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  1. P

    5000 posts!

    Dude, thats lame. that just proves how much of a geek you are by displaying how much time you spend online... I'd be trying to hide my post count if it was that high. :lol:
  2. P

    94: The give the person above you a 'WARM FUZZIE" THREAD. 3

    sounds like a very cheeky girl
  3. P

    tb and her men

    Don't know what all the fuss about TB is... she's not that hot. she's more like a mild salsa
  4. P

    The Quote conversation thread

    Put the gun down and put your hands on the pavement!! Ther is no pavement!! Well put 'em hands on the oodles of noodles!! Chicken or Beef!?!
  5. P

    if you were in prison, what would you be like?

  6. P

    if you were in prison, what would you be like?

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. P

    who's the coolest guy in the world?

    Shaft was, is and always will be da coolest.
  8. P

    FFB - Most Likely.....

    Mostly likely to make millions? Andy - I've got one of his T-shirts Most likely to lose millions? Andy - He might have cool clothes, but he's a dumbass. Most likely to die a virgin? Was going to say Phillips, but he'll probably get gang raped in jail. Most likely to marry the most...
  9. P

    Urinal Etiquette

    Never touch the wall! What about those pissing height competitions after a few beers????
  10. P

    NFT - Hot Dang!!!

    It went sensationally! We had a nice chat over coffee at Gloria Jeans for about an hour and then we went for a walk along Nobby's breakwall. She laughed the whole night, so either I was really funny or she thought I was really stupid. :D
  11. P

    What show would you liked turned into a porno!!

    Had a bit of a think about this subject as I was finishing up at work last night. As I left the office I walked past the TV in the lunch room and Channel 10 news was on, Jessica Rowe was saying goodnight, and then the thought occured to me. Channel Ten News - First at Five. Jessica Rowe...
  12. P

    The Best Drop

    Cowboys are tastey. For those who don't know, they're butterscotch schnaps with bailey's on top.
  13. P

    NFT - VB One Day Series Game 3 India v Zimbabwe

    All I can say is- and i DON'T hate sayin it.... I TOLD YOU SO!! :lol: :lol:
  14. P

    UPDATE !!

    No offence inteded, but I can tell you haven't done much sand running in your time then. I'm a lifeguard and grew up doing nippers at Caves Beach surf club. I've done plenty of sand running in my time. It's got nothing to do with speed or power. Sand running, and hill running in...
  15. P

    UPDATE !!

    Here's something that'll give you a shock... The team went for some sand hill running last week and out of the whole squad, Nigel Vagana was the slowest in getting up a particulary steep sand hill. To my surprise I learned that Danny Nutley was one of the first to reach the top.
  16. P

    NFT - VB One Day Series Game 3 India v Zimbabwe

    I reckon India's got this one wrapped up and in the bag. If they can hold their tail end together in the batting, they'll probably win by at least 100 runs. The match is being played in Hobart and weather reports are all clear with a fine and sunny day on the cards. Haven't heard any...
  17. P

    Rebirth of the Brain Teaser

    Nope - A stick :D Sorry, couldn't resist the temptation.
  18. P

    NFT - Hot Dang!!!

    Well, it shoudl all make for an interesting conversation! :D
  19. P

    Raiders name 7's squad

    The full squad is as follows: 1. Matthew Gafa 2. Terry Campese 3. Jason Bulgarelli 4. James Evans 5. Joel Monaghan 6. Mark McLinden (c) 7. Brad Drew 8. Kris Kahler 9. Alan Tongue 10. Tyran Smith 11. Josh Miller What are they thinking? Brad Drew - Mr Half a game...
  20. P

    NFT - Hot Dang!!!

    Ok, going out for a coffee tonight. If you're in Darby street around 8:30 tonight and you see a black falcon ute, give me a wave and tell Michelle how good I am ;-)

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