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Bag Man


The article doesn't make sense to me. The main subject is about businessman making under the table payments to players so they can be part of the inner sanctum. But can't they just do that legitatemately via TPAs?

Not that I really understand what TPAs are exactly and what's allowed and what's not, but I don't get why businessman would be doing dodgy under the table stuff with all the risk that involves when there are legitimate ways to get involved.

How is the businessman supposed to know who to pay, how much and why? This info can only come from the club. Bear in mind the motivation for dumping cash to a player - it is to gain influence and favour from the club, not the player. Unless that player is used overtly in a campaign ( think Hodges and Mini in that fuel ad) then the payment really is club related and not an independent business- to- player deal. Why would it be anything else?


Great article with tremendous facts, without enoug balls to actually include names of these bag men or clubs they work for of course.

I look forward to her next groundbreaking story on how politicians are accepting contributions for favours.... No names either, obviously


The bums on seats reference doestn't say that it was 10k per game. Could be over a whole season (or even more).


First Grade
If it was for a QLD team, I can see the company with the stadium cleaning contract would stump up cash to get bums on seats... would work out a lot cheaper than mopping up so much urine from the QLD fans who squat over seats.


First Grade
Well the so called bagman talks about the 'big richer clubs' being able to do this kind of of thing like he is jealous of them.


So the RLW Mole's tweet about several clubs being under investigation turned out to be based off this story i.e. full of speculation and unlikely to have any follow up.


Yeah I guess.

My main gripe was that she never publicly apologised once proven she was wrong.

I still see rubbish now on social media about now even a year on, perception/rumour is reality these days. Uninformed/poor research can be diabolical to a club for both players and sponsors.

By all means, if we had of cheated I would expect the book thrown at the club and some asses seriously whooped for it. I have high expectations in all facets from my club, wether it be on field or off field.

Just to add, if she did apologise to the NQ club, then I didn't see it and apologise myself. The wording on the original article was also interesting where they tried line 'no one is suggesting anything sinister was/is going on at thr NQ club', but yet still make it pretty damn obvious in their article that they were insinuating something dodge was going on. I would feel just as strong on this matter even if it wasn't my clown club.


Such propaganda, such hate!

Trying to undermine the rest of the competition because of your continued failure.

I have a novel suggestion. Instead of cheating the salary cap, instead of spreading false rumours to try to explain your situation, why don't you try creating a world class club and atmosphere, such as the Brisbane Broncos or Sydney Roosters.

Then you may be happy.

:lol: :lol:

Last Week

Such propaganda, such hate!

Trying to undermine the rest of the competition because of your continued failure.

I have a novel suggestion. Instead of cheating the salary cap, instead of spreading false rumours to try to explain your situation, why don't you try creating a world class club and atmosphere, such as the Brisbane Broncos or Sydney Roosters.

Then you may be happy.

:lol: :lol:

What the hell are you talking about? She's not just some random Parra fan.

Specifically the bolded part. How do those two clubs have atmosphere?


My word. A serious investigative journo who only pops into sport when she has something she thinks is relevant.

This didn't pop out of nowhere, she had sources which she would have cross checked. AND no journo in the history of mankind will give up a source. Ever. Do you watch the news. Half of it is leaks, unnamed sources etc. and mostly it's correct.

This has some credibility. She has some major scalps. I wouldn't write off anything in this article.

Oh and if any of you believe there aren't teams cheating the cap by off the book payments etc. please wake up now. This is professional sport. Assume absolutely everyone is cheating, all the time. It makes it easier


My word. A serious investigative journo who only pops into sport when she has something she thinks is relevant.

This didn't pop out of nowhere, she had sources which she would have cross checked. AND no journo in the history of mankind will give up a source. Ever. Do you watch the news. Half of it is leaks, unnamed sources etc. and mostly it's correct.

This has some credibility. She has some major scalps. I wouldn't write off anything in this article.

Oh and if any of you believe there aren't teams cheating the cap by off the book payments etc. please wake up now. This is professional sport. Assume absolutely everyone is cheating, all the time. It makes it easier

They don't give up sources, but they do actually have something to report.

Her entire article can be boiled down to your last paragraph. Everyone already knows there are dodgy payments and TPAs in the NRL, and all pro sports. Unless this chick is actually willing to show some guts and name an actual club, a specific player, and has proof of a particular payment then she is just spinning the same innuendo bullshit you can hear in any pub around the country

Last Week

Well, no, she may not be. I don't believe or make assumptions, but just because she can't prove something definitively, doesn't mean it isn't true.

OJ Simpson for example.


Well, no, she may not be. I don't believe or make assumptions, but just because she can't prove something definitively, doesn't mean it isn't true.

OJ Simpson for example.

Nothing that she has said in her article is shocking to anyone,is it? All TPAs as far as I am concerned as just dodgy deals used to prop up contracts outside the cap.

What benefit do Greg Inglis's third party sponsors get from sponsoring him? Can anyone here even name one of them? And it's the same for every superstar in the game. Hundreds of thousands per year given to them for no services rendered and not so much as even a bloody sponsor list on the club website, let alone any large promotional work to bring the. Some return on their investment.

We all know these things, so until she can actually give us some names and proof, her story is no better than any that you or I could have already told her without having to list some anonymous "bag man" to prop it up