Absolutely true!Yet those same people will tell you how good a nil all draw in the EPL was...
anyhoo get them 4 out before the next break under 100 and I can’t see anything but an Australian win
My dad was born in a non-cricket playing nation and would not have seen cricket at all until he moved to Australia.
He loved to watch a one day match but could not stomach test match cricket at all. Dad just could not wrap his head around a concept that has a game go for up to five days, large amounts of time where the ball is not getting bashed plus a high probability of a draw at the end of it. It just didn't click with him at all.
The funny part of all of that was he was huge into cycling. The event he loved to watch the most was some big bicycle race in France which he was GLUED to the tv for a whole 23 nights straight....lol.