yes and no re Stockholm, I have a house there, but renting it out while I’m trying to live in the forest amongst the Oaks, deer, moose and wild boar … beutiful place and only a little over an hour from Stockholm with the fast train. Walking the dogs in there forest, it’s amaxing re wild life)Renovating an old house with my partner (she loves old swedish houses). Luckily I work from home mostly, so it doesn’t matter as long as the internet works (and with access to fibre and 5G it’s all good).
Åre is great for skiing, well as great as Sweden gets

, but I tended to go to more tame places.
worked 7 years in Norway, in beautiful Bergen (day/ evening hikes from the city are just so nice, as long as 4-600m vertically is ok, otherwise you take a cable car I guess) , I remember that it cost more to grab a pizza for dinner there than to buy pizza for dinner for the family in Stockholm. Norway is just so expensive due to the oil money.
ok, back to footy