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You set of knobs!



i'm not upset...just angry cos that stupid cutie carr us destroying OUR game.....i was googling geoff carr for quotes earlier and the guy contradicts himself so much its untrue...he has'nt got a clue about the laws and makes them up on the spot..
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spud is really upset. Take a breather mate, its not a big enough deal to get this worked up over.

The problem in this thread is not spud, it's ECT and his constant attempt to label us as racists because we don't like Uate switching from Fiji to Australia. He's the one who keeps trying to derail threads on eligibility.

Back on topic, the hypocrisy on show from Geoff Carr is astonishing. Australia take Uate from Fiji and it's fine. Hell, take Carroll from NZ as well. But Beale (who has never played a senior game for anyone) decides to play for NZ ahead of Australia and all of a sudden the world stops spinning. These people don't deserve to be involved in this game.

Big Picture

don't forget alot of aussies think GB & england is the same thing....of course theres nothing wrong in playing for ireland then GB..its just these idiots are scrapping the barrell for a argument which they are badly losing
I'm well aware of that. Bobby Fulton was interviewed after the 1995 World Cup final and he called England GB. It made him sound like a right idiot!!!

Big Picture

Overlooked in all this discussion is this sentence from the original article: Current eligibility rules stipulate a player can only represent one country at full international level.

This wording is likely the crux of the matter. They undoubtedly equate "full international level" to "test" and the ARL recognizes only Australia, New Zealand, England, Great Britain, France and PNG as countries that play these. In their eyes there's a class system for countries and playing for a second-class one doesn't count the same as playing for one of these first-class ones. This explains why they don't care about Hayne switching to and from Fiji: to them Fiji's a second-class country in the game. The RFL is complicit in this too: Scotland doesn't play at "full international level," and therefore Danny Brough's appearances for Scotland don't prevent him from playing for England because they're looked on as second-class internationals.

This class system is a major problem for the game. It's what allows the country-hopping we've seen in recent years. It's created a situation where countries were granted automatic places in the World Cup even though they're considered second-class countries in the sport! It's pathetic and contemptible and needs to be abolished so all senior International matches are treated equally.
sheep by name sheep by nature...keep following ECT bullshit..

as for hayne....he can play for australia all he wants..he's never done f**k all in a roos jumper anyway.....and the ARL warned robbie farah for wanting to play for lebabnon in the world cup qualifiers saying it wold cost him his origin & kangaroos jersey......then the ARL let hayne,jennings etc play for islander nations in the same world cup...

thats my friends is double standards and hypocrisy of the highest order

But I bet you'd be the first to complain if Farah played for Lebanon in the qualifiers and was then selected for Aus in the event proper.


First Grade
I'm well aware of that. Bobby Fulton was interviewed after the 1995 World Cup final and he called England GB. It made him sound like a right idiot!!!

That is quite funny considering Fulton was born in England!



I've never seen anyone take a swing and a miss so badly as you just did ECT.
you stupid stupid prat.... don't ever bring up chris bridge or ben harrison switching to england as wrong...cos they switched at the same time as hayne and if you bring up danny brough i'll raise you Akuila Uate..

you moron :lol:
You're the moron who brings this issue up. Not me. YOU make the accusations and YOU fail to mention the fact England does the same thing. I am pointing out YOUR hypocracy, not the other way around. And now you want to add name calling as well. Well, fine.

HAYNE SWITCHED FROM AUSTRALIA TO FIJI!!!! But I don't see you having a go at Fiji. Or anyone else. What conclusion can one draw other than you are just an anti-Australian biggot. How else can someone blatantly accuse Australia of something that EVERY other country does but never ever bring up any other country. It's just discrimination pure and simple. It would be like picking up a criminal because he's black but turning a blind eye to the same crime when committed by a white man. You want to accuse Australia of these eligibility issues but you NEVER mention England doing EXACTLY the same thing. You're a biggot, you're anti-Australian and a f**king disgrace. But you keep flying your St George's cross. We all know what kind of people do that over there. I bet you have a skin head too.


The Aussies are well know for pulling a fast one and maybe their latest effort is due to the fact that they are no longer top of the roost.Let's face it they will stoop to anything to win, won't they ECT?


You're the moron who brings this issue up. Not me. YOU make the accusations and YOU fail to mention the fact England does the same thing. I am pointing out YOUR hypocracy, not the other way around. And now you want to add name calling as well. Well, fine.

HAYNE SWITCHED FROM AUSTRALIA TO FIJI!!!! But I don't see you having a go at Fiji. Or anyone else. What conclusion can one draw other than you are just an anti-Australian biggot. How else can someone blatantly accuse Australia of something that EVERY other country does but never ever bring up any other country. It's just discrimination pure and simple. It would be like picking up a criminal because he's black but turning a blind eye to the same crime when committed by a white man. You want to accuse Australia of these eligibility issues but you NEVER mention England doing EXACTLY the same thing. You're a biggot, you're anti-Australian and a f**king disgrace. But you keep flying your St George's cross. We all know what kind of people do that over there. I bet you have a skin head too.

haha you truely are a pathetic little man.....you have my pity

as for hayne switching to fiji from australia first....1.do you really think that i did'nt "have a whinge aboutit?? C'MON YA CLOWN COURSE I DID.. and 2. why let hayne (& jennings - tonga) for that matter switch but not let robbie farah help lebanon?? like i keep saying you lot are making up the rules as you go along
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i'd also just like to state for the record that

- my brother and sister are australian, born at dandenong hospital

- i've had asian girlfriends , i find japanese women very attractive

- and my best mate is black

but yeah apart from that i'm a racist bigot lmao
Oh, the old my best friend is black routine. How pathetic. You know an ignorant biggot when they think they are absolved by claiming they fancy Asian chicks. Your attitude towards Australians and particularly Australians of Polynesian and Melanesian descent are clear for all to see. When you only slander one group of people for something that many/all others do, that's discrimination. Simple as that.


my attitude towards Australians of Polynesian and Melanesian descent???

that attitude being they should be free to choose who they want to play for without fear of warnings or reprisals

your the one that supports the creation of a "pacific allstars" team so they can celebrate their heritage there instead of being free to choose...completely ignoring the fact that all the islands have different traditions,customs etc.....but you want to lump them all together....and i'm the ignorant bigot??

jog on you fool..

as for slandering people...you daft merkin..if i took you to court for slandering my name by calling me a racist bigot...and in court i wheel out my black bestmate & asian ex girlfriends in my defence YOU'D BE LAUGHED OUT OF COURT YOU BELLEND
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You certainly are the ignorant biggot. You have been trying to deny Polynesian and Melanesian Australians the right to play for Australia for years. You accuse Australia yet Hayne played for Australia before he played for Fiji. But you don't accuse Fiji of anything. You also want to bring up any number of other Australians but NEVER mention the fact that England poaches players from other countries all the time. When you want to single out one country you can't expect your hatred of that country to go unnoticed. It's clear and obvious discrimination against one country.

And to still try and suggest you have "black" and "Asian" friends and this proves you are not a biggot is absolutely the first sign of a biggot. You'd be the one lughed out of court. It would be most tokenistic, offensive thing a court would have ever seen. Apart from the fact that proving your mate is black doesn't preclude you from hating Australians, which you and so many of your countrymen clearly do. I have been to the north of England. I have seen the attitude of people there towards Australians. Even though the entire English game relies on Australia and Australians the people there are still filled with envy and hatred towards Australians. It comes to no surprise to me that you could be so misinformed, ignorant, biggoted and filled with hate towards this country as you are.

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
set of knobs!



Staff member

the whole thing is a mess, in every direction. I'm over the debate.


At a guess, NZRL playing strength is at least 95% polynesian and maybe more. I have no doubt that with the numbers playing in Australia at the moment, that within ten years Aussie will be
the same.No need for arguments then it will sort itself out.


In what way? If you think that you have NFI what this is all about.

You have interpreted the situation as an Aus v England thing in regards to rules and whatever... but Evil Homer stated it quite perfectly where you are off the mark.

Come on ECT, it's one thing picking players that qualify on shaky grounds and another altogether admitting to selectively applying rules, and going even further than that by proposing new rules designed to effectively crush other nations, simply because something happened that the ARL didn't like. I'm no advocate of the selection of the likes of Evans and Fa'asavalu, far from it. But the actions of Carr here are absolutely outrageous.

This is probably why spud kept telling you to reread the thread. THIS post.

This thread has very little to do with countries or racism at all... until you started talking.

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