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You set of knobs!



Gerard Beale may represent the last of rugby league's dual internationals as Australia considers tightening eligibility rules for players who represent their junior teams before pledging allegiance to the Kiwis.
Beale's selection in the Kiwis 19-man squad for Friday's Anzac test, less than 12 months after he played for the Junior Kangaroos against their New Zealand counterparts in a two-match series, has prompted the Australian Rugby League (ARL) to call for a review of the eligibility process.
A cousin of All Black legend Zinzan Brooke, Brisbane-born Beale - a 20-year-old fullback for the Broncos - qualifies for the Kiwis through his New Zealand-born parents so had the option to represent both countries.
Current eligibility rules stipulate a player can only represent one country at full international level, there is nothing to stop them representing Australia as a junior and then the Kiwis - or vice versa.
However, ARL chief executive Geoff Carr said a review was justified.
"You would think by the time they reach under-19 level they could make a hard and fast decision about playing for New Zealand or Australia," he told The Courier Mail newspaper.
Beale's switching sides continues a trend that has also seen Kiwis captain Benji Marshall and his halves partner on Friday night Kieran Foran both play for Australian Schoolboys' teams before representing the Kiwis.
Marshall faced the haka in 2003 while a student at Keebra Park High on the Gold Coast; Sydney-raised Foran turned out for NSW under-17 and the Australian Schoolboys four years later.
Foran, who was born in Auckland, explained he had no choice but to represent Australia because he was schooled there adding: "As a kid I always wanted to wear the black and white. I consider myself a Kiwi."
Marshall said Beale faced a difficult dilemma before turning his back on State of Origin.
"It's a tough call living in Queensland with the Maroons being so successful," he said.
Since Stephen Kearney took charge of the Kiwis in 2008 the New Zealand Rugby League (NZRL) has been active in reminding Australia-based juniors with heritage across the Tasman that New Zealand could fulfil their sporting aspirations.
Seminars featuring former Kiwis legends Ruben Wiki and Australian-born 2008 World Cup-winning skipper Nathan Cayless have been held in Sydney and Melbourne - before last year's Anzac test - as the hunt for the next generation of Kiwis continues.
Meanwhile, Kearney told NZPA he was not overly concerned about under-19s being incorporated under revised eligibility rules.
"I don't think it's an issue," he said, confident potential Kiwis were increasingly aware of the pathway the NZRL offered.


not to mention the fact that around 40-45% of the NYC players have islander/kiwi heritage..knowing full well that the island nations don't have u20's national teams therefor tying these kids into australia or NZ before they even know what they want to do...wankers!!

how long ago was that leaked richard lewis 'eligibility' email??? you know the one where he said that the aussies & kiwis don't want to change the eligibility laws because they reap the most rewards of players being able to nation hop.....and now the aussies have lost some no name kid to NZ they want to tighten everything up??


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:lol: im glad i can laugh at this after a few beers, what an absolute joke the ARL are!

Any RL journalist worth his salt would rip righty into any ARL official over this whole situation.. let them know that the bubble they live in has a swinging door


not to mention the fact that around 40-45% of the NYC players have islander/kiwi heritage..knowing full well that the island nations don't have u20's national teams therefor tying these kids into australia or NZ before they even know what they want to do...wankers!!

how long ago was that leaked richard lewis 'eligibility' email??? you know the one where he said that the aussies & kiwis don't want to change the eligibility laws because they reap the most rewards of players being able to nation hop.....and now the aussies have lost some no name kid to NZ they want to tighten everything up??



I don't follow, maybe you could explain what you're getting your knickers in a twist over?

Evil Homer

Staff member
I don't follow, maybe you could explain what you're getting your knickers in a twist over?
Geoff Carr seems to be suggesting that a review of eligibility rules is needed now that a player has chosen NZ ahead of Australia. This despite the fact that Carr and his cronies have completely ignored the larger issues surrounding eligibility for years, and in fact have been more than willing to disregard the rules completely in situations where there has been some benefit to Australia. Furthermore, the rule changes that Carr is proposing have no precedent in international sport, would be massively advantageous for Australia and crippling for other nations. Geoff Carr is an absolute disgrace and should be removed from the game immediately. In fact I would suggest that, if he somehow manages to pass this ruling, smaller nations should attempt to sue the ARL because this is scandalous.
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First Grade
Settle down spud, we all know Geoff Carr is an imbecile who has no idea. This would never be allowed in any sport. Countries such as wales, Scotland etc would suffer just as much as the pacific islands. It would never happen!
Poms are the biggest hypocrites of all. They whinge and point fingers at Australia (but never new Zealand) and then not only have players like Danny Brough and a dozen others switching from the Celtic nations to England but also blatantly ring in players who are born AND bred elsewhere like Faasavalu and Evans. What it all comes back to is a clear and disgraceful hatred of Australia and Australians and an ignorant and discriminatory attitude towards the idea of players of Polynesian and Melanesian heritage playing for Australia, even when most of them are born here. And then they jump up and down and call US backward. Hypocracy at its worst.
Poms are the biggest hypocrites of all. They whinge and point fingers at Australia (but never new Zealand) and then not only have players like Danny Brough and a dozen others switching from the Celtic nations to England but also blatantly ring in players who are born AND bred elsewhere like Faasavalu and Evans. What it all comes back to is a clear and disgraceful hatred of Australia and Australians and an ignorant and discriminatory attitude towards the idea of players of Polynesian and Melanesian heritage playing for Australia, even when most of them are born here. And then they jump up and down and call US backward. Hypocracy at its worst.

Well said dude!!

Evil Homer

Staff member
Poms are the biggest hypocrites of all. They whinge and point fingers at Australia (but never new Zealand) and then not only have players like Danny Brough and a dozen others switching from the Celtic nations to England but also blatantly ring in players who are born AND bred elsewhere like Faasavalu and Evans. What it all comes back to is a clear and disgraceful hatred of Australia and Australians and an ignorant and discriminatory attitude towards the idea of players of Polynesian and Melanesian heritage playing for Australia, even when most of them are born here. And then they jump up and down and call US backward. Hypocracy at its worst.
Come on ECT, it's one thing picking players that qualify on shaky grounds and another altogether admitting to selectively applying rules, and going even further than that by proposing new rules designed to effectively crush other nations, simply because something happened that the ARL didn't like. I'm no advocate of the selection of the likes of Evans and Fa'asavalu, far from it. But the actions of Carr here are absolutely outrageous.


It is something England Australia and New Zealand have all been happy doing for a while now.

Maybe what is needed is some International power to other nations, maybe Wales, Fiji or somewhere...
Geoff Carr seems to be suggesting that a review of eligibility rules is needed now that a player has chosen NZ ahead of Australia. This despite the fact that Carr and his cronies have completely ignored the larger issues surrounding eligibility for years, and in fact have been more than willing to disregard the rules completely in situations where there has been some benefit to Australia. Furthermore, the rule changes that Carr is proposing have no precedent in international sport, would be massively advantageous for Australia and crippling for other nations. Geoff Carr is an absolute disgrace and should be removed from the game immediately. In fact I would suggest that, if he somehow manages to pass this ruling, smaller nations should attempt to sue the ARL because this is scandalous.

Players have been choosing NZ for a while (Swain back in 1999?).

Could you give an example of when the eligibility rules were ignored?

I'm not sure what you think Carr is suggesting, but I think it's fair the Aussies would want to do something about players switching allegiances after representing Aus at a certain level. In rugby union, once you play for the national 2nd 15-a-side or even 7's, you cannot play for another country (at least in league you can switch countries after a mandatory stand down).
It is something England Australia and New Zealand have all been happy doing for a while now.

Maybe what is needed is some International power to other nations, maybe Wales, Fiji or somewhere...
No, no, no. It's only Australia that does it. Haven't you been listening to the whinging poms for the last decade. Australia is the root of all evil and no one else does any wrong. Richard Lewis is deputy chairman of the RLIF but bears no blame on anything. He is also the boss of the RFL which is happy to see players like Danny Brough, Barrie McDermott, Gary Connolly, Terry O'Connor, Jimmy Lowes, Gareth Carvell, Keith Mason, Ben Harrison, Chris Bridge and God knows how many others switch to England after playing for a Celtic nation and is also happy to recruit players to England who are not born in England, not bred in England and only lived in England because an English club paid them to. But he is beyond blame for any of it and poms in general are totally above blame. It's all Australia's fault.

There is only one possible motivation for this ridiculous hypocracy, and you need only look at the particular kind of hatred towards Australia and Australians that only northerners produce. This despite their entire professional game over there being reliant on Australian players and coaches, not to mention the finances of the RFL being dependent on Australian touring teams.They need us more than we need them yet they still hate us and everything we do. Even when they do exactly the same things.

Evil Homer

Staff member
Could you give an example of when the eligibility rules were ignored?
Is this a joke? If you seriously want an example, Jarryd Hayne was selected for Australia a year after playing for Fiji at the World Cup.

I'm not sure what you think Carr is suggesting, but I think it's fair the Aussies would want to do something about players switching allegiances after representing Aus at a certain level. In rugby union, once you play for the national 2nd 15-a-side or even 7's, you cannot play for another country (at least in league you can switch countries after a mandatory stand down).
No, it's not fair, it's absolutely f**king unbelievable. I don't give a f**k what Union do but those rules make a hell of a lot more sense than trying to make kids choose their nation for life before they make their first junior international appearance. Especially as AFAIK only Australia, England, NZ, Wales and France play junior international matches. This proposal is clearly designed for no other reason than to give Australia yet another unfair advantage and further cripple our international game that could be so great without these imbeciles in charge. It's a f**king disgrace and so are you for even giving it the time of day.
Is this a joke? If you seriously want an example, Jarryd Hayne was selected for Australia a year after playing for Fiji at the World Cup.

No, it's not fair, it's absolutely f**king unbelievable. I don't give a f**k what Union do but those rules make a hell of a lot more sense than trying to make kids choose their nation for life before they make their first junior international appearance. Especially as AFAIK only Australia, England, NZ, Wales and France play junior international matches. This proposal is clearly designed for no other reason than to give Australia yet another unfair advantage and further cripple our international game that could be so great without these imbeciles in charge. It's a f**king disgrace and so are you for even giving it the time of day.

I thought the rules allowed for Hayne to play for Fiji at the world cup, once he was no longer required for Aus duty (he had already played for Aus prior to that anyway, in case you've forgotten).

I think ECT is right about you Poms, you are a nation of whinging hypocrites. You just wanted Hayne to be banned from playing for Aus again, even though he most likely would not have played for Fiji if he knew beforehand that would be the consequence.

Evil Homer

Staff member
I thought the rules allowed for Hayne to play for Fiji at the world cup, once he was no longer required for Aus duty (he had already played for Aus prior to that anyway, in case you've forgotten).
That's because the RLIF(ARL) were making the rules up as they went along. Now it suits, they want to enforce one nation for life, something that genuine international fans have been calling for for years, but what a shock, they want to do it in a way that favours them. That's the problem here. The rules were wrong and the ARL knew it, yet were happy to do nothing about it because it benefited them. The whole thing is crooked. Similar to when the ARL decided to enforce some made-up rules last year to stop Costigan from playing for PNG, which led me to boycott last year's 4N tournament.

I think ECT is right about you Poms, you are a nation of whinging hypocrites. You just wanted Hayne to be banned from playing for Aus again, even though he most likely would not have played for Fiji if he knew beforehand that would be the consequence.
I'm not a Pom, if I was an international footy player I would play for Wales. I don't really have an interest in Tier 1 internationals other than as a neutral, and as such I want to see Hayne playing for Australia because he's one of the world's best players, and more importantly because he is an Aussie and has chosen to represent Australia. That's not the issue here at all. The issue is that the international game is being run by scumbags that have continued to purposely hold it back for years for their own benefit. I couldn't care less where these people come from but the fact is that they happen to be part of the ARL. To try and accuse me of some sort of national bias or one-upmanship is pathetic, and sadly is probably similar to the views held by the bent RLIF(ARL).
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Is this a joke? If you seriously want an example, Jarryd Hayne was selected for Australia a year after playing for Fiji at the World Cup.
And Barrie MacDermott, Terry O'Connor and Jimmy Lowes played for England a year after playing for Ireland in the WC - THIS WAS IN 2001. So who set the precedent on this? But it's not England's fault...

Evil Homer

Staff member
And Barrie MacDermott, Terry O'Connor and Jimmy Lowes played for England a year after playing for Ireland in the WC - THIS WAS IN 2001. So who set the precedent on this? But it's not England's fault...
Although I'm pretty sure they played for GB rather than England, that was wrong too. Like I said, I don't give a f**k about England and that's not the issue in this thread. The issue is Geoff Carr's proposed rule change. Trying to bring up historical examples of eligibility rules being broken is just disgusing the issue at hand, that being that the current rules are wrong and the current governing body is corrupt.
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This thread was started to abuse Australians. Nothing more. And THAT is wrong because the people doing the abusing are hypocrites. And you're the one bringing up historical examples like Hayne and then changing your tune when England have been shown to not only do the same thing but they did it eight years before the example you chose to make about Australia.

Evil Homer

Staff member
This thread was started to abuse Australians. Nothing more. And THAT is wrong because the people doing the abusing are hypocrites. And you're the one bringing up historical examples like Hayne and then changing your tune when England have been shown to not only do the same thing but they did it eight years before the example you chose to make about Australia.
I brought up that example because someone asked me to provide one. The thread was started with good reason because of disgraceful comments made by Geoff Carr. Spud went OTT in his original post but the criticism was perfectly valid and warranted. If you can't understand why Carr's comments deserved such a reaction then your judgment must be seriously clouded. I don't see how or where I have changed my tune at all and I'm really not sure why you keep bringing up England. Try reading the thread and my posts before you fly off the handle and revert to your 'hatred of Australians' defence mechanism. If you do that you'll see that several Australians have expressed views in agreement with Spud. It's nothing to do with nationality at all and everything to do with crooked administration.
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Funny how you selected an example of an Australian playing for Australia. But that's what you lot can't stand. An Australian with Melanesian descent playing for Australia. He even played for Australia BEFORE he ever played for Fiji. But you conveniently forget that too. Bloody Fijians stealing Australian born and bred players.

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