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You set of knobs!

Evil Homer

Staff member
Funny how you selected an example of an Australian playing for Australia. But that's what you lot can't stand. An Australian with Melanesian descent playing for Australia. He even played for Australia BEFORE he ever played for Fiji. But you conveniently forget that too. Bloody Fijians stealing Australian born and bred players.
You need to calm down. You are making yourself look stupid.
I'm not the one trying to pretend I don't have an issue with Australians and then using hypocritical examples about Australia and Australian players. And then swearing and carrying on when someone says you're just another pom with an axe to grind against Australians. You lot claim it's nothing to do with nationality and then ONLY ever whinge about Australian players. It's completely transparent. If you have these issues start by dealing with them in your own country before you start abusing others. But that would mean having a go at someone other than Australia and we know that's not going to happen.

Evil Homer

Staff member
I'm not the one trying to pretend I don't have an issue with Australians and then using hypocritical examples about Australia and Australian players. And then swearing and carrying on when someone says you're just another pom with an axe to grind against Australians. You lot claim it's nothing to do with nationality and then ONLY ever whinge about Australian players. It's completely transparent. If you have these issues start by dealing with them in your own country before you start abusing others. But that would mean having a go at someone other than Australia and we know that's not going to happen.
Read the thread, please. Read my posts. I've already said I want Hayne to play for Australia. I used that example because it was an illustration of the ARL ignoring the eligibility rules that they now seem interested in enforcing. It was nothing to do with the context in which you're taking it, and to be honest your paranoia is a little disconcerting. You're trying to turn this thread into something it's not, and the only reason I can think is that you're embarrassed by the actions of Geoff Carr and the ARL.
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They didn't ignore the rules. Hayne's selection didn't even break the rules. The World Cup was the end of the election period so he was able to change to Australia. Those were the rules made before the WC. What you lot don't understand is that if these rules didn't exist the smaller nations would actually lose out. Hayne would never have played for Fiji at all. And you STILL want to make this about the ARL when the RFL do EXACTLY the same thing. But that never gets mentioned does it?

Evil Homer

Staff member
They didn't ignore the rules. Hayne's selection didn't even break the rules. The World Cup was the end of the election period so he was able to change to Australia. Those were the rules made before the WC. What you lot don't understand is that if these rules didn't exist the smaller nations would actually lose out. Hayne would never have played for Fiji at all. And you STILL want to make this about the ARL when the RFL do EXACTLY the same thing. But that never gets mentioned does it?
I'm not going to waste time repeating myself and pandering to your paranoid garbage. Read the thread and if you can't understand the issue at hand then you're just as crooked as Carr.
Paranoid? You poms are more paranoid than anyone on earth. You think everything is a big conspiracy. The morons over there still reckon the Challenge Cup draw is rigged, even when it's broadcast live! And they also reckon every rule and every decision is a big ARL conspiracy to ensure the Roos win everything, even though England does exactly the same things - and were doing them years ago too. But they completely ignore it when it's England. It's a non-issue when it's England because it gets in the way of their anti-Australian campaign. It's the worst example of hypocracy you can imagine. Has a pom ever started a thread like this abusing the RFL? Ever? Of course not. So any suggestion that this is fair and reasonable is so transparent it's ridiculous. England is actually worse because it has poached players who weren't even England RL juniors. Australia has never done that. Not once. But, as I say, England is above reproach while Australia deserves all the bile you lot can muster.


Poms are the biggest hypocrites of all. They whinge and point fingers at Australia (but never new Zealand) and then not only have players like Danny Brough and a dozen others switching from the Celtic nations to England but also blatantly ring in players who are born AND bred elsewhere like Faasavalu and Evans. What it all comes back to is a clear and disgraceful hatred of Australia and Australians and an ignorant and discriminatory attitude towards the idea of players of Polynesian and Melanesian heritage playing for Australia, even when most of them are born here. And then they jump up and down and call US backward. Hypocracy at its worst.

1...players are switching from the celts to england because they are allowed to because australia & NZ won't tighten up the eligibilty laws as underlined in richard lewis' leak email.....

2. fa'asavalu & evans have NEVER PLAYED TEST RL ANYONE ELSE YOU DUMB f**k...BOTH ARE/WHERE ELIGIBLE FOR ENGLAND AND BOTH CHOSE ENGLAND....i said at the time i wished fa'asavalu had played for samoa and i want evans to play for wales..BUT NO f**kING LAWS HAVE BEEN BROKEN FOR THEM TO PLAY FOR ENGLAND...

so ok...you want to lock these kids into a nation at under 19-20s lets have a under 20's world cup..in fact that a fcking awesome idea...lets see the ARL put its money where its mouth is.....of course they won't cos why would they risk losing 40+% of the NYC talent pool to the island nations/NZ...


I thought the rules allowed for Hayne to play for Fiji at the world cup, once he was no longer required for Aus duty (he had already played for Aus prior to that anyway, in case you've forgotten).

I think ECT is right about you Poms, you are a nation of whinging hypocrites. You just wanted Hayne to be banned from playing for Aus again, even though he most likely would not have played for Fiji if he knew beforehand that would be the consequence.

sheep by name sheep by nature...keep following ECT bullshit..

as for hayne....he can play for australia all he wants..he's never done f**k all in a roos jumper anyway.....and the ARL warned robbie farah for wanting to play for lebabnon in the world cup qualifiers saying it wold cost him his origin & kangaroos jersey......then the ARL let hayne,jennings etc play for islander nations in the same world cup...

thats my friends is double standards and hypocrisy of the highest order


Paranoid? You poms are more paranoid than anyone on earth. You think everything is a big conspiracy. The morons over there still reckon the Challenge Cup draw is rigged, even when it's broadcast live! And they also reckon every rule and every decision is a big ARL conspiracy to ensure the Roos win everything, even though England does exactly the same things - and were doing them years ago too. But they completely ignore it when it's England. It's a non-issue when it's England because it gets in the way of their anti-Australian campaign. It's the worst example of hypocracy you can imagine. Has a pom ever started a thread like this abusing the RFL? Ever? Of course not. So any suggestion that this is fair and reasonable is so transparent it's ridiculous. England is actually worse because it has poached players who weren't even England RL juniors. Australia has never done that. Not once. But, as I say, England is above reproach while Australia deserves all the bile you lot can muster.

go and put ya tin foil hat on you gimp


brough has play for scotland though...and yeah i'll concede that i don't like it.....but like i said the only reason he and the rest of the celts can switch to england is because the australians & kiwis won't tighten the laws....so what do we do...take the moral high ground? or just do what the aussies & kiwis do?

as for evans..theres no case to answer...has the choice to 2 nations,wales or england, and he picks england...its really is'nt a issue as long as he sticks with whoever he picks.


Poms are the biggest hypocrites of all. They whinge and point fingers at Australia (but never new Zealand) and then not only have players like Danny Brough and a dozen others switching from the Celtic nations to England but also blatantly ring in players who are born AND bred elsewhere like Faasavalu and Evans. What it all comes back to is a clear and disgraceful hatred of Australia and Australians and an ignorant and discriminatory attitude towards the idea of players of Polynesian and Melanesian heritage playing for Australia, even when most of them are born here. And then they jump up and down and call US backward. Hypocracy at its worst.

Perfectly said ECT!

However, I am all for tightening the eligibility rules and giving developing nations more games thus giving greater incentives for players to pick their nation and stick to it.

The Poms are just as bad as anyone else.

Big Picture

Although I'm pretty sure they played for GB rather than England, that was wrong too. Like I said, I don't give a f**k about England and that's not the issue in this thread. The issue is Geoff Carr's proposed rule change. Trying to bring up historical examples of eligibility rules being broken is just disgusing the issue at hand, that being that the current rules are wrong and the current governing body is corrupt.
Why would playing for GB after playing for Ireland be any more wrong than an Irish RU player being picked for the RU Lions?

Big Picture

They didn't ignore the rules. Hayne's selection didn't even break the rules. The World Cup was the end of the election period so he was able to change to Australia. Those were the rules made before the WC. What you lot don't understand is that if these rules didn't exist the smaller nations would actually lose out. Hayne would never have played for Fiji at all. And you STILL want to make this about the ARL when the RFL do EXACTLY the same thing. But that never gets mentioned does it?
If Hayne's options had been (1) choose Fiji permanently or (2) miss out on a World Cup do you think he'd have gone for the second one?


don't forget alot of aussies think GB & england is the same thing....of course theres nothing wrong in playing for ireland then GB..its just these idiots are scrapping the barrell for a argument which they are badly losing


First Grade
If Hayne's options had been (1) choose Fiji permanently or (2) miss out on a World Cup do you think he'd have gone for the second one?

Which is why hanye should never have been allowed to play for Fiji and it is a joke that thus type of thing keeps happening!


They didn't ignore the rules. Hayne's selection didn't even break the rules. The World Cup was the end of the election period so he was able to change to Australia. Those were the rules made before the WC. What you lot don't understand is that if these rules didn't exist the smaller nations would actually lose out. Hayne would never have played for Fiji at all. And you STILL want to make this about the ARL when the RFL do EXACTLY the same thing. But that never gets mentioned does it?

you stupid stupid prat.... don't ever bring up chris bridge or ben harrison switching to england as wrong...cos they switched at the same time as hayne and if you bring up danny brough i'll raise you Akuila Uate..

you moron :lol:


First Grade
If Hayne's options had been (1) choose Fiji permanently or (2) miss out on a World Cup do you think he'd have gone for the second one?

you stupid stupid prat.... don't ever bring up chris bridge or ben harrison switching to england as wrong...cos they switched at the same time as hayne and if you bring up danny brough i'll raise you Akuila Uate..

you moron :lol:

You guys are pretty much arguing over the same thing! We all want the rules to change and international rugby league to prosper!

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