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  1. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Spoilers - Cronulla v Newcastle

    No sorry, it seems it is you, dear boy that are living in a fantasy world, if you think that football players are some perfect race and chose to treat and judge them so. The quicker you learn they are human and they act differently to different emotions, the better off you will be!!
  2. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Spoilers - Cronulla v Newcastle

    Right, so thats why after their appaling loss to the warriors he stood up and on national television made his feelings of disgust, on how Newcastle performed known, is it? How do you know what the reason was for him not saying anything was? are you apart of the club? Better still are you apart...
  3. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Spoilers - Cronulla v Newcastle

    At least johns has a heart unlike SOME people! And if he was as baad as you say raider, then he wouldnt treat his fans the way he does!
  4. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Spoilers - Cronulla v Newcastle

    As far as i know Joey has always said something, even if it was how disgusted he was in the way the team played, that night was the first time i have known him to walk off without saying anything! I bet if your precious faiders were to lose to the bunnys and Schifcofskewalked off without saying...
  5. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Rule Changes

    Alot of the problem i think too is that players aren't playing fo rthe love of the game any more its mostly about the money so they need to do anything they can to win games, hence the introduction of all these new rules to keep everything to a minimum but at the same time it's slowed down the game.
  6. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Rule Changes

    Even back then they didn't have all the rules we have now and the game was more enjoyable and more free flowing than it is today and thats what i loved about the game, the fact that it just flowed with hardley any penalties or stopping was great.
  7. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    italian appeals- sentences reduced

    I'm sorry but as far as I'm concerned they were found guilt of match fixing....I mean MATCH FIXING now to me they have laid down a penalty and they should be re-inforcing these penalties....Now rather than giving the message "we mean buisness, we will punish you harshley for these kind of...
  8. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Rule Changes

    Well whether they have it or not then there is still poor ball security because obviously they can't hold onto the ball if the opposition can just pull it from their hands! so if they lose it, they lose it.....where as now with the stripping rule, because they know its there, whenever they do...
  9. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Rule Changes

    LOL:D yeah 8:46 is a bit late on a Friday night....brains frazzled by now!
  10. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Rule Changes

    I was thinking about the rules and I started thinking about what rules I would change.....and was wondering which all of you would change... Here is what I think!! Here are the points of the game that i believe should be changed. Scrums- The ball must be fed into the middle of the scrum...
  11. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Brown's contract extended until 2008

    No matter how much money they are getting, if your not getting respect from someone and not giving it in return there is gonna be a MAJOR breakdown, and they would get to the stage where they would be saying nah stuff this, its either him go or we not play! they are human beings you cant "work"...
  12. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Marking 100 years of RL

    Exactly its not jsut that inital game that has turned Rl into the game it is today!
  13. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    No need for major Salary Cap rise

    I think players should start looking at it from the persective: are they in it for the money or the game? If they are in it for the money, then get a real job. Look at RL in the 80's and before that, the players played for the love of the game, not the money! That's how it should be, you...
  14. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Marking 100 years of RL

    Well there should be more cause although they were the first ever games, it was just because of those games that Rugby League is what it is in Australia today!
  15. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Brown's contract extended until 2008

    If there was no respect then why is it there aren't more blow ups and more rumours circulating about the club, and why do they constantly come out week after week and play??
  16. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Salary Crap

    All the NRL want is money, money and more money so they wont do anything that means less money for them!
  17. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Brown's contract extended until 2008

    Good point BUT how did any of the coaches get their experiance? Somehow i do not think they were born with the ability to lead a team to the premiership trophy,and the only thing that makes browny's time harder is the fact that he was appointed coach just after the jv took place, therefore more...
  18. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Salary Crap

    I honestly don't think that the clubs do enough for RL in their area's but to them it wouldn't be worth it, why put a helluva lot of money into the junior clubs bringing them through the ranks when they know there is a huge possibility of losing them because they wont be able to afford to keep...
  19. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Why can't I see who's online?

    No no no no, I know that, but before it never used to log me out halfway through typing a post I used to be cruising around for hours and i wouldnt get logged off i used to be able to d/c from the net get back on two days later and itwould still be logged in, but now it just keeps logging me...
  20. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Why can't I see who's online?

    ok so we know that users cannot be seen, BUT why am i being logged out all the time...I will be typing up a post then when i go to send it i have to log back in again and I KNOW that i have logged in, in the first place!