I'd be surprised if he hasn't already met his KPIs for this season.
My mail about 4 weeks ago was that one of BA's KPI's was making the prelim. This was seen as potentially a make or break KPI for whether he would remain as head coach in 2023.
Once we finished in the Top 4, it was put to me that "sacking a coach that makes the top 4, isn't the done thing" and this made me start thinking that maybe the Prelim KPI was no longer make or break.
Since Friday night's loss and the fact we are now in sudden death to make the prelim, it is more likely that he will now stay for 2023 and the changes in coaching support such as Barrett, etc. as well as the work Nathan Brown (the bald one) is doing with reviewing our elite patchways, etc. will be seen as big enough changes.
Personally, I think the possible targets we had for a replacement coach have fallen through resulting in us being less willing to take the gamble of replacing the existing coach (who has some level of success) with a totally unknown who may actually set us back.
On the player front, I reckon Ethan Sanders is going to train with the full time squad in the offseason. He had a pretty good year in Flegg and could easily overtake Jake in the halfback stakes.