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4 corners


Who is to say Johns & his missus dont do this stuff all the time?
This is just off the top of my head where i have heard of buns going on.
Leagues, Union clubs, Soccer clubs, SURF CLubs especially, board riders clubs, cruises, firebrigade stations, police stations, police carnivals, Ambulance stations, people working in hospitality night clubs, pubs & clubs.
Seriously it is just a part of society. Here is the interesting thing, ask any woman if she has. You will never find one. Like you will never find a stripper, hooker or porn star.
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Will the NRL give the players in question the resources for a class action against the She is 19 & drink & vote for her prime minister. She is old enough to scream for help if it was that bad. She was up for it absolutely completely. Her recollection of the events sounded like line rehearsed mumbo jumbo fed into her by some do-gooder hypnotherapist.

& by the way, you would never hear of "buns" going on in the rest of teh community.

FMD what a hatchet job on the NRL

You are an absolute disgrace blacktip. An absolute disgrace!!! The poor girl is suffering enough without the views of a pig like you added to it.

Did you actually understand any of the reporting? The fact that she may not be as mentally developed as most 19 year olds? The fact that she was frightened when 11 or so players entered the room?? The fact that she went back to the room with only 2 players??

With comments like this is it any wonder that other fans are beginning to hate our club.

You are a disgrace to the club and to the decent Sharks fans out there!


Who is to say Johns & his missus dont do this stuff all the time?
This is just off the top of my head where i have heard of buns going on.
Leagues, Union clubs, Soccer clubs, SURF CLubs especially, board riders clubs, cruises, firebrigade stations, police stations, police carnivals, Ambulance stations, people working in hospitality night clubs, pubs & clubs.
Seriously it is just a part of society. Here is the interesting thing, ask any woman if she has. You will never find one. Like you will never find a stripper, hooker or porn star.

Mods can you please delete this neanderthals comments before our club faces further damage. I have shown it to at lease a dozen people, male and female and they are appalled!
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i can highlight things too

bow wow wow yippy yo yippy yay

With comments like this is it any wonder that other fans are beginning to hate our club.

They all ready do.
hate or contempt either way were not exactly the popular kid in the school.


Who is to say Johns & his missus dont do this stuff all the time?
This is just off the top of my head where i have heard of buns going on.
Leagues, Union clubs, Soccer clubs, SURF CLubs especially, board riders clubs, cruises, firebrigade stations, police stations, police carnivals, Ambulance stations, people working in hospitality night clubs, pubs & clubs.
Seriously it is just a part of society. I dont know a woman who does not fantasise at least about being with a couple of blokes at the same time. Here is the interesting thing, ask any woman if she has. You will never find one. Like you will never find a stripper, hooker or porn star.

that is quite funny.

I went to NZ for a surfing contest.
It was in joint where the girls thought we were rock stars .
The middle of nowhere.

One chick was keen for it...and has a reputation.
She did take a different bloke home a few times. ( not me )

I ended up in a room with a maori girl...luckily I had a vision of me being pulverised by her brothers.
I apologised to her and said I didn't want to be disrespectful to her.
Nothing happened in that room ...it would have if I had pushed it though.
She was a very simple country girl.

It worked out well for me as she let her brothers know I treated her well and didn't try to do anything.
Thank christ.

As for you saying you have never met a chick who admitted to a 3some.
I have ...
she was a kiwi....:lol:

anyway ...the blokes should have had more brains....and the club should've been letting them know what is acceptable.

...I am pretty sure Johns' wife was not cool with it then, and I bet she is far from cool with it today.
Glad I am not him today.
Forget for a minute what you think of me, but do you agree with the crap that the neanderthal posted?

no not at all actually.

its obviously been traumatic for the girl.

there for wrong doing must have occured in my opinion.
regardless of wether it was a crime or not..


I'm in NZ and haven't seen the show. Can I ask what kind of coverage the Manly/Brett Stewart incident got? Feels like it was hardly mentioned...?


no not at all actually.

its obviously been traumatic for the girl.

there for wrong doing must have occured in my opinion.
regardless of wether it was a crime or not..

Yet how does the neanderthal have such a different take on it? It's clearly wrong whichever way you look at it.

I bet he is very popular with his neigbours, unless they have had to change his identity so he can rejoin society anonymously!
wasnt really

they focussed first on watmough and the sponsor girl

newcastles changing culture due to the smith coaching, then going back to 05 with the Tilse incident in the Uni.
then went on to talk about the dogs and how high profile it was as opposed to the sharks incident.

then the rest was about the sharks thing in new zealand.


I'm in NZ and haven't seen the show. Can I ask what kind of coverage the Manly/Brett Stewart incident got? Feels like it was hardly mentioned...?

A little bit ..I assume as it is still in court they can't really ay much.
Watmough copped it...Manly came out looking bad.
Newcastle got a pretty good wrap for what Coach Smith has done to the drinking culture.
The Sharks got slammed by association to Mat Johns and what happened back then.
They reckon up to 12 players and staff watched it and 6 joined in.
She said blokes were rubbing their dicks on her face while others had sex with her.
she was just 19.

Legal or not.
If they want to particpate in mass orgys or gangbangs they should either join a swingers club or become porno stars.

Just stay the fug out of a Sharks jumper!

When the show finished my wife turned to me and said our son is never playing footy.


Lets hope that all the guys who may have bunned the kiwi girl before the Sharks came into town come forward now.
You dont go home with 2 guys, you just met, to a hotel & not expect to be involved in group sex.
I will bet my bottom dolalr the Sharks boys were not the first & not the last but the most high profile absolutely.


Lets hope that all the guys who may have bunned the kiwi girl before the Sharks came into town come forward now.
You dont go home with 2 guys, you just met, to a hotel & not expect to be involved in group sex.
I will bet my bottom dolalr the Sharks boys were not the first & not the last but the most high profile absolutely.

how do you know that she consented to six players having sex with her?
she only went home with two?


A little bit ..I assume as it is still in court they can't really ay much.
Watmough copped it...Manly came out looking bad.
Newcastle got a pretty good wrap for what Coach Smith has done to the drinking culture.
The Sharks got slammed by association to Mat Johns and what happened back then.
They reckon up to 12 players and staff watched it and 6 joined in.
She said blokes were rubbing their dicks on her face while others had sex with her.
she was just 19.

Legal or not.
If they want to particpate in mass orgys or gangbangs they should either join a swingers club or become porno stars.

Just stay the fug out of a Sharks jumper!

When the show finished my wife turned to me and said our son is never playing footy.

Thanks mate. Not a good look is it.
Mods can you please delete this neanderthals comments before our club faces further damage. I have shown it to at lease a dozen people, male and female and they are appalled!

Perhaps if you didn't show people then they wouldnt be offended.
Carch, you have no idea how right this kid was. I don't believe that Kiwi chick for a second. She is way too dumb to be using the psycho babble words she did. Naive is not an excuse for women getting involved in this. If they screamed even just once & yelled no, its a shut case. But they never do. Why is that?
Because they are all up for it at the time. & when they expect some decency at the end, they don't get it, they seek revenge. Did you hear what she said at the end, if I had a gun I would shoot them & kill them. These guys have done nothing wrong.
Hey if Bessie can do it the boys can do it.

You must really hate women.
I'm in NZ and haven't seen the show. Can I ask what kind of coverage the Manly/Brett Stewart incident got? Feels like it was hardly mentioned...?

The program started with that one.

Personally, I'm disgusted by what I saw last night and some of the comments in here today. Like just about every other league supporter, after Coffs Harbour, I bagged out the Doggies and felt pretty smug that that sort of crap seemed to be the restricted to a few bad apples (and mainly at the likes of Canterbury and Newcastle).

I'd only heard some vague stuff about the 2002 incident in Christchurch, but didn't think too much about it. Complaint made, investigated and the team cleared - end of story. Can't remember too much media coverage of it at the time.

I was always proud of being a Cronulla supporter because I felt that we were a "family" club with values. Now for the full story about Christchurch to come out, I am appalled that this sort of crap went on (and possibly still does given the d*ckheads sending pictures of their todgers to this Charmyne bird - she didn't say what club/s these turkeys were from) at the Sharks. The attitudes of the players indicates that this kind of behaviour was entrenched and I'm sure it is going to spur more women to come out of the woodwork.

The behaviour of the Newcastle players at their education session with Vagana and O'Neill also showed how little clue many of the players still have as to what is and isn't acceptable. That d*ckhead who said something about saying some nice things afterwards (or words to that effect) should get a good swift kick up the backside. All in all, I can't see too many parents, particularly mothers, who watched this program being keen to let their sons play rugby league.

Now that this is all out in the open, I will be waiting to see how the club responds. This could be a make or break moment for the club. Sponsors are going to be ropable over this (I certainly wouldn't want my company's brand linked to this sort of rubbish). There was some positive stuff from Brian Smith and Newcastle, though not enough given the education program responses, and we probably need to go way beyond what they are doing.

I can't help thinking that a huge part of the problem is the combination of young blokes with (too) big egos with too much money and time on their hands. Back in my playing days, you played on a Sunday afternoon, had a couple of beers after the game and then went home, mainly because you had to go to work the next day. The club and the NRL need to break the ingrained booze culture of the game and the senior players and coaching staff need to get more involved in the education and wellbeing of the junior players and give them a good swift kick in the pants when needed. Curfews, compulsory and ongoing education programs, community work etc will all help.

I don't know what behavioural clauses are in player contracts, but the NRL needs to either introduce or strengthen them. The nebulous bringing the game into disrepute isn't good enough. Drunkenness and unacceptable behaviour need to be better policed. I know that people should be responsible for their own behaviour, however if players see other players doing things (and not being punished or, worse still, encouraged) they think of this as the norm and acceptable.

Rant over (for now).


Thanks mate. Not a good look is it.


A bloke who played half a dozen games for the sharks can now fug us over even more than we already are for something he instigated 7 years ago.

He'll be right though ...Fatty patted him on the back and said "well done" after his speech.

Meanwhile , I have seen numerous footage of Peachey and Noddy playing for the Sharks in films grabs during the news reports relating to this.
I wonder how they feel.