As for my opinion on the 12-page letter... I've read it, slept on it and read it again. It's clearly more a propaganda piece than straight talking communication to the members,
The propaganda starts in the first sentence, where "our Board" stakes a claim (without evidence) that they are on a path of proper governance. That's political posturing right there, with elections just two and six months away.
The propaganda continues with the selective inclusion of information, and the clever choice of words to describe situations. Under the John Kolc and Sharon Wilson it says they
commenced proceedings in Fair Work Australia "and those proceedings were subsequently settled". This appears to be a sneaky way of saying that John Kolc and Sharon Wilson actually
won their unfair dismissal claims against the club/Board...?
Looking at the mentions of Fair Work Australia, it appears that this Board has been found to have unfairly dismissed two people (Kolc and Wilson), has one case still open (Francesco) and claims two "wins" where someone didn't follow through with unfair dismissal action (Grosvenor) and where someone had to be paid their twelve week entitlements (Delaney).
That's only a 50% rate of proper employee terminations in the eyes of Fair Work Australia, with one case to come - and of course the Court Case about Fitzgerald's membership (cleverly not mentioned in the letter, though they're happy to mention a few other "allegations"). I'm not happy my club/Board terminates
any employees improperly, let alone 50%, yet Spags seems to think this is a virtue?
The propaganda continues, with the "clever" mention of Peter Wynn as a competitor to the club's merchandise store. Wasn't aware this was even an issue of confusion for any member, but given that Peter Wynn has been reported to be considering running for the FC elections in December, Roy decides to get a negative printed in a letter that goes to all members. They're politicking like crazy ladies and gentlemen,
The claim that they are chasing $100K of Members money through their Project Pittsburgh witch hunt is someone cancelled out by the relevation that they have spend $130K on Mr Findlay and $170K on solicitors to do so - that doesn't add up to me? It's bad business (and bad politics) to spend $300K to chase $100K and then crow about it.
And that $300K figure doesn't include the "settlement" costs that appear to have been paid to John Kolc and Sharon Wilson for unfair dismissal... as a Member I'm more concerned about that $300K or $400K (or possibly more?) of "our money" that's been unnecessarily spent by "our Board" on their witch hunt (which Spags goes on to deny is taking place, even though he's given the evidence for it in this letter, imo).
The DA stuff - they claim no Board involvement in Webb and Maitua, and claim no Osborne involvement in Mateo, Inu and Keating... but fail to mention or address Board involvement/interference in the failed quest to land Quade Cooper.... just convenient, or plain selective politicking?
The financial stuff - it's not very detailed, and until it comes from certified audited financial statements it's not worth the paper it's printed on. Not saying they're deliberately misleading, just that in my line of work I receive organisation's financial figures on the run, and then the final audited ones for the financial often differ by a huuuuge amount.
Personally, observing what's happened with the GFC and world economies, it's a bit ingenious to claim the turnaround from 2008 to 2009 is due to the new Board/administration. Again, in my line of work I've seen financial reports from organisations nearly all turn around in that magnitude, and hardly any had any change of approach/management/directors. It's like blaming politicians at one point in time for global recessions (or crediting them for global growth).
They've reduced executive employment costs - but as stated above had to have (at least) two unfair dismissals to do it, plus a pending court action.
There are some good things they've done in the letter, and for those who accuse me or others of not highlighting the good things... why would I retype them, when Spags has just spent "our money" posting a 12 page pre-election publicity letter to every member. (Incidently, how different is this
really to the previous Board sending a much shorter politicking letter in Mandarin to various Tingha Patrons, other than Spags' letter not having any vouhcer and is typed in English...)
Instead I choose to highlight the "missing items", raise the questions that I believe we the Members should be thinking about, and I choose not to blindly swallow Spagnolo's steaming hot pre-election political advertisement/letter like it's gospel.
imo has been shown not to be a man of his word (through his statements and then turnaround on DA seeing out his contract), and if you look at the list of promises from the FC elections, his ticket (which he proudly names throughout this "nuetral" letter) hasn't carried through on many of them within the FC in the past 22 months.
NB. For the slow learners who carry on lately about critical comment, the above is "just an opinion", and if you don't like my opinion then instead of whinging and being paranoid, then please just scroll past or here's the link to ignore my posts: ignore bartman