posted by strong_latte
Are you serious? Just look at an XBOX's specs... it's nothing but "PC lite" mate! It runs on an 733Mgh cpu and a Geforce 3 graphics card with very little ram... Now take my computer, which could be alot better still, it runs on a 3.2 GHZ CPU, has over a gig in system ram and 256 megs of DDR400 video ram and runs on an Nvidia Geforce 6800GT (and you can go up to an ultra)... The graphics card alone is 3 generations ahead of what the XBOX offers!
Rugby League 1 may not have pushed the XBOX all the way, but it was still alot smoother on PC
yeah when you look at the specs alone PC's kill it and right now the best graphics i have seen is on PC in Half life 2 and doom 3 for example, but only a very small amount of developers with huge capital are able to get that quality graphics on pc, consoles dont need excess processing power to run operating systems in the back ground and the games are speciffivcally designed for the console in theory resulting in no framrate issues and what not.
No matter how graphically improved rugby league 2 is a direct pc port to xbox is possible without any loss in quality besides the fact that PC would be able to run it in a higher res and xbox only outpus 480i in OZ.
The creators of Doom 3 one of the best looking games on PC said the xbox version would be very similar in the graphix department to the PC version...they also said xbox was the only console it could run on....
If sidhe do the port right it should be identicall to the PC version running on a mad PC.