I would have thought you'd take that thread with a grain of salt and a fair chunk of humour, as I am sure 99% on this website have.
I have no problem with you calling someone, but when that exact thread you call him on being a troll, there is someone who is the lowest of the low trolls goes unmentioned because he supports the same club.
Yeah, hypocrite may fit. Or is just that if someone supports an opposition club then they can only be trolls.
Anyway good luck tonight.
Sure, the thread is there for humour, and I get it, but it is always easier to see that when it is not about your club.
I thought the threads about StGeorge winning 1 or 16 was quite funny, but your supporters certainly didn't at the time.
In terms of Nemesis, I explained what I thought his posts.
In terms of Timmah, I did the same, and he backed up what I said two posts later:
For the record, I hate South Sydney, I think they are a pathetic club who continue to live off past glories. I am sick to death of the same garbage every pre-season how you have the best forward pack, yet by Round 13 you're already also-rans. Players like Sandow and Luke make it all the more easy to hate.
Good luck to the Saints tonight too.