Kinda hoping for your sake you're trolling hard crazy. If not one of the more deluded views I've read on here. Firstly a couple of facts...... Sharks are in fact one of the stronger Sydney clubs now......debt has been cut to less than 3 million thanks to the development not to mention the ongoing income stream it will continue to generate. Memberships are up 80% on last year and crowds are up almost 40%. Your statement that our current situation is related to our financial situation makes me wonder if you're the full quid. Finally worst case scenario ....if it eventuates that the Sharks brand is that badly tainted from all of this then I think the last thing the Nrl would do would re-locate such a tarnished brand. I appreciate your opinion as always but feel as though you are talking out your arse. CheersI'm deadly serious. And I'll be proved right. I don't deny I wish to see the back of the Sharks but it hasn't clouded my judgement on this issue.
That is very damaging to Dank's character.
He dismisses what WADA advise & will not contact ASADA to confirm the status of drugs in Australia, it seems. Probably because he knows the answer he'll get.
He is suing everyone, before they sue him.
There should be more teams in Sydney. Bring back Norths and Wests. And Illawarra while we are at it.
Great days.
Athletes forced to answer ASADA questions: AOC
Updated 5 minutes ago
PHOTO: The AOC has brought in new rules forcing athletes and officials to answer doping questions truthfully. (Getty Images: Mark Nolan)
RELATED STORY: AOC urges jail sentences for anti-doping lawsRELATED STORY: Coates welcomes united crackdown on cheatsRELATED STORY: Doping probe rocks Australian sportRELATED STORY: Australia reacts to doping report
MAP: Sydney 2000
Athletes and officials will be forced to answer truthfully all questions from anti-doping authority ASADA, under new rules introduced by the Australian Olympic Committee.
The new policy means that athletes and officials cannot avoid questions about doping, regardless of whether answering might incriminate them.
The policy covers those involved in both Australia's shadow Olympic team and final selected Games team.
AOC president John Coates has been a vocal supporter of stronger regulations to compel sportspeople to co-operate with authorities.
He emphasised the consequences facing those who refused to comply with requests from the authority.
"Failure to co-operate with and assist ASADA, in every way, can result in an athlete or official being ruled out of an Olympic Team," Coates said in a statement.
Those questioned will have to provide information and documents requested by ASADA.
Coates, who will address the AOC's annual general meeting on Saturday, also called on other sporting federations and institutes and academies of sport to tighten their anti-doping policies and rules.
People like Coates make me sick. Suspension of basic rights like this in order to control drugs in sport is worse than the drugs in sport.
Something like this is a very worrying trend. It may not effect you directly , but if it goes without being challenged others will try similar strategies.
Why? They don't have to compete in the olympics. They can take drugs all by themselves and play sport by themselves. That is their right.
Why? They don't have to compete in the olympics. They can take drugs all by themselves and play sport by themselves. That is their right.
And NRL players don't have to play in the NRL.
Exactly, I have to have a police clearance for my work, is it an invasion of my privacy that my work compels me to provide this?