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4 corners


what a bunch fuggen idiots footy players are.

Cronulla were made to look like animals.

now ...we are truely fugged.

2002..who was coach then?


I'm gobsmacked.

If the club knew this was coming then it's little wonder they are playing like busted r soles.


Dear o dear!
If that wasn't a beat up, I don't know what was!!

It seemed as though the whole aim of that show was to drag down the NRL, and in particular, the Sharks and Bulldogs. But didn't the Knights come out smelling like roses?!?

I have soooooooo many questions about that show it's not funny. Inconsistent recounts from the girls, allegations that were never proven being treated as fact, a semi death threat at the end, and so on.

That Palavi girl, claiming she was raped by a high profile NRL player. Well, if your main goal of going out is to pick up fooy players, and take them somewhere "classy" like a hotel room and have sex with them, then you have absolutely no basis to claim rape at all.

The Kiwi girl said 6 players had sex with her, but only 4 were on the bed? Apparently they all came in the bathroom window, how does she know that if she suddenly looked up and 12 people were there? What the f*** did Paul Gallen have his name brought up for? He didn't even know it was happening!!

I'm not saying that any girl deserves any of that to happen to them, but gees, you have to wonder why you'd get yourself in that situation in the first place.

It's not just an NRL issue, it's an issue for all of society these days.
I await the exposure of the University life, backstage music gangbangs and so on.


f**k !!

We were made to look sh*te - actually felt for the girl

But why the f**k drag Gall into it ???


Will the NRL give the players in question the resources for a class action against the She is 19 & drink & vote for her prime minister. She is old enough to scream for help if it was that bad. She was up for it absolutely completely. Her recollection of the events sounded like line rehearsed mumbo jumbo fed into her by some do-gooder hypnotherapist.

& by the way, you would never hear of "buns" going on in the rest of teh community.

FMD what a hatchet job on the NRL


i take it i should be thankful i didnt get to watch it due to being at work? sounds like it was a set up planned by do-gooders in society, scripted and rehearsed

who else wants to join the line to get rid of us?

that charmayne palavi is the biggest __ known in sports circles, she screws whoever is willing to do it with her then she outs them on the net or where ever she can,
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I'm gobsmacked.
not as much as that two bit tramp that recieves pictures of players c**ks texted to her

her family must have been so proud sitting back watching her on that show tonight

she would be a walk up start for the XXX version of 'facebook - the movie'


not as much as that two bit tramp that recieves pictures of players c**ks texted to her

her family must have been so proud sitting back watching her on that show tonight

she would be a walk up start for the XXX version of 'facebook - the movie'

She's takes the cake doesn't she?!?
Quite happy to sleep with NRL players and out them for it, but them claim rape when she was drunk one night and couldn't remember much of the night before.

And the story about how a girl was "made" to perform oal sex on 7 players one after the other. Even my Mrs just laughed at that.

The Dodger

First Grade
charmyne has deleted her profile a few times on facebook because people keep abusing her.

there have been groups created just for her and people on there absolutely abuse the shiit out of her.

she has even logged on with fake profiles trying to stick up for herself on there.

her friends go on there and try and tell stories that have been told about charmyne but with another girls name next in it, but i don't think the majority were stupid enough to fall for that...


Why are players so stupid to keep sending her this kind of ammo though???

Deadset, is scarier in person!


Why are players so stupid to keep sending her this kind of ammo though???

Deadset, is scarier in person!

Good point.
Surely they don't need her to pick up do they?
I've seen girls do some pretty ordinary things in nightclubs to pick up a 1st Grade footballer. A lot of the time all the guys have to do is turn up and they have girls all over them.
Surely they don't need her to pick up do they?
I've seen girls do some pretty ordinary things in nightclubs to pick up a 1st Grade footballer. A lot of the time all the guys have to do is turn up and they have girls all over them.
wish i was a footy player.


in any case...it didn't paint us very well. Johns, Firman...Gallen?

i wonder who was involved.

what about that Newcastle bloke.

Vagana "birthday boy get in trouble?"
knights "depends on how good his lawyer is"


i feel for the girl. she no doubt has been wronged.


wish i was a footy player.


in any case...it didn't paint us very well. Johns, Firman...Gallen?

i wonder who was involved.

what about that Newcastle bloke.

Vagana "birthday boy get in trouble?"
knights "depends on how good his lawyer is"


i feel for the girl. she no doubt has been wronged.

No doubt some wrong choices lead to her being wronged too.

She's not totally without blame.


The Kiwi girl - was probably very naive. She was probably caught up in the moment with a famous person etc.
She still reffered to him as "Matty"...I found that a bit weird.
I believe her totally.
She didn't deny that she was willing to have sex..I doubt she thought she was going to have half the club standing in room pulling themselves during it though.

My question is - Where the fug was someone with enough brains to put a stop to this.
In my life I have never been a witness to any sort of "gangbang'' .
I would be virtually sick at the thought of getting nude with my mates.

AS for that blonde facebook hag - It is dumb s**ts like her that give even dumber footy players the impression that it is ok to act like this.

as for Newcastle - How was that dudes response to how you should treat women.
he said something like - It is not what happens in the bedroom that is the problem it is afterward. You should put them in a cab and say goodbye at least.
I bet his mum is proud.


How was that dudes response to how you should treat women.
he said something like - It is not what happens in the bedroom that is the problem it is afterward. You should put them in a cab and say goodbye at least.
I bet his mum is proud.
yes - a great edit for viewers to surmise the work shop off the back of one dumb quote

i'll raise that one with the guys comment after watching the male on male video (where the dude is in the shower) - "he didn't ask for that"

nothing to add to that really as it speaks for itself


he said something like - It is not what happens in the bedroom that is the problem it is afterward. You should put them in a cab and say goodbye at least.

Carch, you have no idea how right this kid was. I don't believe that Kiwi chick for a second. She is way too dumb to be using the psycho babble words she did. Naive is not an excuse for women getting involved in this. If they screamed even just once & yelled no, its a shut case. But they never do. Why is that?
Because they are all up for it at the time. & when they expect some decency at the end, they don't get it, they seek revenge. Did you hear what she said at the end, if I had a gun I would shoot them & kill them. These guys have done nothing wrong.
Hey if Bessie can do it the boys can do it.


The big issue here is , what does the NRL club do now. Surely they have to sue the ABC & that program.
All these people now are labelled guilty & have no recourse. The Kiwi girl when asked why she came forward she said to destroy their lives(players & wives) She is on a path of revenge for not being kissed goodbye.
If our Sponsors gave us hell for Bird, what will happen now? If we dont sue, there is nothing we can do to prevent this coming out forever like the Dogs scandal.
As the facts stand, Firman & Johns had sex with that girl. Thats it. s**t.


I understand your view reefy ...
The kiwi chick never denied she was up for it...but like she said, they just kept coming into the room.
I doubt she was thinking that was the deal in the begining.
She shouldn't have got herself into a situation from the start.
She is definitely not blameless by any stretch.

My main problem is with the actual blokes .
I couldn't get pissed enough to partake in that sort of thing.
Johns was 30 and married.
He should have known better.

As for Bessie...well she had her husband and girlfriends with her at the time.
..and a camera. :)