If they do it won't be for the 18th team, most likely for the next two so they can have a lead time into the following broadcast deal, Perth needs a bid ready to roll now not some public invisible invitation to the ball. Just coz the titans got in last time you guys bid, doesn't mean you should stop trying, the fact that you are waiting like some dog at the front door for the mailman, shows f**kall nuts,
Incase you haven't noticed V'landys backed the dolphins coz they didn't waver from the pressures of the lacking in their bid, the other few bids decided to suckup and merge in hopes to form some mega bid that would dwarf their rival all last minute, all desperation tactics, instead just showed how inept they were to become the 17th team with values and strong leadership, they knew they had a under capacity ground, but they pushed, knowing in future years they could extend and upgrade it, whilst still using suncorp as the major 2nd Tennant anyways.
Where's that favourite line of yours PR, "cmon nrl"
Well they are probably saying that to you too, the total fact that this article is out there is coz they've wanted to publicly spout that they are still around, yet still no bid has been put forth... secret is there wont be any formal open invitations, just balls to bid, just like Fiji, and that new nz keas bid, hell even the bears have stated they only want a location, instead of just choosing one on their own without a held nrl hand,they should just bid in wherever and rockn roll full steam ahead with it