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So, you're stalking Madunit.

I'm not sure he'll be flattered.

He had a stats hread?

I wonder if that hurt?

So, in order to be considered intelligent by you, they should avoid being "associated" with EA?

A nickname on a forum?

Do you read your own posts... you should.

bullsh*t, you crack one every time you see big bad boofy Barney Hull. LOL

Thank Christ they have tits otherwise I'd be struggling.

Stick to wanting Big bag bouncing Barry Hull mate, you can't afford me. ;)

No, definitely not staking. Far from it.

I do know how to spell, funnily enough I liken putting s..t on someone's typos to be about as mature as a 2 day old baby, but hey, I guess that's your level, isn't it.

EA is not a nickname - you are that person, if you put your proper name up there I'd still tell him that associating with you has obviously brought him down over the years because you are the cumbest dunt that I have ever had the dis-pleasure of reading.

And for the third time, the Swans are sh*te.



Wait, no.....

Doesn't MOTH own the copy"wright" on that?

errrrrr, no.


This is fun, you have no idea do you... LOL

Yeah, it's cutting me up.

Let me guess, sacked for "unneccesary fellatio" ?

Is it.

I wouldn't know.

I'll take your word for it.

I didn't care when I said it and I don't care now, but you keep telling it girlfriend...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, touche.... :lol:

What's a Hird?

A geniused Turd or something?

Please explain...

No not sacked. When you see one of your work colleagues get stabbed in the neck you tend to want to find anther profession.

But hey you spend so much time whacking off to photoshop you wouldn't know what it is like to put your life on the line every day you go to work.

But hey, I'm off to my highly paying job now that affords me the luxuries that I have, while you trawl the internet looking for more photos.

Catch ya later princess.

I still own you.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I used to read your posts all the time, on the official forum (the old one) before it crashed, and then on here where you took over.

I know you were, at one stage, an intelligent guy. A massive Nigel Plum fan - you played Oztag with him in the bush?? You had a 1,000 page stats hread on the old site.

That's why I'm f.....g surprised to see you asociate with the level of intelligence of someone like the EA.

And no unit, I'm not going to the Swans game. I f....g hate those merkins.

It's good to see that EA knows a girl though.

Maybe he can take away the sexual frustration of not being able to... What's one of his quirks... Oh yeah, piss on you - you know, seeing as though you are taken and all.
wow, you knew me at another forum from 5 years ago.

SO do another few thousand people.

EA was a member of that forum too I believe, albeit didn't post very often.

SO I'm taken now, yet just a few posts ago you were all but saying I had never been close to a female.

make up your mind f**k knuckle
No, definitely not staking. Far from it.

bullsh*t, you want to wear the Unit's arse as a face-mask, admit it.

You have all the typical stalker qualities, AFL fan, ex-copper sacked for having and acting upon sexual tendancies that would make a bestiality porn maker look like Mother Teresa, and you're stupid.

I do know how to spell, funnily enough I liken putting s..t on someone's typos to be about as mature as a 2 day old baby, but hey, I guess that's your level, isn't it.

That was a typo?

No mate, you misunderstood, I thought the word "hread" meant something that might hurt.

Jeez you jump to conclusions.

EA is not a nickname - you are that person, if you put your proper name up there I'd still tell him that associating with you has obviously brought him down over the years because you are the cumbest dunt that I have ever had the dis-pleasure of reading.

Nah, EA is a nickname, wake up to yourself you nong.

Seriously, read your post. Do you realise just how f**king lame you are?

I mean really who bothers with "disguising" curse words any more?

9 year olds?

And for the third time, the Swans are sh*te.

They are your masturbation material.

You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
No not sacked. When you see one of your work colleagues get stabbed in the neck you tend to want to find anther profession.

I feel sorry for your ex-colleague, and not just for the stabbing.

But hey you spend so much time whacking off to photoshop you wouldn't know what it is like to put your life on the line every day you go to work.

I've never used photoshop and I wouldn't know where to start.

I use this thing called google, maybe you've "Hird" of it?

Life on the line.....

FMD, why is it that every single pissant I ever get stuck into on this f**king thing wants to tell me their life story?

I don't care.

I really and truly couldn't give a rat's arse.

Stop giving me ammo you idiot.

But hey, I'm off to my highly paying job now that affords me the luxuries that I have, while you trawl the internet looking for more photos.

So, ex-cooper trannie pros get plenty of money?

I'll keep that in mind the next time I'm looking for a career change.

More "Look at me I'm better than you" sh*t.

You aren't. You're a dickhead who almost certainly has a job that a spoont cleaner at the MCG wouldn't want.

Your arse is splattered all over this forum you nong simply because you bit.

Catch ya later princess.

I still own you.

Yeah, sure you do.

And when the pixies and fairies wake you up tonight for your fisting appointment with the prince, this sh*t will all be gone.....


I know him but that is really a side issue.

I have witnessed some pieces of your work in TFC. They were far more impressive than this and without the necessity for a wing man.

Merely making a comment on the poor nature of this flare up in comparisson to others around the forum.
I know him but that is really a side issue.

I have witnessed some pieces of your work in TFC. They were far more impressive than this and without the necessity for a wing man.

Merely making a comment on the poor nature of this flare up to others around the forum.


No offence, but your opinion wasn't asked for and is irrelevant.

He's your mate, fair enough. Just leave it at that.


My opinion is rarely asked for. But I tend to give it anyway.

Even you would have to admit that this one would not make your highlights reel


Super Moderator
Staff member
sh*t this didn't take long hahaha

a tribute thread to one of the great softcock nongs we have ever seen.



My take is that Wrighty has raised your ire in regards to Ping Pong apologists. The Prince and internet hero v phone hero stuff was just gravy
Nah, wrong place at the wrong time. TFC is a bit slow at the moment and that crap he said gave me some ammo. He's been doing the rest himself.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sorry, I felt compelled to put the entire Wrighty arse kicking saga into this marvellous thread.


Super Moderator
Staff member

My take is that Wrighty has raised your ire in regards to Ping Pong apologists. The Prince and internet hero v phone hero stuff was just gravy
or maybe he's a softcock supporter who will turn his nose up at Rugby league altogether to watch a bunch of softcock nancy ballers play grabarse for 2 hours.