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  1. D

    The Joey Leilua Award "In the case of Joey Leilua - it was a different type of incident," Annesley said. "A player who was literally a bystander was hit quite high. It was obviously off the ball and...
  2. D

    Your top 5 overrated players of all time?

    Thank you for actually getting what overrated means. Your description of Sam Burgess is exactly why i put him the list. SBW is always named as one of the greatest ever second rowers. But i just can't justify him being held in that regard. His Bulldogs days were filled with promise, but he never...
  3. D

    Your top 5 overrated players of all time?

    Jason Stevens, Matt Gillett and Stacey Jones never won a premiership. Brent tate and Sam Thaiday didn't carry their teams to a premiership, if anyone in their team did it was Darren Lockyer. Ditto Matt Gidley and Joey Johns. Ditto Jesse Bromwich and the Big 3. Again, overrated does not mean...
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    Your top 5 overrated players of all time?

    My post literally starts with Overrated does = bad players
  5. D

    Your top 5 overrated players of all time?

    Reminder that Overrated does not mean bad. In fact even deservedly immortal level players can still be overrated. My list Jason Stevens Sam Thaiday Matt Gidley Matt Gilett Corey Parker Stacey Jones Sam Burgess Jess Bromwich Brent tate Sonny Bill Williams
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    No. My argument is that the difference between BJ and Latrell is that Latrell reacted instantly to an incident towards the player that did it. Thats entirely different to what BJ did. That arguement is specifically for the boneheads asking why Bjs and Latrells charges weren't the same. The...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    Mark ONeil was a pretty tough guy. Took a lot to knock him out. If the incidents were similar J Reynolds would still be asleep. Good joke though, but let's keep the discussion in the realms of reality
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    You're actually serious? Wow
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    Are you really comparing Danny Williams to Latrell mitchell? Jesus f**king christ. The mental gymnastics in here is amazing
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    So he wasn't on the beach that knocks the first 2 issues over. We are both gun owners so we know the 3rd is trivial. So you're right, clearing having friends over in a cramped apartment is tame compared to Latrell having family over camping on his big open property...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    No one is arguing that at all. In fact he is getting 2-3 weeks suspension for it.
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    You sure Latrell Mitchell was on that beach?? Don't need rego plates on vehicles operated on your own property.. Illegal gun use. Technically yes. But anyone who's owned a gun has let another person fire a round on their property. Its the lowest/most minor gun charge, the equivalent of a...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    It's funny you say 'protected for his weekend away'. Latrell didn't have a weekend away. He had been quarantining on that property for several weeks before that all blew up. The fact he got the same punishment as addo-carr (who did leave his quarantine) and a much larger penalty then cleary who...
  14. D

    The Joey Leilua Award

    Because not all high shots are the same. The one later in the game was careless. It was a lower grade careless. Thats a fine for all players who commit similar offences. What you want is for Latrell Mitchell to be punished differently to everyone else for the head high tackle. Cant you see the...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    There is no excuse- no there's not. Which is why Latrell is will be suspended. There is no mitigations- yes there are. Its why we have grading system. It's literally why we are argueing, because you don't like how the MRC has interpreted the mitigating circumstances in coming up with their...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    If you can't see the difference between immediately reacting to someone that's hurt a teammate and taken action immediately against the person who done it Vs Waiting 10 minutes and taking action against a totally different person then that says a lot. Here's a good indicator. If the reaction...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    The fine for the head high is very consitent with similar incidents... The Latrell Incident and the BJ incident were completely different.
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    Latrell done his 2 seconds after his team-mate was hurt. It was all part of the same incident. Bj done his many minutes after the incident with his team-mate (and brother). His charge was not part of the same incident that got his brother hurt (hell it wasn't even the same player that hurt his...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    No its not. Which is why Latrell will be suspended for 2-3 weeks...
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    The Joey Leilua Award

    So that sets it up right there. Because BJ didn't go straight through to the Judiciary, that clearly defined whats grade 3. So when a week later Latrell Mitchell done an incident not at the same level, the only option was to have it a grade lower. It's really that simple.