Broncos 9s Jersey. Much better than the current away, and a better template than the current home. Can anyone mock that Jersey up in home colours?
Broncos 9s Jersey. Much better than the current away, and a better template than the current home. Can anyone mock that Jersey up in home colours?
so the best broncos jersey in years gets used in a few trials and a 2 day 9's tournament and is not for retail sale.... awesome....
Still waiting on the Dragons to release a Nine's jersey.
I want the teal jersey back
I'm sure you jest but i woulda loved a retro 1995 7's style jersey... shame these new ones aren't for sale to the public...
Why wouldn't clubs put 7's jerseys up for sale?
Laziness or fear they'll be lumped with something no one will buy or worse a fear they've f**ked up with the normal jerseys and no one will buy those?
Diamonds would be perfect for the 9s. One can only hope...