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WWE Royal Rumble 2011 *SPOILERS*


Thought the whole Rumble was class. The Nexus thing was different, but think it lasted too long. They got rid of three people doing the same thing back-to-back-to-back, and then pretty much the same again back-to-back with Khali and Booker T. I was that fed up of it I was actually glad Cena came out! Think Punk should have lasted longer though.

Diesel?! Didn't see that one coming! Loved it!

Cent and Orton stare down was funny as no-one really gave a crap! It was no Austin/Rock moment really, was it!

And Alberto del Rio is the man! Although it would have been hilarious if Santino had won. I'd genuinely forgotten all about him rolling out the ring! Thought it was a good ending!

No Kong though. Disappointed.


First Grade
Decent PPV.

For some reason I struggle watching regular 1 on 1 matches these days. The Orton/Miz match didnt really get me. Ziggler/Edge was nice.

The 40 man rumble was good and really makes sense. The rumble is the best match so why not have more of it. The Nexus thing was good and I dont think it went for too long, and I would of liked to of seen Punk in longer.

I havent watched much of Alberto but I liked him instantly with his slow entrance. And I loved the Santino ending. Just for that split second when Santino came from under the ring you thought he might run over and knock him out for what would of been hilarious.

But instead he did the eye poke and that stupid march around the ring and you knew Alberto would still win haha.

On a serious note, while not world champion mateiral, Santino should be used as a decent wrestler as he is actually enjoyable to watch and can make people laugh. Funniest wrestler WWE has had in years.
Ziggler vs Edge will be a MOTY contender, it was very good, and made Dolph look strong despite losing

Randy vs Miz was solid, if nothing else. Punk's interference was confusing but I'm sure we will learn why on Raw

Divas match was a decent divas match, I thought the swerve was funny, considering everyone expected Kong. I have no drama with Eve holding the belt, Kong needs to squash someone upon arrival, better Eve than Beth or Natalya or Laycool.

I really enjoyed the rumble, although I wish Punk lasted longer, so the "NO! The arrogant heel could go the distance" could be played out a little better, even if he went out around the time #30-35 came in, it would've created the feeling. Moments that left me stunned:
1. J-Mo's spiderman
2. Ryan dumping Khali on his own, ditto Zeke getting Big show
3. Cena getting dumped
4. Del Rio winning it clean
5. Santino coming back in, my thought process was basically "oh no, he won't....will he...thank god"

Moments that made me lol
1. When McGillicutty came in, and Punk orders him to "hurt people!"
2. CM Punk's "WHAT'S UP" when he was beating down R-Truth
3. The look on Sheamus' face when Hornswoggle was going for the sweet SHIN music
4. Pretty much the entire Sheamus/Hornswoggle moments, including Sheamus obliterating him with the brogue kick
wtf? who is alberto del rio? i see you guys think hes neato so hes obviously the goods, but at the time i was thinking he was some jobber, I havent watched raw in ages and smackdown in way longer so this was a massive surprise. i mean he has some wierd guy talking sh*t in another language on the outside, it screams of la resistance or muhamad hussan, another lame international character. then he wins, i couldn't believe it! and then santino i was like no f**king way, he was a joke when i last watched, then i thought hmmm miz has gone from the real world to hosting diva search contests to wwe champion, why not santino? but no. blown away. is del rio really that good?


First Grade
the whole orton/cena stare down had a HHH return all over it, but didn't happen, kane as the 40th was a bit of a downer but overall a decent PPV

zombie jesus

Staff member
wtf? who is alberto del rio? i see you guys think hes neato so hes obviously the goods, but at the time i was thinking he was some jobber, I havent watched raw in ages and smackdown in way longer so this was a massive surprise. i mean he has some wierd guy talking sh*t in another language on the outside, it screams of la resistance or muhamad hussan, another lame international character. then he wins, i couldn't believe it! and then santino i was like no f**king way, he was a joke when i last watched, then i thought hmmm miz has gone from the real world to hosting diva search contests to wwe champion, why not santino? but no. blown away. is del rio really that good?



To those who haven't seen Del Rio is one of the best character's in years in the wwe. He is less of an evil foriegner he is more a Mexican JBL, He just oozes class his facial expressions his mannerisms are all superb. He has a very good finisher simple but looks effective. Really the guy is the future of the WWE and whilst it might be a bit early to be winning the Royal Rumble for him it's better then Cena and Orton non stop. Just need to see there face off during the match you could hear crickets chirp Booker T and Diesel got way bigger pops.


I remember i was substituting in a high school in NSW 7 or 8 years ago and 1 day i cancelled English class so everyone could watch Yokozuna Vs Undertaker from rumble 93 on a visdeo id made about 10 years earlier:) they were suitably impressed. The death of the Undertaker. then WWF magazine started publishing 'sitings' of the undertaker around the world in places like the copocabana in his undertaker swimming garb:eek:


Ordered my first PPV in years.

Very impressed with Edge vs Ziggler.

Miz is getting better in the ring, glad they left the title on him, Cena v Miz should be awesome.

But does this mean they are just going to drop the Cena vs Punk thing? If so that is very disappointing (having said that I hope they don't go triple threat or fatal four way at mania).

CM Punk is the best character and wrestler today IMO, he was awesome in the rumble again, plays the sick cult leader role perfectly.

Diesel? Wow that was such a blast from the past, I hope he hangs around for 6 months and has someone like Miz, Kofi or Del Rio "retire" him.


I never was a fan of CM Punk until he actually got the world title, I love him now.

He is the new Chris Jericho in the business.

I'll have to see some footage of this Del Rio guy, but he looked like some crap jobber who came out in a car, did nothing in the Rumble besides throw the last man out.


Staff member
I kinda of had a feeling they would go Del Rio as the winner once they got to the 4 (5). Cena and Orton had won it already and obviously Orton has another storyline and now so does Cena. And Wade has his group to build up plus hes been in the spotlight way too much. I've started liking Del Rio, has that 'it' factor which a number of the experienced wrestlers like Morrison are missing.
wtf? who is alberto del rio? i see you guys think hes neato so hes obviously the goods, but at the time i was thinking he was some jobber, I havent watched raw in ages and smackdown in way longer so this was a massive surprise. i mean he has some wierd guy talking sh*t in another language on the outside, it screams of la resistance or muhamad hussan, another lame international character. then he wins, i couldn't believe it! and then santino i was like no f**king way, he was a joke when i last watched, then i thought hmmm miz has gone from the real world to hosting diva search contests to wwe champion, why not santino? but no. blown away. is del rio really that good?

Del Rio debuted last July/August (after a month of pre-recorded promos), around the time of Summerslam from memory, and was thrust into a long fued with Rey Mysterio (injuring him along with Hardy and Christian), beating him pretty often, that's how highly the 'E rate him. Probably the number 2 heel on Smackdown prior to the rumble behind Barrett (he was also behind Kane during his title reign). He was on team smackdown at BR last year, and also captained a team at Survivor Series against Rey's team. He competed in a 4 Man TLC match at TLC last year for the World title (against Edge, Rey and Kane), but lost. He's been a big part of Smackdown over the past 6 months.

As mentioned his gimmick is very JBL, but he plays it too perfection, he is extremely charismatic and also impressive in the ring. I've heard that when Rey goes Del Rio will be the guy they use to promote the WWE in Mexico.
Apparently he says he has signed with WWE Developmental, while CMLL claim he is still under contract.

While Del Rio has done well dropping his Dos Caras Jr. character in the WWE, I really would like to see them keep a Mexican luchador under a mask.


Staff member
As mentioned his gimmick is very JBL, but he plays it too perfection, he is extremely charismatic and also impressive in the ring. I've heard that when Rey goes Del Rio will be the guy they use to promote the WWE in Mexico.

Ah didn't think about that, so much likeness between the two characters.
Really liking how the WWE have portrayed Del Rio, from the different cars, to his ring announcer to the towel around his neck.

Big Pete

Finally caught the Rumble.

From top to bottom...

- I liked the New Nexus/Corre interaction to start the Rumble, very different and it addressed a spot that otherwise would've been a pain to set up given all 9 members would had to of been in the ring at the same time.

- Cool to see Striker acknowledge Punk/Bryan's roots.

- In fact I enjoyed the start of the Rumble and thought each wrestler at least got one spot in. Liked Ryder's spot (what's the name of his finisher?), the Regal/Bryan upper cut off and even Chavo finally hitting the three amigos.

- Still amazed Morrison hit that spot, he looked really sloppy and nervous early on but when he hit that spot - WOW I was gobsmacked. Even the replays further enhance how impressive it was. Thank f**k some d**k head fan didn't ruin that.

- New Nexus teaming up was good story telling, it probably dragged a little but that's being picky on my part.

- Can live with Cena eliminating New Nexus, I mean he is supposed to be the number one face in the company. If it came as any shock then dare I say you should check out how dominant Hogan, Austin and Rock were before you act as if this whole super face thing is limited to Cena.

- Can live with the Hornswaggle spot, wish they hadn't of buried Tyson Kidd though, I really rate his in-ring work.

- Just like an ODI, the Rumble picked up in the second half and was basically your standard Rumble match. Can live with Del Rio winning, it's a new face in the title scene, he's an all-round good pro wrestler and it was something of a shock since he seemed like an obvious red herring.

- :lol: @ reports Riley was accidently eliminated, always wondered what would happen if somebody was eliminated prematurely and I guess this Rumble was an example of it. They recovered well.

Haven't watched the other three matches but it doesn't surprise me Ziggler/Edge was a very good match, Ziggler has been on a role and I think even Edge has picked up his game lately, I caught a match he had with Gabriel and I thought it was pretty good by his standards, also a big win for Gabriel, wish they'd talk it up more.

Orton/Miz sounds like a typical fizzle match.

Divas match sounded good considering what it was.
- Cool to see Striker acknowledge Punk/Bryan's roots.

Striker: The internet would be loving this right now
Cole: Who gives a crap about the internet Matt :lol:

I love how Cole rips on smarks, mainly because 95% of them get waaaaaaay too worked up about it

- Still amazed Morrison hit that spot, he looked really sloppy and nervous early on but when he hit that spot - WOW I was gobsmacked. Even the replays further enhance how impressive it was. Thank f**k some d**k head fan didn't ruin that.

Someone spills their coke and he probably has 3-4 broken ribs.

- Can live with Cena eliminating New Nexus, I mean he is supposed to be the number one face in the company. If it came as any shock then dare I say you should check out how dominant Hogan, Austin and Rock were before you act as if this whole super face thing is limited to Cena.

Agreed, the number 1 face will always be incredibly dominant, and people will always hate on them for that. Pre 2005 I'd say about 95% of the current Cena-haters loved the guy.

- :lol: @ reports Riley was accidently eliminated, always wondered what would happen if somebody was eliminated prematurely and I guess this Rumble was an example of it. They recovered well.

I think he had gone out before Miz went on about how smart he was playing it. I was looking for him when Miz said that but I couldn't find him. Apparently in 2005 the original finish with Batista/Cena both going over and it ending in a tie was a botch.

Bulldog Force

I hated it. I hated it. I hated it!

What the hell happened to my favorite PPV?

I'm going to start now and do a top-down.

  1. With a 40 man rumble, you'd naturally expect MORE wrestlers in the ring. No. All this did was pro-long the main event.
  2. The most wrestlers I ever saw in the ring at the same time was 8 and that was when 4 Nexus members were in. Whatever happened to the Royal Rumble where the ring was packed with wrestlers and there was hardly any room to move, like in 2009? I love it when the ring is packed and people are just beating each other. I haven't seen that in a long time.
  3. For the 3rd straight year, the final entrant was not a big name or surprise. Most of you guys probably don't care that much, but when are we going to see another John Cena of 2008? Why the hell are they boring this rumble out? It would've been awesome to see Triple H there. In fact I think everyone was expecting it. Nope. Not a thing
  4. Nexus eliminating everyone the came to the ring was cringe-worthy. In fact every stupid idiot running down to the ring and try to do a rambo and out-muscle the 4 Nexus members in the ring was just plain stupid. It was always going to end in 1 result. Then, John Cena, who ALWAYS was on the wrong end of a Nexus 5 on 1 attack, manages to get in and eliminate all of them? Not buying it!
  5. Orton & Ziggler entering made their previous title matches on the night quite redundant by having them in the rumble, don't you think? What was the supposed outcome if they won the rumble and won their respective titles? Go onto Wrestlemania as champion and #1 contender and face themselves?
  6. Also, I'm SO SICK of outside interference being used as a legitimate cause for wrestlers eliminated from the rumble ie, Miz eliminating Orton. IMO if a wrestler is pushed over the top rope by someone NOT in the rumble, he should be allowed to re-enter. I know it's only entertainment, but it's cringe-worthy.
  7. The heel/face/heel/face thing is getting old now and the winners should not alternate between heels and faces every year, it should be who deserves it. I agree Alberto did deserve it, but it would've been more fitting if a face receiving a push won it.
If the 2012 Rumble is ANYTHING like this, I'm not going to follow wrestling anymore!

Big Pete

I respect your right to have an opinion Bulldogs Force but honestly I can't understand for the life of me what you find entertaining about seeing 10-12 people doing nothing but lying on the ground as one or two wrestlers stagger around the ring. It's the equivalent of watching Rugby League to see the scrums.

I think 8 is a good number - enough room to put on a good match while creating a nice spectacle with the amount of participants in the ring.

As for your other points, I'm glad there wasn't a surprise entrant, it was great the first time around because it wasn't genuinly expected. However since then and with the appearances of Rob Van Dam and Edge an expectation has been formed that was beginning to grow stale. I'm glad they're saving Triple H for after EC, it would have been difficult to drag out that Sheamus feud until Mania.

Also to correct you, it was 4-1 and they were all exhausted after dealing with 5 different wrestlers and prior to Cena, the returning Kahli. Cena took advantage, used his where withall and eliminated 3 of them until Hornswaggle came in and assisted in the elimination of CM Punk. I would've preferred Punk to of been in Santino's spot, now that would have been an awesome swerve.

For that to of happened, Orton couldn't of been in the match, which you made a good point of, didn't make much sense kayfabe wise. Business wise, his appearance was used as a barometre for a potential Cena/Orton feud which thankfully failed (and terribly mind you) to garner any kind of reaction.

I forgot to mention another highlight, I really enjoyed the Celtic Connection with Sheamus and McIntyre teaming up. A few months ago I thought up an idea of having Sheamus and McIntyre joining Nexus under the guise that they were interested in a new era in wrestling as they had shown by 'retiring' Triple H (Sheamus) and The Undertaker (McIntyre). I thought by having them join it would have given the group more credibility instead of being filled with rookies who in a kayfabe sense could easily be thwarted with the right attitude. The only issue would have been keeping Barrett as the central focus and the group being too big. The latter issue would have been easy to solve even without injuries and releases coming into the mix, Gabriel (Smackdown) and Bryan (Raw) would have broken out on their own, Young and McGuillicutty would never of been called up and I would've paired Husky with Rhodes.

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