Randy vs Jeff - fantastic cell match, the ear stuff makes me wince, but psychotic Orton is a fantastic heel. Hopefully Jeff takes some much needed time off, his bump card is surely almost up, while Randy can move on to something new, although all the faces on SD are occupied at the moment.
Flair vs Lynch - good stuff, although they have the face/heel dynamic all wrong here, expecting a double turn down the line before they wreck both characters
Tag team - decent if a little long, some very good action and false finishes, surely the rivalry can continue for a few more months, it has potential.
AJ/Joe - I enjoyed this, although it should have been more of a wild brawl. The ending works and will keep the story going, although Joe needs to go over next time, or he risks falling into the trap of being a heel who talks a big game but never backs it up.
Rousey vs Bliss - good stuff again, Rhonda is fantastic and Bliss is improving every week. Time to Bliss to move down the card for a bit and her Evolution match vs Trish will let her do this.
Mixed Tag - I wish they would stop trying to make the Bellas happen, let's be real, the women's revolution was supposed to move us away from the likes of the Bellas and to more competent in ring workers. Miz going over works though and builds the story along more, although Brie taking the fall protects Bryan.
Main event - good hard hitting action although the match being thrown out after that was a little weak, although both men are protected. I guess Brock will come to Melbourne and move a few more tickets (sales may be poor).
Overall I thought the show was good, although there may have been a few too many screwy finishes for my liking.