Good post!
The main reason I would like an annual vote for St George delegate on the Board is to keep the fans engaged and these Board members accountable. Continuity of Governance is very easily provide through WIN Corp Board Members given that WIN Corp always occupies the chair position on the Board.
It seems to me that the new CEO has joined the old boys club so a change in Board members would be the only way of addressing the perceived nepotism and corruption currently within SGI. After the clean out, we need a leader to instil the value of Excellence rather than mediocracy.
I think what's worse is the process that the new Board went through to appoint Johnstone.
It all looks so pre determined and the criteria non existent.
I never could understand why they keep ignoring fan sentiment and then recently it occurred to me that in fact, they are banking on attracting new fans to the club so they don't have to deal with the constant backlash from fans that are more in tune with the club history.
They hope that one day, newbies will outnumber the traditional fan base and therefore take a lot of the pressure off.
Then they can continue down this path of mediocrity to their hearts content.
I still strongly believe that the JV has never been good for this club.
The initial financial advantage has long evaporated and now the Illawarra faction is running the show.
Tail wagging the dog so to speak.
"The Brand" has been seriously compromised and the administration of the club has turned out to be an old boys' hobby and pastime.
Personally, I cannot see how the voting rights will ever be given to the fan base under the current constitution.
The Board members are like barnacles.
Pretty depressing.