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2017 membership renewal


When I made my call to opt out of renewing the young girl asked if I had a particular reason.

I gave the standard ones - McGregor/Doust, RGRV, Thursday nights etc. She didn't put up any argument. Probably heard it all before.

I have to admit though, I felt sad afterwards. It was a bit like breaking up with a long-term girlfriend who I still liked.

Look at it as a trial separation



The main reason I'll be renewing my membership is because I like my current seating arrangements (especially Wollongong).

I am also concerned what effect current members revoking their memberships will have on a club that is 'allegedly' under financial duress.

The ghosts of Newtown and North Sydney resonate very strongly with me.

Give me a break! That is a pathetic excuse.


I get it, you support the Red V and the Dragons club above all else. Turn up on game day, buy a membership, some merchandise and don't consider yourself a fair weather supporter. Best kind of fan to be. right? Club is lucky to have such a stoic supporter.

Here's the reality of it. You are the biggest part of the club and the minority, the board and its puppeteers, are the ones who are telling you how it is. You may be happy to ride it out and cop that it's out of your hands but in doing so you're saying to them, the minority, that its fine, I'll be here regardless. You're hitting the glass ceiling despite knowing how high you can go. It's a shame. You're probably a decent fan but I couldn't sit idling by after six years of this rubbish.

You own the club, it's not theirs to ruin. It doesn't need to be the reality. Other clubs have come back from this but it requires the right people and input to make it happen. What they're offering you is not acceptable.

Well said. Totally agree


How is it punishing the players? The players need a proven 1st grade coach and they need a board that puts the club on a strong financial footing and gives them the facilities and the backing they need.
Paying your membership means more of the same. If you're happy with 11th or worse each year, if you're happy with only signing 2nd tier players, if you're happy with a coach that is satisfied losing because the opposition could only score with kicks, if you're happy with mediocrity, then go ahead, renew your membership.
I've followed the Dragons since 1965 and I have been loyal to them, spent my hard earned, gone to home and away games each week, bought merchandise, etc, etc. But there comes a time when you have to take a stand against mediocrity, against a coach that can't coach try scoring, against a board that is a law unto itself.
Since 1965, I've seen our teams have good years and some seriously bad years, but I have never known a St George team coached so poorly or the club run so inefficiently. Yet we, as members, are expected to fork out each year but have no say in the way things are being run. Members have shown their dissatisfaction with the current state of the team and club. Yet, instead of taking action, they appoint a committee. Which proves they are incapable of making decisions. It's just gutless.
I will support our boys on the field till the day I die, but I'm buggered if I'm going to support the idiots running things at the moment. So until a proven first grade coach is appointed and a CEO and Board, with integrity, are in place, I will not be renewing my membership, going to games or purchasing merchandise. Because, unlike you, I'm not satisfied with mediocrity and ineptness.
So Forster Dragon, you're the one that needs to wake up.
Hit the nail on the head.

Dragons 09

I'll take one as a compromise, imagine the weight off our shoulders so that we can have something fresh that'll give supporters fresh hope for the future.

Yep, me too mate. Exit the impostor and enter a tried and tested outsider coach and i'm good to go in 2017.


First Grade
Let's also not lose sight of the fact that if change does occur there may be a solid transition period and results may not improve but so long as the club is open with its intentions and adapts to the situation I think most fans will buy into it and all will be well.

At the very least you may have a solid FG coach and a football club with the right people to take you forward and the pain will be short.

The main reason I'll be renewing my membership is because I like my current seating arrangements (especially Wollongong).

I am also concerned what effect current members revoking their memberships will have on a club that is 'allegedly' under financial duress.

The ghosts of Newtown and North Sydney resonate very strongly with me.

Excuses, excuses.

Straight Shooter


First Grade
I'm guessing Forster Dragon and Minh are one in the same.

Straight Shooter

Your arrogance knows no bounds.
One cares not for fair weathers of your ilk that still cannot complete a post without an insult.
As for the rest....well, I see peoples rights to renew or depart as their entitlement.
Funny thing though...people will complain about many, many things about our club and wonder why we have become the poor cousins of the NRL. Maybe when you add up the number of people that don't wish to contribute to the club in a financial way and see the impact in the following years with funding cuts to certain areas of operations, they might understand the impact of their decisions. Still...it's their right, right.

Forster Dragon

I'm guessing Forster Dragon and Minh are one in the same.

Straight Shooter
I do not accept or enjoy the fact that we are struggling,as all teams do have tough times..My point is that we stick solid and not go off and withdraw support.Surely this is as bad as the current situation and will only see the position deteriorate further.

Old Timer

Your arrogance knows no bounds.
One cares not for fair weathers of your ilk that still cannot complete a post without an insult.
As for the rest....well, I see peoples rights to renew or depart as their entitlement.
Funny thing though...people will complain about many, many things about our club and wonder why we have become the poor cousins of the NRL. Maybe when you add up the number of people that don't wish to contribute to the club in a financial way and see the impact in the following years with funding cuts to certain areas of operations, they might understand the impact of their decisions. Still...it's their right, right.
There are no rights or wrongs in this matter, each individual has the right to exercise his wishes as it best suits him.
Those that believe in positive action will request a methodology such as, no membership but that is not to say that others, that do have membership do not also want change, they may just express it by action of a different form.
We should all respect each others points of view, agree to disagree and of course have robust interaction to try and win the arguement, but let's not fracture the fan base with "I'm right you're wrong fights" as that will only serve other peoples ends.
No matter what we may think of it all, if our kids want to go and see the Dragons, I think every parent should take them.
We don't have the right to rob them of their love for a team or player.


First Grade
Board got us into this position. After winning back to back MPs, premiership, WCC and the merchandise and membership boom that brings.
Where was the investment for the future? Forward planning?
Now we have 5 home grounds and in hock to the NRL. Paying overs to players as none want to come here.
They STILL believe Mary is a coach of NRL standard.

The fact people want to give their money to these shonks is absolutely their right. But it is absolutely an acceptance of mediocrity.
There are no rights or wrongs in this matter

Yes there is:

Non renewal is a desperate vote for change. Renewal gives support to mismanagement and mediocrity.

The distinction between right and wrong is crystal clear.

We should all respect each others points of view

I have no respect whatsoever for those who a wrong on this issue.

We're not talking opinions here, we're talking facts.

Straight Shooter


I do not accept or enjoy the fact that we are struggling,as all teams do have tough times..My point is that we stick solid and not go off and withdraw support.

Noone is discussing withdrawing support. We are looking to withdraw membership. There's a high chance I'm still going to games, but I'll be damned if the club are going to count me as a number in their membership tally and use it as a means of displaying success.

Surely this is as bad as the current situation and will only see the position deteriorate further.

We've all thought the same over the last 6 years. But every year, nothing improves. In the immortal words of Reek (formerly Theon Greyjoy, only living son of Balon Greyjoy and heir to the Iron Islands);


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