Isn't this what multiculturalism is though? People coming from different cultures and importing that culture into society. It's a difficult one because I'm not sure you can have it both ways. As integration is basically considered racist, how can you have a go at people for being true to their culture when that is what is actively encouraged. The players gathering on the field in prayer is praised as beautiful by commentators.
If you want to go down the road of multiculturalism rather than multi-race then this is what you get, unless you want to pick and choose which parts of their culture they can't express. Maybe a list can be put together. Like it or not, religion influences a large part of the culture in a lot of countries.
For what it's worth, I am an atheist and I am certainly not condoning what they are doing. I think all religion is stupid to be honest, but I'm just trying to look at it from another angle. The culture of Australia sees it (not wearing the jersey) as the wrong thing to do and theirs, it would appear doesn't. So...