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4 corners

Matty Johns is toast.

He can kiss his media career goodbye.

Poor bugger.

Looks like the bitch will get her wish.


Look the world is full of all types.

I will back Reef up on several of his points only because it is fact. Surfclubs, army, police, leagues clubs, even fundraising nights. Ive not been involved in it myself but I have seen it and have heard from very reliable sources. I've been to nights where such "frivollity was ataking place.

Like it or not this sh!t goes on, and still does.

If it all comes as a shock to some then I think you have had your head under a rock for too long.

I am not my brothers keeper, but if a girl wants to be involved in such things then so be it. If she doesn't then - it shouldn't happen.

I remember when I was coaching a reserve grade bush team. Two dolls arrived in town from the snowfields and stayed in rooms at the local hotel where the boys drank. They had a choice of something like 20 motels but they booked into the old run down pub. They were not making quids either, just enjoyed looking at the ceiling of room 11 whilst in the company of league players. Bush league players at that.

many a lad visited their rooms. Me being a tad smart I made a few enquiries looking for their motive. It appeared as though the girls were doing the rounds of the entire area who had a league team. They had already "stayed" at four or five towns before ours.

Lets put it another way. You are at the bar of a bush pub on a winters tuesday night after training. 20 blokes at the bar huddled around the fireplace - in walks two birds in leather pants ... hmmmmm.

I stayed well clear .. but one bloke was even going to leave his missus and kids.

I could tell numerous stories like this.

When I was in Sydney I often drank with a bunch of first graders... we'd hit the club after work and the girls would flock to these blokes like flies to sh!t.

Poor old Quigs, would often be left stranded at the bar, all by himself, waiting for the next bloke to shout, but they'd all be gone.

Stories from surfclubs.... stories bout army blokes....... my mates who were in the surfclub told me of a joint surfclub fundraising event where a picture theatre in Sydney was booked out.

My point....

Okay it is wrong ... when a girl says No it means No....

But a lot of them say Yes, and I believe to this day that there are still a lot of them saying Yes. It's a fact of life.

My point is that this is nothing short of a bash the NRL.... Bash rugby league players because they are rugby league players.

Why not broaden the program and include all the other footy codes. Crikey the Gay F L have not exactly been squeaky clean of late. Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll.

Ask some to the wild old cricketters what they got up to on tour. Yeah.

Again I reiterate I am against anything happening to women, violently or sexually. But believe it or not there are women out there that actually enjoy such carrying on.

The world we live in today is not a perfect place. It wasn't back when I played in the places where it aches now..... It wasn't seven years ago, and it wont be in two years time.

I hope four corners does a follow up next week on Sex in Surfclubs, or Cover ups in the AFL. (and I like Four Corners too)

But this weeks show was just a NRL beat session.

Declared Idiot #88
Lets hope that all the guys who may have bunned the kiwi girl before the Sharks came into town come forward now.
You dont go home with 2 guys, you just met, to a hotel & not expect to be involved in group sex.
I will bet my bottom dolalr the Sharks boys were not the first & not the last but the most high profile absolutely.

So on the one hand the Sharks should sue her for exposing them and damaging their reputations and then on the other you're defaming her claiming she's the town bike.

why do you feel sorry for him?
it was such an insanely stupid thing to do

Because I think he is genuinely a good bloke.

He made a mistake.

Who hasn't.

I'm sure there's plenty of skeletons in everyone's closet.

But because of his profile in the media this is going to nail him more than anyone else involved.


The program started with that one.

Personally, I'm disgusted by what I saw last night and some of the comments in here today. Like just about every other league supporter, after Coffs Harbour, I bagged out the Doggies and felt pretty smug that that sort of crap seemed to be the restricted to a few bad apples (and mainly at the likes of Canterbury and Newcastle).
What exactly are you disgusted about? Group sex disgusts you reverend eskimo? or the fact that they didnt kiss her goodbye?
I am absolutely bewildered by some of the comments in here bagging the players. They did nothing wrong & definitely nothing illegal. The other thing is that nobody knows if she is telling the truth & we will never know.

I'd only heard some vague stuff about the 2002 incident in Christchurch, but didn't think too much about it. Complaint made, investigated and the team cleared - end of story. Can't remember too much media coverage of it at the time.
I went for it last night for about 25-30 minutes. Was tired & felt like calling for re-inforcements, but didn't. Would you like me to checkin daily with my sexual habits or weekly?

I was always proud of being a Cronulla supporter because I felt that we were a "family" club with values.
To have families, you need to have sex. In fact, if you have group sex, possibility for more families & bigger families. Unless you are catholic or christian, then your boys will probably turn out gay after being buggered silly by the religous heirarchy.
Now for the full story about Christchurch to come out, I am appalled that this sort of crap went on (and possibly still does given the d*ckheads sending pictures of their todgers to this Charmyne bird - she didn't say what club/s these turkeys were from) at the Sharks.
big f**king deal!!! You ever read playboy? They get paid!! That is what this woman does. AS they said, she is a clearing house.
The attitudes of the players indicates that this kind of behaviour was entrenched and I'm sure it is going to spur more women to come out of the woodwork.
Do you have any kids at school? If you do, then you need to go & have a look at their myspace accounts & mobile phones. This is not restricted to "league players" it is society & it is more common than not.
The behaviour of the Newcastle players at their education session with Vagana and O'Neill also showed how little clue many of the players still have as to what is and isn't acceptable. That d*ckhead who said something about saying some nice things afterwards (or words to that effect) should get a good swift kick up the backside.
Yep the only guy who said something nice, should be kicked in the head. I found that kid naive, kinda like a 19 year old girl who is up for it kinda way.
All in all, I can't see too many parents, particularly mothers, who watched this program being keen to let their sons play rugby league.
I absolutely agree. It was a hatchet job on the NRL despite this perceived "problem" being community wide & prevalent.
Now that this is all out in the open, I will be waiting to see how the club responds. This could be a make or break moment for the club. Sponsors are going to be ropable over this (I certainly wouldn't want my company's brand linked to this sort of rubbish).

I agree. I think the NRL & our club should sue for defamation as none of these things can be substantiated & nothing done was illegal.
I can't help thinking that a huge part of the problem is the combination of young blokes with (too) big egos with too much money and time on their hands.
Back in my playing days, you played on a Sunday afternoon, had a couple of beers after the game
There we go, the moral high ground again.
I got married young, i go to work, i never get invited into group sex sessions so its all disgusting & Australia, we must stop it.

and then went home, mainly because you had to go to work the next day. The club and the NRL need to break the ingrained booze culture of the game and the senior players and coaching staff need to get more involved in the education and wellbeing of the junior players and give them a good swift kick in the pants when needed. Curfews, compulsory and ongoing education programs, community work etc will all help.
Yes we should target NRL players & take their life away from football away from them. The police , ambos, other codes, me, Carch, Kevin Rudd, we can can all get on the binge go to strip clubs & hopefully get invited to an orgy with no possibility of some do-gooder having a whinge.

/Slam dunk the rant.


why do you feel sorry for him?
it was such an insanely stupid thing to do

Johnsy took the girl back, he had sex, Firms was invited the entire way, more people come in, she has no problem with it, she is in a motel in a populated area, she doesnt yell, scream or say no, nobody threatened her or forced her, she comes out now 7 years later from her first belated complaint & make statements that can never be checked & has implicated people in illegal behaviour.
She now comes out, Johns loses his family, his career & becomes suicidal & actually kills himself because a family history of depression is flared by the shame, embarrassment etc etc.
2 weeks after his death a group of Kiwi footballers come forward & say , "hey, this chick IS the town bike, we have been bunning her every year for the last 4 years, on away games to christchurch. Turns out the chick was an attention seeker of the highest order. Her attempts at suicide & her path of self destruction would have happened anyway, if the Sharks had come to town or not.
Johnsy has done nothing wrong except for have an extra-marital sexual encounter. FMD if that was a crime, our towns would be full of tumbleweed
Exactly Quigs.

Been around long enough and seen enough myself.

The ABC hasn't had a hit since The Moonlight State and now they're trying to rehash some old story to belt League with.

I have a question for them: What is their agenda?

I'm pretty sure there are far more important incidents in society that need looking at and judging! Why don't they look into anyone of the numerous criminal gangs in Australia? How about the people smugglers?

No. Let's have a chop at a group that's easy prey - footballers and why, because they make it easy for the media.

It's time to smarten up fellas.

For the record - that Charmyne ??? doesn't do a thing for me even at my age. What a young good looking footballer would see in her has me f*cked.


They all look good to me at my age Coastal.

Hey and keep your guts on what we got up to on the Picket Line.

That bird and the Shetland Pony.. whoa...

Remember shoooosh

Heres one, what about the pics of a starlet from No96 and the big promoter of the time.

Yeah this is all new this Matty thing.

Declared Idiot #88


Johnsy took the girl back, he had sex, Firms was invited the entire way, more people come in, she has no problem with it, she is in a motel in a populated area, she doesnt yell, scream or say no, nobody threatened her or forced her, she comes out now 7 years later from her first belated complaint & make statements that can never be checked & has implicated people in illegal behaviour.
She now comes out, Johns loses his family, his career & becomes suicidal & actually kills himself because a family history of depression is flared by the shame, embarrassment etc etc.
2 weeks after his death a group of Kiwi footballers come forward & say , "hey, this chick IS the town bike, we have been bunning her every year for the last 4 years, on away games to christchurch. Turns out the chick was an attention seeker of the highest order. Her attempts at suicide & her path of self destruction would have happened anyway, if the Sharks had come to town or not.
Johnsy has done nothing wrong except for have an extra-marital sexual encounter. FMD if that was a crime, our towns would be full of tumbleweed


matty johns and firman (haha) went back to the hotel room with the kiwi girl, they have sex with her, and WITHOUT asking they bring in the entire team to have a go as well. gall opens the door to find that he's missed out, and leaves a little upset. in the meantime the kiwi girl was left feeling confused as to what happened and she becomes depressed and suicidal all because she didnt know how to best handle the situation. it turns out she's actually not the town bike at all, but a young girl who got caught up with the whole footy player hype/charm.
and to think all this could have been avoided if matty johns used his seniority to make a judgement on the situation.


First Grade
So ummm did we win that game 7 ( yes thats 7 years ago) ago? You can throw your tax records away after 7 years and people get let out of prison for murder after 7 years . Jeez I dunowh.
Lets leave the speculation out of it and just focus on what has been reported.

"What if" scenarios are not going to prove anything either way.