But fields like a gay.Root looks like a lesbian
Root captains likes a lesbian
Root Bats like a Lesbian
Root Bowls like a Lesbian
Mitch only 9 levers off the double ton.
They suck and blow at the same time.The point being England still suck.
And hard.
A great innings from the big man. He’s such a big strong man. So big!Mitch only 9 levers off the double ton.
Warne is just a bitter, pathetic, petty, plastic face POS.Warnes is so in love with Mark Waugh but completely hates Steve cos he was told what to do reminds me of a 5year old.
How many times did he let Steve Waugh down with his match fixing and drug cheating only for Steve Waugh to save us in the world cup.
When Mark Taylor yesterday was talking about Steve Waughs son playing under 19s warnie only talked about Sutherland and couldn't give a shot about steves kid.
A man mountain.A great innings from the big man. He’s such a big strong man. So big!