We don't need to pay for our own ground when we pay a pittance for a very good 25K all seater & have the Australian sports commission pay for its upkeep dummy
who said we don't get coin from poker machines ?
I quite clearly said we have a leagues club empire , not a piddling single leagues club like the sharks
an empire !!
we rake it in in truck loads
as for a development , we're not tennents like the sharks
we're landlords
we OWN more property then the sharks ever will
you're a morris minor , we're a Ford Mustang where finances are concerned
oh &
we had more members & bigger average attendances in a year that we missed the finals while you lot were premiers
says it all really : )
You still pay money for the use of that ground.You still spend twice as much in your football dept as the Sharks.You still get outbid by the GWS Gnats to the tune of $2m pa over 10 years.
I stated you did get coin from your Leagues clubs and a far swag of money to go to the football club.Clubs are trying to wean themselves off relying on poker machine monies.I guess in about 50 years the viking clappers will think about doing the same LOL.
The Sharks leagues club will be Landlords not tenants FFS receiving $1m rental pa form their retail development,including a Woolworths supermarket.In addition part of the profits on sales of at least 400 units.Throw in a planned hotel and an additional 200 units awaiting approval.Yeah terrible position LOL.
Bruno Cullen would laugh your 2nd last line re finances.
No we have sand buggies ,which run up and down our wonderful beaches and the ever changing surf, by comparison to the still waters of Lake Barely Tolerable.Mate has a deep sea fishing boat, and charters it out, yeah area is morris minor material.The carp going well in the Lake ?
And we are free of Federal Politicians ,that's worth the price of entry.
You cover a population of 400,000 plus people, the Shire 230,000 .If you can't get a bigger average then your mob is as week as.And BTW they are not averaging thousands more.
You still missed the finals and we were premiers.Thanks for reminding merit;'s music to my ears.