See we all know it is really an insignificant story, that Grothe can't be a Board member. The bigger story is that those in charge of our club failed to realize this fact, before they announced the appointment. The appointment announcement, takes employees time (so money) and of that that was spent without asking the first basic question. Does Eric qualify to be a member of the board.
This is not the first time these same people have been caught out with this. During the election with Terry Leabeater, while slightly different is still a case in point. They get the people they want then announce it then check their availability, really the first thing they should do is check their availability, then ask them if they want to get involved.
You have been waiting for this slip up.
They have stuffed up and your really stretching it for as long as u can sustain this roll on.
Did this stuff up cost the club?
Did Guru Snr steal money?
He literally sat in 2 board meetings?
Was it really that bad? 10 pages on and we are still crying on about a minor little issue that had no bearing on any costs to the Leagues Club?
The Leabeater membership has nothing to do with this so I'm not sure why your digging that far back.
How did the announcement cost time (wages). It would of taken Doug McDougall probably 5 to 10 mins to run that release.
Storm in a tea cup, there are other bigger issues at the moment and we have become to fickle.
I would be more concerned if we didn't have a major sponsor like 2 other Sydney clubs at the moment or the Stadium won't be ready till after July cause the stadium roof is falling apart.
Yes Mits, Fitzy has caught the board out, well done to the bloke. It's nice to see that he is monitoring them and keeping them on their toes.