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  1. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Official - Titan Jersey!!!

    Lets face it when the jersey's come down to it they are only there so that fans can distinguish between the teams. Who cares if they are not fancy?Were the old jerseys for alot of the teams fancy? Compared to the new jerseys no, they were plain but they stood out as being their(teams) own.
  2. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Enough is enough?

    No what i was trying to get at Godz Illa, is that once on that field the coach has no real say in what goes on so why blame the coaches?!?! That was the incident that stood out in my mind (only cause my friend went for Melbourne and she hasnt let me live it down YET)
  3. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Enough is enough?

    Ok to start with this era of game is entirely different, there is no need to go out and risk doing more damage then what there is to start with and risk ending your career. In regards to Head, he needed surgery and he had it done, so why rush back and undo that surgery and jepordise your...
  4. Squishy_Da_Byatch


    Lets face it, the way the NRL is heading all teams will be privatised in the furture anyway! So we are just getting a head start! and lets face it, if WIN are happy to put in some money then we should be happy and take it! Cause any help at the moment is good help, would be soo much better if...
  5. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    NRL Salery Cap Structure

    I think if a team utilises their own juniors then they should either a) not be counted under the salary cap for the first couple opf recruitments or b) Local juniors are allowed to seek outside funding.
  6. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    LOL sorry footy was in my life first :P I Love my footy :D just sooo pissed that i wont be here for the Dragons Trial on the 26th :(
  7. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    How am I a "tragic" footy fan??
  8. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    Nah, only 78 people, its pretty good, but anyone would of thought we were alco's lol we went and bought the bombinaries or however its spelt today, and we bout like 7 cases of wine, lol but its all good :D Lol funny though, im more excited about the fact that in 33 days the footy season kicks...
  9. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    I never said we thought we were hot sh*t and who says I still do it?!?! That happened when we first got engaged two years ago, I stopped racing a month later! I just go out cruising now. I'm not THAT stupid, I know i would be devestated if i lost my fiance, so there is no way I'm going to put...
  10. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Question for the Girls

    There's also another way you can do it, if your out with her just wonder through shops and see what she "gravitates" towards, and then get your idea's from that. That's how i buy presents for alot of people, tho im not a clothes shopping type of person!
  11. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Green V. Mundine

    Simply.........mundine is a waste of space! I really don't think he did anything for Football and he doesn't do nothing for boxing, he should just go crawl in a hole and hide, because the world would be ALOT better without him!
  12. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    Hell yeah we had a race set up along back streets...and part of the course where there are no street lights we had to do it with no headlights and once we got back into the light and we could turn the headlights back on there was something on the road I couldnt even tell you what........and i...
  13. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    The give the person above you a 'WARM FUZZIE" THREAD. 6

    Has just as much chance of getting Devil9 as white poiner getting the premi :whistle....... O:)
  14. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    Green V. Mundine

    GO GREEN, GO GREEN, GO, GO, GO GREEN. Personally I think mundine is tooooo up himself, i mean its a boxing match they were promoting not a fashion label, OH PLEASE! He needs his head leveled, he thought he was the god of football and he now thinks he is the god of boxing, and that he can do...
  15. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    Oh he will don't you worry ;) lol!
  16. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    The give the person above you a 'WARM FUZZIE" THREAD. 6

    "eats" live people *ahem* girls (YUM)..... and might like to know my name comes from Finding Nemo (the lil Jellyfish)
  17. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    The give the person above you a 'WARM FUZZIE" THREAD. 6

    Knows that getting sex from a male maths teacher is more probable than winning a premiership
  18. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    No im not 16 :O Im 21 if I were 16 i wouldnt be getting married because its tooo much of a pain in the ass, why you ask?? Hey QLD is good enough for me :D I wanna see my own backyard first then go overseas!!
  19. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    The give the person above you a 'WARM FUZZIE" THREAD. 6

    Knows that it will be 40yrs come October 2006 :D and that Dragons are really the best :P
  20. Squishy_Da_Byatch

    YAY I getting married soooooon

    THANKIES Twizzle :D Good 'Ol Gold Coast, never been there so its gonna be really wikked :D going to Dream World, Wet 'n' Wild and Sea World :D YAY.......