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5/8th & captain discussion


I'm thinking long term.

6. Corey Norman
7. Ben Hunt

I must be missing something ! Are the Broncos quitting the NRL and playing Q Cup. If they are they would still struggle these two.

The way Norman has played this year he will struggle to play NRL ever again and as far as Hunt is concerned the Broncs are very close to dropping him for Baptiste.

The broncs will have $800K to spend with Lockyer and Inglis leaving and they will buy the best 5/8 they can. They might have to buy someone on a 1 year eg Anasta until "their" man is off contract.

The player I would be chasing is Widdup. He looks really good but it wouldnt surprise me to see the Broncs chase top shelf perhaps Thurston when he is off contract.


First Grade
Ben Hunt and Peter Wallace will most likely be next years halves. Corey Norman the third and future choice.

I don't see why Parker shouldn't be captain next year. The only problem is his win/loss ratio when he has the (C).

Yep agree with all this. The shoot-out is between Hunt and Norman. Wallace will be in the mix somewhere either at 6 or 7.

I think Norman offers more in attack, and almost reminds of a young Lockyer with a little less pace.

The only union player I'd be interested in is Berrick Barnes ... it was rumoured a year or so ago he was looking at a return to the club. As he's already played under Bennett (limited) he may be interested in a return.

qld aussie

I dont think Boyd is the answer to replace Lockyer at 5/8 he doesnt appear to be a organizer of dragons attack its usually soward or hornby.
I'd rather see hunt given the oppurtunity to show his talent before you spend big money on boyd and hope he could play 5/8. I would like to see Norman play Q cup to hone his skills he is not going to gain the experience playing against 17/18 yearolds.:cool:


Josh McGuire scored an entertaining 0 in the Props Pentathlon why not give him a run at 5/8
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Hunt is years off being at NRL level (if he even gets there) Seriously, if that is the answer to replace Locky...................:crazy:
Darius was rubbish at the Broncos and is still very very much over rated (& priced).
imagine someone like JT or Benji setting up Hodges, Hoffman & Thaiday every week, That is the kind of ball player they need to replace Locky. Not at all saying that will happen, but if the cash is available $o$:pray:


First Grade
Id like to see us chase folau again. I'm sure he's not happy in AFL and have even heard little rumours of this. Hodges doesn't have long left, folau would be a decent replacement.

Also, don't know if this is wishful thinking but if we get Bennett it might not be, karmichael hunt. He is 100 times the ball player boyd will ever be and it was his destiny to follow on from lockyer. Let's hope he gets bored copping floggings in front of 10k people every week at gold coast

Pierced Soul

First Grade
i dunno if i want to see the AFL turncoats back tbh. i always thought hunt would suceed lockyer but showed money was his motivation. hunt has always said quite adamantly he wont be back.


If we get Bennett back I can see a lot of players lining up to join the Broncos. Fingers crossed!

Also guys, tell me, Lockyer has played more then 336 games for the Broncos, why dont the NRL count the Super League games!!!! The players that played in the ARL got their games counted but not the Super League players, during this war, you could not say that the Super League was a secord rate league. Really bugs me they dont count them, he would be on about 350 now?
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First Grade
Yeah that is stupid, also stupid that Super League Tests weren't counted as Tests. NZ and England count them I'm pretty sure, just not Australia.

Mr Fourex

what about Berrick Barnes as a halfback option? he used to be a Bronco, isn't going to well in Union at the moment, might be a good time to try and woo him?

The only union player I'd be interested in is Berrick Barnes ... it was rumoured a year or so ago he was looking at a return to the club. As he's already played under Bennett (limited) he may be interested in a return.

That rumour went around Sydney last year.

Barnes seemed to have squashed the idea when he resigned with the Waratahs in February for another 2 yrs


2013.....Bronco Berrick maybe

I'm not a Peter Wallace fan. In fact I'm a bit of a Wallace hater. That being said, I would like to see him shift to 5/8 and open up the half spot for Ben Hunt.......on a trial basis ONLY.

If Wallace fails, it's time to get rid of him IMHO

Sydney radio this morning was hinting at their "late mail" saying Bennett would be coming back to Brisbane in 2012. You would have to think Boyd will surely follow. It's well documented Bennett thinks the world of Boyd, calling him the most talented player he's coached since Darren Lockyer. As someone earlier said, has Darius got the kicking game to play 5/8?

I haven't seen it yet.

The Broncs certainly will have some money freed up with Lockyer leaving. Jonathan Thurston has to be sick of playing/losing with the cowgirls........

He's the one I'd love to see us chase after.........hard.


MNF Post game and the guy asked Thurstan if he would like to play for the Broncos, that was funny stuff but Thurstan never answered it....

Pierced Soul

First Grade
MNF Post game and the guy asked Thurstan if he would like to play for the Broncos, that was funny stuff but Thurstan never answered it....

i think thurston was shocked by the question as it came out of nowhere and thurstons got quite a few more eyars on his contract. was a ridiculous question really


i think thurston was shocked by the question as it came out of nowhere and thurstons got quite a few more eyars on his contract. was a ridiculous question really
His reaction said it all really. He looked at Henry with a WTF face before breaking into a laugh... :crazy:


First Grade
i don't think we need Boyd, Hoffman is good enough at fullback, looks like a real star for the future.

Southern Cross

Did anyone see Boyd play5/8 in charity sheild against South .A good platform to start from also I believe Hoffman would be another posibility


I'm not so sure about Qade, good player in union no doubt but I think it would be a lot harder for him to make the transition to be a central playmaker in League because Union is more based on territory whereas League is more based on possession.


I'm not so sure about Qade, good player in union no doubt but I think it would be a lot harder for him to make the transition to be a central playmaker in League because Union is more based on territory whereas League is more based on possession.

6 Months ago I was looking forward to seeing Cooper play League but now I am not. The Reds have him defending on the wing. If he cant defend in Rugby that makes him a hopeless proposition for NRL.