It took me a long time to realise he's just a sh*t stirrer.......and yet.......I can't help but picture the gaffer tape over his mouth and the rope around his wrists. :sarcasm:
I've read some really intelligent stuff from her tbh...people just seem to dismiss her cos she's a girl or because of the blog, so she resorts to pointing out how stupid they are in exasperation IMO. I've done the same thing
go to bed merkin.
But on the nice person subject...
I heard a theory which I believe to be true. That homosexuality is natures way of keeping the species from over populating. I reckon it's true, but who the f**k really knows.
Unlikely. Nature has a much simpler way of doing that disease and starvation. Too many predators wipe out their prey and starve or find themselves more susceptible to disease. Too many kangaroos overgraze and starve, and so on. Sadly, humans have bypassed that particular hindrance and are breeding like cockroaches