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  1. E

    Organised crime and drugs in sport investigation

    I am starting to think that even if there is some guilt to be splashed around here, the way it has been made so public with so little substance just screams of diversionary scare tactics by the government. There is no value to be had in putting all of Australian sport under a cloud without...
  2. E

    Organised crime and drugs in sport investigation

    There are plenty of non-drug-test-cheating ways I can imagine a jar of pee would end up in a pipe, most of them involving alcohol...
  3. E

    Organised crime and drugs in sport investigation

    Yeah urine will inevitably have some endothelial cells in it, and maybe a few random white blood cells and anything else that might be swishing around in the kidneys/ureter/bladder/urethra regions but there wouldn't be many of them. DNA is relatively stable too so it should last, although I...
  4. E

    Organised crime and drugs in sport investigation

    I envision that if the jar was indeed for drug tester fooling purposes it would be left over from something that was going on 5 years ago. But the idea of having a stash stored in a cool place for a day or two prior to testing doesn't seem that far fetched to me. Some of the samples that come...
  5. E

    Organised crime and drugs in sport investigation

    I'd be interested to know why you think it wouldn't work? Providing someone else's urine is the easiest way to fool a drug test. That's how cyclists used to beat them... the hard bit is making it look like you're peeing when you're actually delivering someone else's pee, but there are ways of...
  6. E

    OFFICIAL New South Wales team, Game 2

    I think that it's a FAR better team than game 1. Players aren't being picked out of position in the backline for a change (with the exception of Tahu but that's not an issue). and Gidley if FINALLY back on the bench where he belongs (although if Lewis were fit I wouldn't pick him at all). But I...
  7. E

    refs evening up the penalty count - tipoffs by video ref

    Like I said I had the Tigers and Eels games specifically in mind. The sharks started struggling as soon as Kite came on though.
  8. E

    Central coast vultures

    Now's not the time to be saying this stuff but I get the feeling the Storm will go belly up, and I'd rather see the Bears come in than have 15 teams in the comp. Since no Adelaide or Perth franchises are on the cards and the Bears are ready to go, why not chuck them back in if the Storm fold?
  9. E

    thurston, why does he always come back early

    Because the cows suck without him. And I'm pretty sick of all this Hayne talk, he's good and is capable of freakish stuff. But he's done nothing this year and the commentators all shoot their wads off over him anyway. "He tapped the ball back in to stop a 40/20, this Jarryd Hayne is a...
  10. E

    As a Manly fan..

    Manly have lost a lot of players, particularly at the end of last year. You'll notice that the majority of our forward pack is made up of players that have had a dud run at other clubs, come to Manly on the cheap and turned their career around with some great footy. And we've had to lose some of...
  11. E

    Shame that the name 'Melbourne phoenix' is already taken

    I think the best way forward for the storm at this point is to start again, to make a symbolic gesture of renaming the club and clearing out anybody who had a hand in this deception. It's a shame the Melbourne phoenix are already in existence because the phoenix carries connotations of being...
  12. E

    As a Manly fan..

    Fans of every other club would do well to not get cocky over this, the only club that I think couldn't possibly be rorting the cap is Cronulla. I'm not saying any other clubs are, but it's not impossible and fans of any other clubs who start crowing about this could find themselves with both...
  13. E

    NSW Origin coach??

    The rumour has it that Bellamy won't be the Storm coach by week's end... does that mean he'll get the arse from NSW as well?
  14. E

    Jason Stevens was a prayer uttering thug

    When you type out that much a typo is bound to slip in at some point. It doesn't matter anyway, nobody ever changes their mind off the back of these discussions.
  15. E

    Jason Stevens was a prayer uttering thug

    Coolumsharkie and Goddo I refer you back to my post on page 3 about this thread being a waste of time. Nobody has a grand revelation in league forums, or any other forums for that matter. I will rapidly run out of patience answering you if my posts are systematically quoted and disseminated...
  16. E

    refs evening up the penalty count - tipoffs by video ref

    I've noticed this in just about every Manly game this year. Manly come out hard, play strong and set themselves up with a comfortable lead, and usually are on the better end of the penalty count as the other team tries to react to their fast start. And they go to the sheds with a handy lead...
  17. E

    Jason Stevens was a prayer uttering thug

    Just to correct some of the myriad of incorrect things I've read: The council of Nicaea (yes... that is the correct spelling Goddo) ended in a mojority position that Jesus was divine. But even if it didn't that would do nothing to disprove Christianity, the majority position doesn't correlate...
  18. E

    Jason Stevens was a prayer uttering thug

    Discussions about religion online almost never achieve anything constructive in my experience.. let alone ones on football forums. This thread is a waste of time, and I say that as a Christian who finds the misconceptions about Christianity being put forward here sad. And yes, Aussiegob Atheist...
  19. E

    Favorite post try cleberation?

    I think that is the funniest thing I've ever read on the LU forums. My fav post-try celebration was Travis Burns jumping on Brett Stewart's back after he came out of nowhere to score the winning try against the tigers in 2006 at Brookvale, but that could just be because I was so happy with...
  20. E

    Manly are gonna get smashed on Monday night *spoiler alert*

    This WAS a SOO thread for about 3 pages. As for the topic of this thread, this is exactly why you gloat AFTER a game and not before it. Speaking of which.... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!