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Asotasi leads mutiny against Kemble


First Grade
Bloody hell! :shock:


Asotasi leads league mutiny
By Steve Mascord
January 15, 2008

NEW Zealand captain Roy Asotasi last night led a full-scale revolt against Gary Kemble, insisting he and his teammates had no confidence in their Test coach.

In one of the most significant outbursts in the history of the game across the Tasman, prop Asotasi said Wayne Bennett must be appointed to save the Kiwis' World Cup campaign.

Kemble, meanwhile, strongly hinted the comments could cost Asotasi the captaincy and questioned whether he was really speaking for his teammates.

"I am speaking for all of the players when I say we do not have confidence in the coaching of Gary Kemble," Asotasi told The Daily Telegraph after training with South Sydney last night.

"The players who were on the All Golds tour last year also saw how Gary Kemble operates.

"It's not his fault. He was dropped in the deep end. But if you are playing with the best players, you expect the best coach."

The skipper said he and clubmate David Kidwell had already approached NZRL chairman Ray Haffenden about their concerns.

Asotasi - who described Kemble keeping his job as "surprising" after losing his first four Tests - said he did not want to contemplate what might happen if Bennett was not appointed in some role.

Asked if players might boycott the Kiwi team, he said: "We'll just see what happens here first."

Kemble responded by saying those who pick the Kiwi captain would "not be happy" with Asotasi's comments.

He said the giant prop "mightn't have done as well as he could have" on tour and added he would include "off the field" matters in his tour report to selectors.

Asotasi suggested he had his own off-field dosier on the coach which he was holding back if the current campaign on coaching grounds didn't work.

Told of Asotasi's stance, Kemble said: "That's his opinion. That's one player."

Asked if the strained relationship might endanger Asotasi's future as skipper, Kemble said: "It's up to the selectors. I don't think they will be very happy reading these sorts of things.

"The captaincy originated from (Brian) 'Bluey' McClennan. He put him (Asotasi) as captain for the Anzac Test and from then on the selectors thought we needed a bit of stability in that area.

"We didn't have senior players there so Roy, with inexperience, mightn't have done as well as he could have . . . but . . . he improved as the tour went on."

Kemble would not divulge what he would be saying about Asotasi in his report to the NZRL.

"My analysis on each player will cover on and off the field," he said.

Asked whether he expected to be captain this year, Asotasi said: "Gary asked me to be captain for the tour so we are just taking it one game at a time. It's something we all need to discuss."

The NZRL found last month there had been too many officials on the tour, which started at home with a 58-0 loss to Australia, and they distracted the players.

Asotasi said there had been unacceptable behaviour from some officials.

"Myself and Paul Whatuira, as captain and vice-captain, went to management on occasions and addressed anything that needed looking at," he said.

"As players we want to prepare as professionally as possible and we expect the same from the management and coaching staff."

Asked if he had reported any poor behaviour to the NZRL, he said: "No, it's just about the coaching. That might come up later."

The NZRL board meets in Auckland this Friday.


It appears that the NZRL appointed Mr Kemble without consulting/seeking feedback from any of their senior players i.e. - the captain and the most experienced player (Asotasi and Kidwell).

I've just heard Lowie ripping into Asotasi. Not good at all.


Good on him. f**k putting up with a sub-par coach just for the sake of keeping the peace, if guys like Asotasi can't speak out then nothing will get done. The NZRL have already shown that they're incompetent so maybe putting this in the media will get things done.
Hate to think of the quality of side we are going to put out for the next test...... and our chances of getting borderline players to want to commit to NZ are very slim now....

Bennett / Kearney 08


Live Update Team
Better it happens now rather than closer to the World Cup.
Let's just hope the NZRL listen to the players, to the coach, and something positive comes out of it for a change.

Te Kaha

First Grade
This was always going to happen... and now i fear the "board" and selection panel will "lose faith" in kemble a few months out from the world cup and in will step one G Lowe to "rescue" the Kiwis... all completly out of th blue of course...


Dear Mr G.Lowe,

There are two points I would like to make regarding your recent criticism of Mr R.Asotasi:

  • Pot, kettle, black. Maybe it would be best for you to lead by example for a change? Both in performance and in not hatchet-jobbing everyone who disagrees with you.

  • If your ears (and/or what's between them) worked as well as your mouth, then maybe it wouldn't have got to this point.

Enjoy your brief stay while you (further) wreck another establishment.


Someone who is getting weary of this sh*t.


Very interesting situation . .. .

history shows that player power doesnt usually work in the kiwis - didnt graham get dropped as captain for world cup final also then there that rugby-turned-kiwicoach- turned fraudster Tank Gordon who players were dropped because none of them like him and he was a nobody.

I dont think Asotasi played particularly well or anything but that is besides the point.

More interesting is who is pushing for him to come out.

Asotasi aint the type of person to come out on a limb by himself - he would have to have somebody important egging him on - whether be from NZRL insiders, potential replacement coaches or from the Wayne Bennett camp itself.?Somebody.

Remember the who debacle about Bennett - being paid by businessman etc.
Ray 'what's his face' has just been on the radio.

What a f**king wanker that guy is, his whole tone was a joke.

A few points :

* He reacted angrily to the interviewer saying that Asotasi is respected by the players. "DO you really think that Kent?"
* He doesnt seem to think that this is a big issue
* Kemble will 100% be the World Cup Coach
* The NZRL can afford to pay Kemble out of his contract, but will not be doing so
* 'Plans are in place'
why would Kemble want to continue on with this position. It's almost become untenable.

Resign Gary, do yourself and the rest of NZ a favour.

Graham, you can just f**k off.


I believe that Roy speaks on behalf of all of the players. Many could turn out for Samoa next year if this is not resolved i.e. - SBW.

The NZRL is a joke!!!!
The thing thats really given me the sh*ts is Lowe coming out and bagging Asotasis form on the tour. FFS he was our best forward and the best player.

What we have now is Lowe is mad and has his heals dug in and he will not back track and so i gurantee Asotasi will be at the world cup just not playing for the Kiwis


there is no way bennett would be coach..

he'd want the best players, selectors, administrators.

never happen.


What a sorry state of affairs

I have yet to hear Bennett say anything about wanting the Kiwi's coaching job / assisting
Why would he with a bunch of knuckleheads at the top ?
I suspect he does not tolerate fools (why would a superstar coach like Bennet do such a thing ?)
Probably all he has on offer is being called a traitor by the Aussie media
[All Golds = unique circumstance and therefore excuseable in Aussie minds]

Can't see us in the World Cup Final at this rate - if they de-select Roy, how many others make themselves unavailable ???

If this wasn't so tragic, i'd laugh!

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