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  1. J

    A passionate plea to football fans

    All you football fans c'mon FIRE-UP FIRE-UP The crowd figures for Rugby League are looking worse by the week!! We are the NRL the worlds greatest football competition we should be pulling in 20-30,000 per game not 6000's and 7000's. And the football media whats going on? I know we have...
  2. J

    Origin cred in tatters

    State of Origin will NEVER die Origin is the greatest sporting spectacle in the world!!!This wednesday 6 Biilion people all around the entire world will be tuning in. ORIGIN WILL LIVE FOR EVER
  3. J

    NRL Football for REAL men

    I tell you I'm sick of picking up the newspaper and having to see pages of frigging nancy boy soccer world cup and all this in State of Origin week.I'm sick of seeing all these girlie soccer players with their showpony haircuts and thier metrosexual clothes being on TV. It's about time the...
  4. J

    Italian soccer

    My old girls,old man is Italian and i've been to italy when I was a kid but i dunno how you guys watch italian soccer its so boring. it has to be the worst soccer in the world not that any of it is that good well not as good as real football anyway which is a real mans game Why does all...
  5. J

    The official Joey Johns appreaciation thread

    the J the O the E the Y it's J-oe-y it's J-o-e-y joey Johns The Football King Is The Worlds Number One Boy he's Mister Football King Of The World turn Yer Tv Dial To The Ch9 Position And See Joey Johns The Worlds Number One Footballer!!!
  6. J

    For those who think Soccer is no threat

    I could only just imagine those South Americans twinkie's and Italian nancy boys trying to play real football with some real Aussie men! :lol: :lol: SOCCER IS FOR androtops & FOOTBALL IS FOR REAL MEN!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
  7. J

    For those who think Soccer is no threat

    Soccer??? What red blooded Aussie male is going to go and watch a load of pansies kick a ballon around the soccer filed and clap when one of the sissies falls over and pretends to be injured? Those girlie soocer start wouldn't last 1 minute on the football paddock a big bunch of possing...
  8. J

    Joey Johns in the super league??

    As you guys are aware Joey Johns best footballer in the world plays for the Knights in the NRL the worlds best football competition but when he's finished with NRL he may go to England to play in the Super league the worlds second best football competition.You've already had a small taste of...
  9. J

    The Joey Johns appreaciation thread.

    Okay Joey's out for a week or two so now is a good time for the FR Forums to have Joey Johns appreaciation thread...... Joey Johns the worlds number one footballer is sheer poetry in motion the way he runs with the football,the way he walks with the football,the way he stands with the...
  10. J

    The official Joey Johns appreaciation thread

    Okay Joey's out for a week or two so now is a good time for the FR Forums to have Joey Johns appreaciation thread...... Joey Johns the worlds number one footballer is sheer poetry in motion the way he runs with the football,the way he walks with the football,the way he stands with the...
  11. J

    Wally Lewis vs Andrew Johns

    Joey J no1 Footballer > Wally x 10 End of!!!
  12. J

    SBS television

    It should be Football Football Football Football Real Football not the sissy version!!
  13. J

    A champions league competition for football Could it work?
  14. J

    Would the NRL support a football Champions League competition

    Well I know NRL is already the best football competiton in the world but to make it even better they should have a Champions League comp like the soccer does in Europe. They have like the four best clubs from each league coming up against each other every week it's called the Champions Soccer...
  15. J

    Soccer world cup could effect the 2014 NRL football season

    Yes it would be a bad thing for football the last thing we want is any more of our kids playing or getting interested stupid bloody soccer it's a friggin sissy's game our kids may as well take up ballet dancing!! Australians must look at the bigger picture and stick with football we've got the...
  16. J

    Which is the best football comp in the world?

    I'm talking football here mate not stupid bloody soccer
  17. J

    Soccer world cup could effect the 2014 NRL football season

    Stop having a pop at markstan he's spot on here no farker in Australia is going to watch soccer when it's football season! Okay it's The Knights v NQ a full house and live on the box or on the other hand Brazil are playing Italy or some other country nobody ever heard of! I know what I'd be...
  18. J

    Showcasing international football to the world

    No I'm not taking the piss I just thinks its a good way of getting international football onto peoples TV screens all over the world whilst watching the worlds best football competition the NRL. Got any better ideas brains
  19. J

    Which is the best football comp in the world?

    85% it's looking good for the NRL
  20. J

    Soccer world cup could effect the 2014 NRL football season

    I totally agree what red blooded Australian male is going to go out in the middle of the NRL football season and watch a load of bloody foreign sissy's who cn't even speak English kick some stupid soccer ball around World cup or no World cup.

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