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4 Nations game 4 - England v Australia


Yeah basically those 2 errors by the officials just gave us the correct decision in the long run. It sucks that mistakes are made at all, but atleast in this case they pretty much rule each other out.


personally i think this neutral refs thing is crap. get the best refs available for the job and use them. I dont care if that means we use english refs, kiwi refs or aussie refs. there isnt enough depth to use "neutral" refs and we inevitably end up with a ref out of their depth.

Out of their depth? Archer's allegedly the best ref going around and he's out of his depth every time he wakes up. Don't get me started on Cummins.

Evil Homer

Staff member
Apart from the obvious mistake, I thought Perenara did ok. And he was also good last week. I'd put his mistakes down to nerves. I'm not sure why Alibert isn't involved in this competition, but the NRL should persist with Perenara. Neutral refs are a must.


Another fail for the neutral ref. The best ref should get the job. Some terrible calls out there. Not for either team just bad.

The poms lost from soft tries like Williams & missed opportunies with the ball. They should beat NZ if they play like that.


Seeing Heighington singing the British national anthem beforehand had me in such giggles that I missed the opening 5 minutes through watery eyes.


A few things:

1) Typical England performance. As usually, they can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk. They get their largest home crowd in 16 years and they put in a crapshack performance like that. They show a lot of potential at times (e.g Tomkins, however, it seems like it will be a matter of time before RU poach him), but it becomes nullified by the brainsnaps and fundamental mistakes. As a lot of other Poms have said on the TRL forum, this has pretty much been the story for decades, but has become more commonplace since the likes of Hanley/Offiah/Gregory/Schofield/Connolly/Edwards/Betts etc. moved on by the second half of the 90s. Although he singlehandedly got Balmain to the GF in 1988, I don't even think someone of the outstanding calibre of Hanley could've saved that English side out there with the amount of stupid mistakes they made.

It makes little sense to talk tactics if you don't do the basics right. Had they not done of the stupid crap they did (e.g. Chase kicking early in the tackle count....does he think he's playing Union?? One of the kicks directly led to Williams' try), the scoreline would've been a lot closer than a 16 pt margin. They've still got a long way to go to match the progress that New Zealand have made over the last 5-10 yrs. It's little wonder they've only beaten Australia in a test 3 times in the last 16 yrs (of which, only one of those wins was away from home, in Sydney in 2006).

2) Rangi Chase: HAHAHAHA! Where do I begin? To think that this guy won the Super League equivalent of the Dally M award says a lot about the level of talent in the Super League. Don't let ppl fool you into thinking their competition is on par with the NRL. IT'S NOT! The guy is a fraud to the nth degree. It doesn't surprise me that he said things before the game like "I came here because I wanted a new challenge". He did it to cover up the fact that a player like him will never make it in the number one professional rugby league competition (NRL). The fact that he was also made eligible for England is a joke as well (the RFL being responsible for that), but the same can also be said for Tony Williams and Akuila Uate's eligibility as well. Anyways, if England want to beat New Zealand next week to qualify for the final, Chase must be the first player to be given the flick.

3) Nice to see the game back at Wembley. 42000 is OK, a little bit disappointing, but nevertheless with the amount of positive publicity this game received during the week, hopefully it was enough to encourage the RFL to take more tests to Wembley in the future (the next one hopefully should be the 2013 RLWC group match between England and Australia). Had it been a sunny day, I have no doubt we could've got 50000+. Also, hopefully, this will mean that the RFL will think about taking England/Australia matches beyond the 25000 seat stadiums, as well as England/New Zealand matches. England or New Zealand will, for a long time, be that second team that will contending for that spot with Australia in a tournament final (Australia haven't missed the final of a major RL tournament since the inaugural 1954 World Cup). England/New Zealand matches should also receive a lot more promotion
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We put up with so much sh*t from you convicts it's not even funny.

Aussie official pre-emptively whines about the referee, they manage to get one in the pay of the NRL, he basically cheats us, there is unfortunately no other word for it, and any dissention on this is "whingeing" even if you point out just how much he got wrong and the double standards shown to both teams.

He bottled several big decisions in the favour of the kangaroos today. Disallowed a perfectly good try, which would have put them on the ropes, let a player stay on the field for a horrible swinging arm, penalised us for lying on and then allowed the aussies to do it repeatedly, there were far far too many decisions going against us to call this one nerves.

It's getting quite incredible now what we put up with. Year on year. Then we have to listen to these merkins disrespecting us, bagging us off, talking about how we're light years behind and our competition is a joke. No more of this, it is completely unacceptable.

I often qualify that we were beaten by the better side but today? Were we? If decisions went our way which should have the game could easily have gone either way. It's just getting so boring watching this happen year on year.

You can all go f*ck yourselves.

Please use this:


Another fail for the neutral ref. The best ref should get the job. Some terrible calls out there. Not for either team just bad.

The poms lost from soft tries like Williams & missed opportunies with the ball. They should beat NZ if they play like that.

Who is the "best" ref? The one that butchered this years NRL GF, or last years? We bitch and moan about refs all year then suddenly come November we have the 'best' ones.

Chook Norris

First Grade
England's attack, constantly shifting the ball in and out , was pretty effective and good to watch. They seem to easily fluctuate between high and low intensity periods though; letting in soft trys 'ahem' Heighington and some others where there were just simple spreads of the ball from the Aussies.. just one wrong read from an inexperienced defender will probably stifle the whole defensive line
It was a high quality match though, and if England can keep a high intensity similar to what they showed here then they will probably trump the kiwis


First Grade
The ref had nothing to do with the result. The Aussies showed that if you turn pressure and field position into points at every opportunity, most times you win. The poms didn't get anywhere near enough result for their early dominance and they should focus on that, and not a couple of poor decisions. The good teams play on despite the luck spinning against them. That "no try" was just enough of an excuse for England to pull out their usual "oh we tried hard but everything went against us". They need to be far more ruthless if they are going to be bridge the gap.


Who is the "best" ref? The one that butchered this years NRL GF, or last years? We bitch and moan about refs all year then suddenly come November we have the 'best' ones.

I am not sure who would be better. Just giving Perenara the gig because he isn't Aussie or a Pom is wrong. The best ref should get the gig. Perenara being an NRL ref means he will have the same rulings as other NRL refs in regard to speed etc.


Sometimes there is very little respect shown for the game by Australian coaches. When we have the majority of the talent and win the majority of the time it's pretty hard to justify bitching about referees. After a win.
Maybe it is more of a case that the game shows too much respect for coaches opinions regarding referees. They should have no say whatsoever.

Sheens does it because he knows it works, can hardly blame someone playing the game ensuring his team has the best possible outcome.

Australia deserved the win they were challenged but as the game wore on the class showed. We weren't really at our best either and Slater going down didn't help. It forced Williams to play more minutes and Slater looked like he was in one of those moods when he stripped the ball of the backrower and on the initial kick return. Reed would not have scored his try if Slater was back there either.

I would worry about playing NZ in a decider without Slater, I think it balances the ledger. England though I think we will find a way to beat. The double movement call was harsh but really the stereotype of the whinging pom was lived up for all it was worth.

England tried hard but the big difference you can see is the attention to detail and the class overall. Chase isn't 1/40th of Johnathan Thurston and Cronk is several levels above as well. Tomkins is class though and is the dangerman v NZ.


We put up with so much sh*t from you convicts it's not even funny.

Aussie official pre-emptively whines about the referee, they manage to get one in the pay of the NRL, he basically cheats us, there is unfortunately no other word for it, and any dissention on this is "whingeing" even if you point out just how much he got wrong and the double standards shown to both teams.

He bottled several big decisions in the favour of the kangaroos today. Disallowed a perfectly good try, which would have put them on the ropes, let a player stay on the field for a horrible swinging arm, penalised us for lying on and then allowed the aussies to do it repeatedly, there were far far too many decisions going against us to call this one nerves.

It's getting quite incredible now what we put up with. Year on year. Then we have to listen to these merkins disrespecting us, bagging us off, talking about how we're light years behind and our competition is a joke. No more of this, it is completely unacceptable.

I often qualify that we were beaten by the better side but today? Were we? If decisions went our way which should have the game could easily have gone either way. It's just getting so boring watching this happen year on year.

You can all go f*ck yourselves.

:lol: Stop it, please. My sides are killing me!! :lol:


The ref had nothing to do with the result. The Aussies showed that if you turn pressure and field position into points at every opportunity, most times you win. The poms didn't get anywhere near enough result for their early dominance and they should focus on that, and not a couple of poor decisions. The good teams play on despite the luck spinning against them. That "no try" was just enough of an excuse for England to pull out their usual "oh we tried hard but everything went against us". They need to be far more ruthless if they are going to be bridge the gap.

Pretty much. Things that stand out as the gamechangers were Rangi Chase's 3 mistakes which led to points - the strip, the intercept, and the drop out. Defensively, Jack Reed's sprint out of the line effort and Heighingtons Soward-esque attempt on T-Rex were absolutely woeful.

As usual in these matches with England, overall good football but a few isolated moments of poor play and Australia capitalise quickly.
I really enjoyed that game.

Good to see it back at Wembley. I did find myself cursing some of the pommy mistakes as I wanted it to remain close.

Poms played well. Probably one quality prop short.

Rangi Chase was good for them, can never forgive not finding touch though. That shit is bush league and you can not give the Kanagaroos one slipped opportunity. It really was a pivotal mistake.

The double movement call was disappointing but I thought the rest of the refs game was ok. If they can't pick up Cammy Smith's blatant forward passes from dummy half in our own comp, what chance does anyone else have?

Seriously, there are a few things you can guarantee in Rugby League, here are some:

1. Cammy Smith will throw at least one glaring forward pass in a match, that does not get pulled up.

2. Choc Spazmo will knock on at least once.

3. Tim Sheens will embarrass Australia at least once throughout a tour.


It's getting quite incredible now what we put up with. Year on year. Then we have to listen to these merkins disrespecting us, bagging us off, talking about how we're light years behind and our competition is a joke. No more of this, it is completely unacceptable.

Your equivalent of Wally Lewis/Andrew Johns implied a large element of truth regarding that statement:

What did you find was the main difference playing in Australia?

The standard was much higher. Even if you’re playing a team at the bottom, you can’t take them for granted – you really can’t. In England if you played a smaller team, you could maybe get away with it. I was playing under pressure every week in Australia because the competition there is so much fiercer and intense. If you don’t play well, you’re in second grade, IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT
Back in ’88, you were arguably the best rugby league player in the world. What was it like to live through that?

It was something I always strove for. I wanted to be the best player in the world. I wanted to be respected by the Australians as well, because their game is so superior to ours.

And don't start crapping on about how the ref made a bad decision regarding the no try for the double movement in the beginning of the 2nd half. I love the 'selective' remembering of events, completely ignoring the blatant forward pass that occured just seconds before it happened. As I said earlier, as great a player as Hanley was and as instrumental a role he played during the Tigers surge to the GF in '88, I don't think even he himself could've saved your mob out there with players like Rangi Chase making mistakes you'd expect to see at under 12 level.
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Mr Angry

Not a Referee
England found some backs!!!!

It is great.

Great Britian undies!!!

The Brits have always had decent fowards, just no finish. They have found some.

Kiwis will be nervous.

Did they get the rough end of the spud. Well yes, were they outclassed, well yes.

Must say though, best improvement I have seen from them for years.


Mr Angry

Not a Referee
BTW I love all Luke Lewis'.

How freakin good is he, just play him somewhere, he will do it and do it well.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
i would love to know the AUS goal kicking percentage over the years. We always seem to have a great kicker.
Luke Lewis gets better every game, great versatility.

Power, speed and skill. Any team would have him in a heart beat.

Souths must be spewing they didn't land him.

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