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Gutless Coward Journos


Post Whore
Watched paul imbecile kent on nrl 360 last night, apparently fans only notice ref blunders because the coaches tell us after the match.

What a condescending moron.
I am not convinced that the referees are all that incompetent, I think they are just following an NRL commercial agenda which favours the so called popular teams. NRL thinks its less commercially beneficial to have the Sharks participating in the finals than the Cowboys. If we drew 30,000 to last Sunday's game instead of 15,000 it could be an entirely different story.

Journalists are just regurgitating the company line. Not much intelligence or skill involved in that.

And interesting how the Daily telegraph drags out a sex scandal story about Bodine Thompson from 2 years ago to deflect attention from the dodgy refereeing post match analysis.


Paul Crawley a perfect example of gutless coward journalism.

He was there on Sunday, in the Press Conference and then launches his spray in the Tuesday paper.

He is the same parasite that was involved in the young boys getting abused by Gal.


"Sharks coach Shane Flanagan felt compelled to take a dossier of "disgraceful" decisions to his post match press conference after his side's week one finals exit.

And Sea Eagles boss Trent Barrett was just as livid with the NRL Bunker after arguing two "unbelievable" calls cost his Manly their season.
38th min: Jayden Brailey applies pressure to Michael Morgan on the last play and the ball is kicked into his hand as he tries to make a tackle, ricocheting into touch and the Cowboys are awarded a scrum feed.

Flanagan says: "Going into tackle a kicker, the kicker kicks the ball at him, he doesn't play at it. Scrum, Cowboys feed."

Video verdict: Brailey doesn't make a legitimate attempt to charge down the kick, but referees have been consistent in similar instances when a defender's hand comes into contact with the ball from a pass. Line ball call.


40th min: James Maloney is sent to the sin bin for pulling back Ethan Lowe as he pursues a grubber into the in-goal.

Flanagan says: "When is James Maloney a professional foul? It's not a professional foul, it's a penalty, if that. Luke Lewis got run off the ball every time. Go and watch the video and see how many times he got knocked off the ball in the kick-chase. The touch judge is calling on the sports ears 'Lachlan Coote offside'. So what's first? Penalty to us."

Video verdict: Coote is several metres behind the play and onside when Michael Morgan threads a kick into the in-goal. Maloney clearly impedes the attempt of Ethan Lowe to retrieve the ball by sticking his arm out to ensure the Cowboys forward can't make a play at scoring a try. Good call.


53rd min: Sosaia Feki is dragged into touch by Kyle Feldt as Ricky Leutele looms up in support on the inside with Kane Linnett in close attention.

Flanagan says: "Sosaiai Feki goes down the sideline in a really important part of the game and goes to pass it to Ricky Leutele ... and guess what, he got tackled without the ball."

Video verdict: Leutele is tackled to the ground by Linnett without the ball, but Feki looks to have gone into touch beforehand and the centre appears in front of him in any case even if the pass was thrown. Good call.


63rd min: Jason Taumalolo wrestles four Sharks defenders over the line and claims a try after falling to the ground. It's sent the video referee as a try and the call stands.

Flanagan says: "I couldn't see where the ball was grounded but [the referee] makes a decision. The bunker, I understand, it was always going to come back as insufficient evidence to overrule. But I want to know where the referee got his evidence from in the first place."

Video verdict: It is unclear on replays whether Taumalolo has got the ball down. Line-ball call.


75th min: Andrew Fifita stoops low to gather a grass-cutting Michael Morgan kick and is ruled to have knocked the ball on. The Cowboys level the game up in the next set with a penalty goal.

Flanagan says: "If anyone on this planet thinks Andrew Fifita knocked that ball on ... it went through his legs, tunnel ball, through his legs."

Video verdict: The ball touches Fifita's hands and goes backwards through is legs. Bad call.

76th min: Matt Prior is penalised for dislodging the ball from Shaun Fensom in a tackle, paving the way for Ethan Lowe's penalty to level the scores in the dying minutes.

Flanagan says: "Matt Prior [is] effecting a tackle. They say he pulls it out and [the Cowboys] kick a goal."

Video verdict: Fensom appears to simply lose control, in similar fashion to how Cronulla's Ricky Leutele receives a penalty in the first half when he drops the ball, a decision that precedes a Sharks try. Bad call.


80th min: Paul Gallen appeals for what would be a match-winning penalty in the last minute after being dragged down just inches short of the line. As he tries to get to his feet the ball pops loose, Scott Bolton's hand ever so briefly coming into contact with the pill.

Flanagan says: "Trying to get up to play the ball and there is a bloke who pulls the ball out. But go down the other end of the field and Matt Prior, effecting a tackle, they say he pulls it out and he gives a goal."

Video verdict: Bolton's arms are wrapped around the ball in the ruck but Gallen appears to just let it go. Good call."



Post Whore
Also that pic of the Leutele tackle is misleading, he was just about on the ground in the pic


First Grade
Maybe cancel the friggin press conferences.
A time bomb waiting to go off.... a coach under enormous pressure whos just suffered thru 80 - 90 minutes of a season ending finals game.

Yeah..stick that emotional wreck in front of a bunch of dickheads fishing for a headline.

First question: "what did you think of the ref's decision to award tbe tauamololo try?"

Fell for it.

Cancel them greenberg. Or wait 24 hours til the emotion isnt as raw.
Its just a scenario designed to earn money off guys who are fuming - many fighting to keep their jobs.

If we get pinged 10K or more ld love to see our club make a stand.
Refuse to answer the questions.
Flanno has to attend - but just turn up and trot out the same answer to every single question....

"I cant really comment on that. Next question. I can't really comment on that. Next question."
And so on.

Cmon Lyall. Fight back against these pricks.


Fgn Maloney, such an unnecessary thing to do when you know the REFS HAVE BEEN GUNNING FOR YOU ALL FGN SEASON.

Deserved a sin bin for being such a stupid, reckless kent all season long.

King Ben

A fair article from The Australian this afternoon.

Todd Greenberg is meant to be the voice of reason. Not the voice of condescension. He’s meant to be above tit-for-tat verbal sniping. He’s meant to solve the problems, not exacerbate them.

He’s meant to intelligently work his way through the NRL’s blatant problems with referees. What the boss of the game doesn’t need to do is treat his coaches like they are churlish children. His treatment of Trent Barrett and Shane Flanagan has been as immature and ill-conceived as their reactions to their teams’ losses. They have the heat-of-the-moment excuse. Greenberg does not.

Greenberg demands that coaches such as Barrett and Flanagan front press conferences after every match. No restrictions are placed on the journalists’ questions. And yet the coaches are handcuffed in what they can and cannot say.

Barrett thinks his Manly Sea Eagles have been dudded by officialdom. He deserves the right to say so. Howlers contributed to their loss. The Cronulla Sharks’ Flanagan peeled off a list of incorrect calls that were as long as your arm. His players lost their heads and their season because of it.

Manly lost because they probably deserved to. Cronulla lost because they definitely deserved to. That doesn’t mean the referees failed or succeeded. The issues are not mutually exclusive. Flanagan has the right to vent on behalf of his club and its fans.

Greenberg wants fierce tribalism in the NRL. He wants the passion. He wants the blind loyalty. When Flanagan and Barrett are asked what they think of the referees, what does Greenberg want them to do? Lie? He wants the game to grow up. The game is 111 years old. If Greenberg wants the game to grow up, make it a national competition like the AFL has done instead of dismissing expansion as too difficult.

Greenberg has ridiculed the very thing he promotes. NRL advertisements and website copy for the next Sea Eagles-Panthers and Sharks-Cowboys matches will highlight this weekend’s stinks. Guaranteed. His organisation promotes alcohol and gambling, yet wants to crack the whip about drinking and punting. Why not grow up as an organisation and find sponsors with better messages?

What does Greenberg stand for there? Anything or nothing? What Grenberg failed to see was that Barrett and Flanagan were not just talking for themselves and their players. They were speaking on behalf of every Sea Eagles and Sharks fan. Every aggrieved supporter.

So when Greenberg bagged the criticism of the officials, he bagged every person who had booed the ref. He should have made his point in a more reasonable fashion. Telling everyone to grow up was not the way to do it. He should have let them be pissed off. He should have let it settle for a couple of days.

He should have actually confronted the issues. The James Maloney sin-binning was incorrect. The Jason Taumalolo try showed the folly of the bunker’s procedure. It was impossible for the referee to make a call. He had to make a call. It was impossible for the video to see anything. So the referee’s call became official.

Josh Addo-Carr’s try was the wrong decision. It was a blatant forward pass. Andrew Fifita did not knock the ball on. Dylan Walker was not off-side. Tyrone Peachey had to have knocked-on.

Greenberg’s response was to get high and mighty in his own press conference. He “called out” his coaches — the blokes at the coal face of the sport.

What about calling out his referees? They are full-time professionals. They are not performing like it. If Greenberg wants to protect the refs, he needs to go all the way or not at all. What about the players who swarm around the whistleblower and give him a mouthful? Greenberg made no mention of them.

The coaches are easy targets. Why did he not call out Jake Trbojevic? Paul Gallen? Any player who argued with the referee? Those on-field interactions are more damaging than post-match press conferences.

Poor refs, eh? The poor old things, according to Greenberg. No one will want to be a ref if we keep taunting them, he says. Spare us. Refs-in-the-making are going to do it regardless. It is in their blood, and bravo for that.

Greenberg should have used his office to calm the tensions. To methodically go through it all, piece by piece. To show some understanding of the passion involved.

The refs cannot be criticised? What a crock. Here’s a few questions for Greenberg about Barrett and Flanagan. How much time and effort do NRL coaches invest in their jobs and in their players? How keenly and sincerely are they moulding the futures of young men at their clubs? How much praise does he give them for that? If they love their players like sons, why would they not defend them like sons when they are hurting? How understandable is it that they are gutted after a season-ending loss?

The coaches are not asking to be interviewed. They are forced to be interviewed. If you tell someone they must answer questions, they must be allowed to answer them honestly. If Greenberg doesn’t like what the coaches say in press conferences, he should cancel the press conferences.

Refereeing errors were obvious. Spectacularly so. It does not mean the referees caused the losses of the Sea Eagles and Sharks. But for the love of Harold Horder, the issues are separate. A team can lose of their own accord. There can be clangers that still need to be addressed.

Greenberg was unwilling to respect the fact that the coaches, players and fans of each tribe were appalled. Let them be. Recognise the duress the coaches are under. If any question from journalists is fair game, why not the answers? The NRL boss puts the coaches in an impossible situation. He does not want them to talk about the refs? He puts them where they are going to be forced to talk about the ref.

Good on Barrett. He was overemotional and overwrought. So he should be. That’s the emotion of sport. Sometimes you get it right, sometimes you get it wrong. Does Greenberg not have empathy for that?

Eleven months of hard toil came to nothing for Manly and Cronulla. Barrett put every inch of his soul into Manly’s season. When he was pissed off about how it ended, he was fined and told to grow up. For what? For trying so hard? For defending his players? Ditto for Flanagan. Greenberg said it was time the coaches were called out. It was a poor response from head office. It solved nothing. How about someone calls out the amateur officiating and the NRL’s role in it? The message is that we just have to put up with mediocre officialdom. The message is a poor one and does a great sport a disservice.

Tony Archer is the referees’ boss. Where’s the Tony Archer press conference? If coaches cannot talk about the referees, let’s hear from Archer. Coaches demand a lot from their players. Greenberg should demand a lot from his referees.

Instead, their performances are not up for debate. What a crock. Greenberg should have stood there yesterday and said he understood the emotion of Barrett and Flanagan because of how much was at stake. He should have been the voice of reason and nothing else. Everyone has a role to play. The refs. The coaches. The CEO. Greenberg has compounded errors of judgment with a fumble of his own.

Link: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/spo...s/news-story/d3e696626800e3c4fba84ed71875f5a5


That's an excellent balanced article from Will Swanton.

Even Rothfield managed a decent opinion for once :

Instead of coming out with his tough guy persona, Greenberg should just admit what everyone saw - there were howlers on the weekend that ended our season. Regardless of player mistakes, we had the overwhelming share of bad calls.
He might start getting respect if he acknowledges there's a problem - just like AA, admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it.

Instead Greenberg stays in complete denial - and wonders why people are turning away from the game.
And how Archer & Klein manage to keep their jobs after these fiascos all year is beyond belief.


Did the better side lose this game? The Sharks made error after error in the back-end of the game, whereas the Cowboys kept their head. There were dodgy calls against both sides. I think the better side won.

King Ben

Did the better side lose this game? The Sharks made error after error in the back-end of the game, whereas the Cowboys kept their head. There were dodgy calls against both sides. I think the better side won.
If you take away every point scored as a result of a "controversial" call, I think it's a 2 - 1 win for Cronulla. #robbed


When it comes to gutless coward journos ... the lowest scumbag of all is Paul Kent.

I normally try to ignore his dribble & agendas & beats up, but today I just couldn't let it go unchecked. So I actually posted a few questions on his Fox Sports blog today. True to form, all he could reply with was glib one liners ... honestly what a piece of s**t he is :

Paul your argument is completely specious as usual - it's not about the last seconds of the game, it's about the overwhelmingly one sided calls against the Sharks that meant the game should never have got to that point.

- Two blatant knock-backs from Fifita & Holmes that were ruled knockons.
- Chargedown incorrectly ruled against Brailey.
- Holmes had the ball deliberately played at 1-on-1 by Coote and knocked on, should have been Sharks feed - led to the deciding FG.
- Strip penalty on Fensom where he lost it cold - near the posts, allowing the Cowboys to equalise.
- Then no strip penalty against Taumololo when he whacked it out of Lewis' arms - right in kicking range.

None of these were 50/50 - they were black & white bad calls against the Sharks.
And they cost the Sharks their season.

Paul Kent:
And what about the ones that went against the Cowboys, for Cronulla? You just overlook them? Look at the Townsend try, the ball was grounded. Come on, man.

You can't deny the weight of bad calls went against the Sharks.
It was 6 bad calls against the Sharks vs 2 for the Cows (and that's accepting the Maloney sin-bin & Gallen strip call were OK on balance).
With the modern game, possession wins you games.
This mismatch of bad calls lost the Sharks the game.

Paul Kent:
Not every bad call works out 50-50. But the Sharks got a fair leg up with theTownsend try.

As for your obvious vendatta against Fifita - seriously give it a rest.
After Origin 3 you fabricate the story about Fifita demanding he start - then Daley unequivocally denies it - but of course no apology or retraction from you, and the mud sticks.
And now Fifita dislikes contact around his legs !!!
What a crock - seriously these are coward slurs from you.
How about you dump your biased agenda against Fifita and come up with factual analysis for once ?

Paul Kent:
As a columnist, I'm paid to have an opinion. I'll keep it, thanks.

As for Greenberg and his delusional "the vast majority of calls were spot on".
That is complete rubbish - any objective observer is saying the Sharks got the majority of the bad calls. Not just one call, but many.
Greenberg should stop trying the tough guy act, and come out & admit what everyone saw - it's the first step to actually addressing it. Admit that there's a problem.
He is in complete denial about refereeing incompetence, and it's driving fans away from the game.

Paul Kent:
Obviously there's one he hasn't driven away yet.


First Grade
Theres 3 elements which contribute to a loss: 2 teams and the ref.

None stand separate. They each affect the other.
One team is so good the other loses for example.

We were horrible. Dumb dumb plays by holmes. Gallen. Fifita. Maloney.

However..we were on top at 8 nil.
We were completing and looked for all money to up by 14.

However...the refs lost control of common sense and we lost the plot. We dropped the ball and our bundle.

True..we were bad - but as will swanton wrote - the ineptitude of the refs does more than put points on one other team - it frustrates the hell out of the other as they can see their lead slipping away. The lead they built up thru being tbe better side.
All of a sudden its level and they just implode thru frustration and anger.

Doesnt affect the ref.

Be just moves on to his next debacle.

Last edited:

Card Shark

When it comes to gutless coward journos ... the lowest scumbag of all is Paul Kent.

I normally try to ignore his dribble & agendas & beats up, but today I just couldn't let it go unchecked. So I actually posted a few questions on his Fox Sports blog today. True to form, all he could reply with was glib one liners ... honestly what a piece of s**t he is :

Paul your argument is completely specious as usual - it's not about the last seconds of the game, it's about the overwhelmingly one sided calls against the Sharks that meant the game should never have got to that point.

- Two blatant knock-backs from Fifita & Holmes that were ruled knockons.
- Chargedown incorrectly ruled against Brailey.
- Holmes had the ball deliberately played at 1-on-1 by Coote and knocked on, should have been Sharks feed - led to the deciding FG.
- Strip penalty on Fensom where he lost it cold - near the posts, allowing the Cowboys to equalise.
- Then no strip penalty against Taumololo when he whacked it out of Lewis' arms - right in kicking range.

None of these were 50/50 - they were black & white bad calls against the Sharks.
And they cost the Sharks their season.

Paul Kent:
And what about the ones that went against the Cowboys, for Cronulla? You just overlook them? Look at the Townsend try, the ball was grounded. Come on, man.

You can't deny the weight of bad calls went against the Sharks.
It was 6 bad calls against the Sharks vs 2 for the Cows (and that's accepting the Maloney sin-bin & Gallen strip call were OK on balance).
With the modern game, possession wins you games.
This mismatch of bad calls lost the Sharks the game.

Paul Kent:
Not every bad call works out 50-50. But the Sharks got a fair leg up with theTownsend try.

As for your obvious vendatta against Fifita - seriously give it a rest.
After Origin 3 you fabricate the story about Fifita demanding he start - then Daley unequivocally denies it - but of course no apology or retraction from you, and the mud sticks.
And now Fifita dislikes contact around his legs !!!
What a crock - seriously these are coward slurs from you.
How about you dump your biased agenda against Fifita and come up with factual analysis for once ?

Paul Kent:
As a columnist, I'm paid to have an opinion. I'll keep it, thanks.

As for Greenberg and his delusional "the vast majority of calls were spot on".
That is complete rubbish - any objective observer is saying the Sharks got the majority of the bad calls. Not just one call, but many.
Greenberg should stop trying the tough guy act, and come out & admit what everyone saw - it's the first step to actually addressing it. Admit that there's a problem.
He is in complete denial about refereeing incompetence, and it's driving fans away from the game.

Paul Kent:
Obviously there's one he hasn't driven away yet.

Good discussion mate but I wish you didn't bring Fifita onto it, rather attack his comment about us being lucky with the Townsend try.
It wasn't our fault winterstein tried that stupid play & replay from the other side showed he failed to get his hand back on it,


Good discussion mate but I wish you didn't bring Fifita onto it, rather attack his comment about us being lucky with the Townsend try.
It wasn't our fault winterstein tried that stupid play & replay from the other side showed he failed to get his hand back on it,
Yep agreed about Winterstein losing control.

I can't ignore his gutless sniping about Fifita any more ... every Sharks supporter wants him to run straight, but to suggest it's because he's scared of contact on his legs is just pathetic.
And this from a washed up hack who couldn't get out of North Sydney lower grades.

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