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4 corners


well lets hope you're right.

I have no such faith in the NRL...the way things are going there will be some other nightmare occur .
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Post Whore
A better job than you should be doing as a moderator Surely. To allow woman haters to post ill advised comments about females in general is as disgraceful as if you posted them yourself. Just think about it.

Its hardly women hating, just recognising that for every male s**t out there, there is a woman who is equally loose with her morals.

My job as a moderator is as a poster first moderator second, I have my views and if they need moderating BS or spider will moderate my posts.


It is really like what a lady friend of mine once told me many years ago.

You know why all men like women with big tits and tight ...... - (well you know)

Declared Idiot #88


i would have to beleive if that were the case frenzy that the almost the entire 1st grade side were privy and active in gang rape

Well we've heard anything from 10-12 men I believe and it has been clarified all present weren't players so you're stretching it a bit. The ones there obviously did know that MJ and BF had taken a girl to a room. They knew which bathroom window to climb in after all. The door was left open to facilitate entry. Anyone who has been involved in any of those areas mentioned as being common participants in "buns" knows full well that all the mates know what's going down.

We can all say we don't know this and that to refute a point of view but to that end we also don't know if Firman and Johns didn't tell the group they had "a bun lined up" but wait till we get her back and "warmed up" or whatever other inappropriate phraseology they might of chosen to use.

I know it happens. I've seen it directly.

thats a big call with absolutely no evidence

Maybe, but equally there is no evidence of innocence either.

the only evidence here is a straight forward bout of group sex that is not particulairly uncommon

Can you show me the video? The transcript of what happened in the room? Photos? Anything? There is no such evidence of a straight out bout of group sex any more than there is evidence to conclude gang rape. Everyone is simply running with perception, opinion or maybe even tainted views due to past personal experience.

i would say if any of those guys detected she was in any distress they would have stopped it

Yeah. Drunk, horny, boned up males in a situation where a group mentality exists amongst taunts of wimp or woos or whatever if they don't "play the game" are sure to be so perceptive.

apparently none did so all the witnesses by extension saw consent

Then all the witnesses are halfwits. "Seeing it", in other words perceiving it, does not make it actual.

I'm sure you'll spring this one on me like you did to carch so here you go

Are the ones involved gang rapists?

Very probably yes.
While you guys are exposing people can someone confirm Redback is really David Simmons. FMD talk about Mr high and farkin mighty moral police. With so many like minded friends he shows them all of Reefy's posts to confirm his abhorrence at anything Reefy has to say.

Argue about this....you are farked in the head Redback

Since 73

First Grade
Gotta agree with Carch.
I'm mighty uncomftable about the friggin 'homo' element to all this.

Blokes floggin the sword - gettin' off watchin' some other guy's arse goin' 10 to the dozen.

Went to tamworth one year for end of year footy trip and me and a mate went back to the motel with a couple of the local ladies.
there were about half a dozen of us in each room - about 4 rooms side by side.
Anyway he's on the bed with his girl and i've got the couch which is around the corner in a tv area.

Only been back for about for about 10 minutes and about half a dozen of our boofhead team mates are back. last nightlub's shut and nowhere to go.

the bird's jump up, grab their stuff and run to the bathroom to get changed.
that was my night over.

Saw the girls down to a cab and then back up to piss on with the boys.

We'd been on the drink and cooch since we left Newcastle 20 hours earlier, and in a place I'd probably never see again, but I'd have no more shared that girl with those other blokes than walk home to Newie.

John's wife is obviously severly rattled by the infidelity, but when she's chewin' it over in her head she's gotta be wondering what he's doing clashing swords with other boofy blokes.
That image of one bird and 12 blokes....FMD!


I don't believe it.

Can you prove that she said this? Without a dubious media reference that is.

Clutching at straws reef.

30 players & officials were interviewed by NZpolice . Johns said that all those statements are available. He also said that they all matched to a word, even those that were not involved
30 against 1
she was up for it & then some. She was besotted with matty by the sounds of it & still is.


please back up claims with a link or reliable source without added speculation

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Post Whore
1st up frenzy i respect you ad deano and i hope you guys dont take this rebuttal personally

Well we've heard anything from 10-12 men I believe and it has been clarified all present weren't players so you're stretching it a bit.

i wasnt there and i dont need to stretch anything

The ones there obviously did know that MJ and BF had taken a girl to a room. They knew which bathroom window to climb in after all. The door was left open to facilitate entry. Anyone who has been involved in any of those areas mentioned as being common participants in "buns" knows full well that all the mates know what's going down.

We can all say we don't know this and that to refute a point of view but to that end we also don't know if Firman and Johns didn't tell the group they had "a bun lined up" but wait till we get her back and "warmed up" or whatever other inappropriate phraseology they might of chosen to use.

I know it happens. I've seen it directly.

many of us have frenzy

girls know guys want to have sex with them

many girls actually seek out sex with one or more guys particulairly celebrities

Maybe, but equally there is no evidence of innocence either.

i am surprised you posted that line

shocked even

Can you show me the video? The transcript of what happened in the room? Photos? Anything? There is no such evidence of a straight out bout of group sex any more than there is evidence to conclude gang rape.

i can show you the fact that the police found no grounds for pressing charges, that 10 men, who i have no reason to doubt, claim consent
Everyone is simply running with perception, opinion or maybe even tainted views due to past personal experience.

dont forget a bit of good ole moral hysteria

Yeah. Drunk, horny, boned up males in a situation where a group mentality exists amongst taunts of wimp or woos or whatever if they don't "play the game" are sure to be so perceptive.

i refuse to beleive 10 men who have their pick of dozens of willing sex partners all of a sudden all become rapists

Then all the witnesses are halfwits. "Seeing it", in other words perceiving it, does not make it actual.

actual enough for it to be legal

I'm sure you'll spring this one on me like you did to carch so here you go

Are the ones involved gang rapists?

Very probably yes.

i dont share your low opinion of these men


Geeze ....that interview last night was painful.

I used to think he had the greatest gig in the country.

I would rather be redback than him now.

Anyway ...those other blokes involved should grow a set and back him up if he is telling the truth.


i couldn't work out what was more annoying - the questions being asked or the fact I could not take my focus off the thing in the corner of her mouth


i couldn't work out what was more annoying - the questions being asked or the fact I could not take my focus off the thing in the corner of her mouth


My wife was watching Neighbours in the other room and I called her out to have a look at the wart.

Can we call it a wart?


First Grade
30 players & officials were interviewed by NZpolice . Johns said that all those statements are available. He also said that they all matched to a word, even those that were not involved

That is hardly a surprise though. The Kiwi police flew over what, 2 weeks after the event, and with plenty of notice and hey presto the stories of the potential suspects match! What a shock.

Personally I think it is a beat up, but I would hardly take the players statements matching after all that time as being proof of nothing happening. In fact if they did match to a word I would be more suspicious.


That is hardly a surprise though. The Kiwi police flew over what, 2 weeks after the event, and with plenty of notice and hey presto the stories of the potential suspects match! What a shock.

Personally I think it is a beat up, but I would hardly take the players statements matching after all that time as being proof of nothing happening. In fact if they did match to a word I would be more suspicious.
You are missing the point PJ. More than half of those "people in Australia" that were interviewed were not directly involved with the bun. So what you are insinuating is that players not involved initially, became part of a conspiracy.
Then you have to look at the witness statements from NZ. The other people in the motel, the other "guests " of the Sharks that were there, the people at the bar etc etc
If there was a hint of a fabrication in the time line, charges would have been laid.


Damn it - how the frig to I explain to my 9 yo old boy, who adores the Sharks with the same passion and admiration as I did at the same age, what is going on. On TV, on radio, you hear Sharks and group sex. He's not deaf, someone got a tip on how I answer what is happening with the Sharks and Matty Johns?

As a parent, you can only hope that you have instilled the values & lived them that would prevent this type of thing from happening, or at least have your son be the one who discourages or stops the nonsense. And this is the part that pi$$es me off the most. What young guy has no understanding of "no" or of what is inappropriate sexually. Why is this Rugby Leagues "problem" What about parenting, what about schooling, what about someone or something else being responsible for screwed up kids who in turn as young men make stupid decisions or do things normal blokes wouldn't.

I just watched the show online - This show, how it aired, the language and phrases used by the presenter was absolutely designed to create a sense of shock, horror, disgust. That type of thing doesn't happen by accident, this show was designed to slam Rugby League and present the sport, it's culture and those that participate in it at any level, in every negative connotation they could muster. That style comes from skilled EPs who want the best ratings/ highest impact for their show.

It was a chance to bring someone down, a personality from a commercial network, and crucify a sport that is an easy target and look at the astronomical impact it's had across the media - all with the Four Corners team running around laying high fives on each other for such a successful program. Lets hope they didn't celebrate with a few drinks too many hey and do something stupid?

I've got an idea - let's have a look into the deep and dark world of broadcasting. An industry where allegedly drugs are freely available and consumed, excess alcohol consumption is common place and tails of sexual conquests and participation, male and female alike, are legendary. Sexual favours frequently exchanged for drugs for those not affluent enough to purchase their own are routinely swapped, and not just for drugs. Sounds like it would whip up a media storm right....oh wait, their own industry.