed not playing at it because their brain could not possibly register in time to make a play at the ball after it has been dislodged (as it is a new play).

I trust all fans happy with the Inglis decision won't complain about the amount of time taken judging player's intent and brain reactions.

Stewie Griffin

So the rule changes. I'll wait now for the next ball that hit's a players arm or hands and goes forward - without him playing at it - to be ruled play on regardless of how many times it bounces ffs.

The refs have said that Farah kicked the ball out of Inglis' hands. If a ball is kicked and not played at, it is not a knock on.



Keep believing what you want. But the rest of us are going to listen to the guy who's spent 35 years referring the NRL Rules.
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First Grade
Watched the Footy show last night.

Clearly everyone who knows anything about the Rules of Rugby League agrees it was a fair try and the decision to award it was correct.

The only people still bleating about it are showing how little they understand about the rules and the application of the rules by continually harping on with irrelevant and ill-informed comments that serve only to highlight their ignorance and immaturity in being unable to accept the reality of the situation.

One of the comments on the show last night was about how the "mug punters" are having a hard time accepting the decision because they don't understand how this rule is applied. This was from NSW commentators and players as well. The posts on this forum and in this thread arguing about it sure support that view. Its like a Cult of Mug Punter Denial.

And Springs and Valheru are the leaders of Jonestown

And they would all blow up if they saw that awarded a try in any local rugby leeague game. Or if they let that go in any other part of the field. It came off Inglis's hands and arms last = knock on.

I accept the reality of the situation. If you don't like our interpretations that f**k off. No one is forcing you to sit here and whinge back at us. For some reason you're the one who sounds so offended a lot of people actually f**king disagrees with you.

You're the one who seems to have very little understanding of the rules. Namely that if a player loses control of the ball and it goes forward off his hands it is a knock on. For some reason you seem to be unable to grasp that obvious detail, a major staple of rugby league as a sport. Why Karl, why can you not grasp this simple concept?

I understand how the rule is applied. And from no one if the ball is ever dislodged legally from my grasp in a local game I will complain until they check the f**king video slow it down to prove that in a 1000th of a second I did not play at it when it came off my arm. :roll:

Rugby league was not meant to be refereed in that way. It's an absolute joke. You say we don't understand the rules, well on every f**king game on earth between the try lines that would be a straight up knock on called by the ref with no f**king complaints. But now all of a sudden in the NRL in goals the rules f**king change. What a f**king joke. This isn't about NSW winning or losing. They were going to lose anyway and they deserved to lose. This is about rugby league changing the f**king rules continually, the video ref being a joke, NRL using different rulings from the rest of the sport and the NRL in goals using different rulings from the rest of the f**king field! If that was called a no try no one will be f**king complaining. However we better see every decision looked at repeatedly for intent and brain reaction because that's what this stupid decision was made on.
In every rugby league game since Wednesday = going to ground the ball, loses the ball after it's dislodged legally = knock on. Now we have to ref every decision in super slow motion and judge for intent and brain reaction if we are going to be consistent. That's what's f**ked about the decision. They are assuming Farah's intent to knock it out of his hands, if it was just to plant his foot there it would be ruled a knock on. They are also assuming Inglis loses intent to ground the ball after Farah's foot comes in contact with it, because it sure looks like his hands and arms touch the ball after that and it sure looks like he's still trying to ground it, but they assume differently. So now I want to see every decision judged on assumed intent of the player and how fast their brain reacts/if they are playing at the ball/where they think the ball is. That's what needs to be done to be consistent. Not just in the in goals but all over the f**king field.



You're post submission has been sent to Bill Harrigan's complaints dept. Thankyou for your consideration.
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Watched the Footy show last night.

Clearly everyone who knows anything about the Rules of Rugby League agrees it was a fair try and the decision to award it was correct.

The only people still bleating about it are showing how little they understand about the rules and the application of the rules by continually harping on with irrelevant and ill-informed comments that serve only to highlight their ignorance and immaturity in being unable to accept the reality of the situation.

One of the comments on the show last night was about how the "mug punters" are having a hard time accepting the decision because they don't understand how this rule is applied. This was from NSW commentators and players as well. The posts on this forum and in this thread arguing about it sure support that view. Its like a Cult of Mug Punter Denial.

And Springs and Valheru are the leaders of Jonestown

Thanks for that derpy.

I am surprised you didn’t put more big words in there to try and make yourself feel better. Every single person other than one eyed QLD supporters knows it wasn’t a try. Had it been given a no try Harrigan would have come out and said “it hit is arm and went forward – no try”. Instead he is forced to back his officials and provide an essay like explanation of why it is a try.

If Farah in normal play kicks the ball and hits Inglis who is only 30cm away, standing still; or falling down in no relation to Farah's kick; and the ball rebounds off him, has he played at it? Is it a knock on? No.

In that case, the try is legal.

Again, even if (as most of NSWmen argue) Inglis did play at the ball after Farah's kick, it would constitute as a charge down, where in that case it isn't a knock on.

A charge down – that will do me

Keep believing what you want. But the rest of us are going to listen to the guy who's spent 35 years referring the NRL Rules.

Until QLD do actually get a bad decision against them in which case the QLD “passion” will come out with a royal inquiry and defecation of the Suncorp Stadium seats.



You're saying that. How rich. Tell me how Farah intentionally played at the ball then? Can you read his mind? You seem so sure of Inglis somehow not playing at it when trying to score a f**king try.

Anyway this sets a precedent now. From now on I want to see all knock-on/strip calls looked at. We have to determine"
a) Whether a player has intentionally or unintentionally knocked the ball from his opponent's grasp
b) If he did intentionally knock it loose, whether the player got a touch to it afterwards
c) If the player did get a touch afterwards, if he intentionally played at the ball after it was knocked free. Because if it hits his arm or hand after it has been dislodged he could not possibly have played at it after.
d) If the defender unintentionally dislodged the ball. From now on if the slightest touch from any body part of a defender dislodges the ball, the ball is live and any touch after that from either player will be deemed not playing at it because their brain could not possibly register in time to make a play at the ball after it has been dislodged (as it is a new play).

I trust all fans happy with the Inglis decision won't complain about the amount of time taken judging player's intent and brain reactions.

You are such an idiot.

I was going to reply in detail, but it would just be a repeat of the obviousness I have already explained in multiple previous posts. Grab the coolaid, have a lie down and wait for the spaceship to come out from behind the moon big fella.



And in all that time I'm sure you've praised every decision he's made.

'Praise' isn't the word I would use rather 'Respect'. I respect the guy who has been deservedly considered the best Ref in the NRL. If he had come out and said: "Knock-on" Fair enough, move on. He knows the rules better than anyone.


It all comes down to interpretation. If you're of the view that Farah kicked the ball out of Inglis' hands into him, and if you interpret Inglis as not playing at the ball at that moment. Then its a try.

I don't like the above interpretation because it assumes Farah was kicking at the ball, rather than just trying to place his foot between the ball and the ingoal. I also don't like it because it puts no responsibility on Inglis' part in moving the ball into Farah's foot in the first place. It was his motion of planting the ball down that caused the ball to hit Farah's foot and whilst still in the same motion, it came forward off his arm.

Just need more clarification in the rules I suppose. I would like to what the interpretation will be next time when someone gets up to play the ball, hits the opponents foot in trying to play it and the ball comes forward. Pretty sure thats been ruled a knock on in majority of cases.


And they would all blow up if they saw that awarded a try in any local rugby leeague game. Or if they let that go in any other part of the field. 1. It came off Inglis's hands and arms last = knock on.

I accept the reality of the situation. If you don't like our interpretations that f**k off. No one is forcing you to sit here and whinge back at us. For some reason you're the one who sounds so offended a lot of people actually f**king disagrees with you.

You're the one who seems to have very little understanding of the rules. Namely that 2. if a player loses control of the ball and it goes forward off his hands it is a knock on. For some reason you seem to be unable to grasp that obvious detail, a major staple of rugby league as a sport. Why Karl, why can you not grasp this simple concept?

I understand how the rule is applied. And from no one if the ball is ever dislodged legally from my grasp in a local game I will complain until they check the f**king video slow it down to prove that in a 1000th of a second I did not play at it when it came off my arm. :roll:

Rugby league was not meant to be refereed in that way. It's an absolute joke. You say we don't understand the rules, well on every f**king game on earth between the try lines that would be a straight up knock on called by the ref with no f**king complaints. 3. But now all of a sudden in the NRL in goals the rules f**king change. What a f**king joke. This isn't about NSW winning or losing. They were going to lose anyway and they deserved to lose. This is about rugby league changing the f**king rules continually, the video ref being a joke, NRL using different rulings from the rest of the sport and the NRL in goals using different rulings from the rest of the f**king field! If that was called a no try no one will be f**king complaining. However we better see every decision looked at repeatedly for intent and brain reaction because that's what this stupid decision was made on.
In every rugby league game since Wednesday = going to ground the ball, loses the ball after it's dislodged legally = knock on. Now we have to ref every decision in super slow motion and judge for intent and brain reaction if we are going to be consistent. That's what's f**ked about the decision. 4. They are assuming Farah's intent to knock it out of his hands, if it was just to plant his foot there it would be ruled a knock on. They are also assuming Inglis loses intent to ground the ball after Farah's foot comes in contact with it, because it sure looks like his hands and arms touch the ball after that and it sure looks like he's still trying to ground it, but they assume differently. So now I want to see every decision judged on assumed intent of the player and how fast their brain reacts/if they are playing at the ball/where they think the ball is. That's what needs to be done to be consistent. Not just in the in goals but all over the f**king field.

1. That is just wrong. Read the definition of a knock on in the Rules.

2. I grasp what you're saying you apocalyptic dingleberry, it just isn't the way it happened.

3. No, the rules have been like this for a while. Read them. Go on. It shouldn't take but a day or two for you.

4. No, Farah's intent is obvious from the video, because you can plainly see him shove his foot out. You don't need to be Einstein to work it out, but I understand that you're struggling with it. Your references to GI's intent etc are just a further illustration of how much you just don't understand the situation.

And thanks for the brilliant demonstration of how to use the F word as a punctuation mark while risking an aneurism.


Thanks for that derpy.

I am surprised you didn’t put more big words in there to try and make yourself feel better. Every single person other than one eyed QLD supporters knows it wasn’t a try. Had it been given a no try Harrigan would have come out and said “it hit is arm and went forward – no try”. Instead he is forced to back his officials and provide an essay like explanation of why it is a try.

A charge down – that will do me

Until QLD do actually get a bad decision against them in which case the QLD “passion” will come out with a royal inquiry and defecation of the Suncorp Stadium seats.

Not surprising that a grown man who uses the word "derpy" thinks normal language involves the use of "big words". And when you say "every single person" you meant really "every single person except all of the referees, all of the experienced Television commentators, all of the senior ex-players except Mr Early Onset Dementia Gould and except the coaches of both teams."

Right? Yeah. Thought so.


Not surprising that a grown man who uses the word "derpy" thinks normal language involves the use of "big words". And when you say "every single person" you meant really "every single person except all of the referees, all of the experienced Television commentators, all of the senior ex-players except Mr Early Onset Dementia Gould and except the coaches of both teams."

Right? Yeah. Thought so.

You're one of the ones taken in by Harrigan's explanation, watching you trying to justify an absolute howler is woeful


Not surprising that a grown man who uses the word "derpy" thinks normal language involves the use of "big words". And when you say "every single person" you meant really "every single person except all of the referees, all of the experienced Television commentators, all of the senior ex-players except Mr Early Onset Dementia Gould and except the coaches of both teams."

Right? Yeah. Thought so.

No – What I mean is exactly what I said, every single person other than one eyed QLD supporters knows it wasn’t a try.


Queenslanders have spent the past 2 days trying to justify the worst try in the history of origin.

Lame. :lol: