sure Bart, I agree. Scrutiny is good. But we've had a hell of a lot of change, a hell of a lot of things happening....hence why I said earlier 12 months would be a good time to look back, see what they've done and how many runs they've got on the board......I think, and I reckon most people would agree, that so far they've started very well.
Sure, I don't think anyone's saying overall they haven't made good progress etc etc.
To me this thread was just a specific call out on one particular issue that had been widely shared before the elections. I remember at the LC meeting I went to mention was made to an alternate betting agency if the TAB was too difficult/costly, and the name of the agency was also mentioned (although I have since forgotten it).
If 3P are good on their promise about accountability and two way communication with fans/members in the new era, the starter of the thread should see a reply from one of the 3P members about TAB/betting agency progress in this thread next week - and I think that type of communication (should it happen) is a good thing. :thumn
I just found it amusing that replies to this thread show that the same scrutiny we put to the last lot hasn't quite kicked in for the new lot yet.... but I look forward to when it does actually kick in (not at the ballot box, but in opinions and comments), because the increased fan awareness and scrutiny was the big positive imo in the changes that took place.