Exactly. Pick the full time pros, pick the strong Queensland Cup players, pick the American Union players if you have to, but ringing in blokes from local Aussie park footy competitions is ridiculous. There are 5 or 6 players who have no business being in that squad and could easily be replaced by Americans with little to no loss in terms of what they will contribute on the field.
TBH, even if management won't do the right thing I wonder how the selected players feel about this. I know if I was called up to represent a nation I'd never been to on a tenuous link and was depriving a local player of similar ability a spot I'd feel kind of shitty, but I guess that's just me.
Edit: Quotes from Matt Elliott in this article about how domestic players are a must: http://www.amnrl.com/news/tomahawks-train-squad-
Who are your six?