man if im ever single im so gonna chuck a BF and start chatting up FFB girls...
Why wait til you are single?
Think of them as flirting practice, just in case you ever end up single. Never hurts to keep your eye in. (Unless my GF is reading this, in which case someone else has obviously hijacked my login.)
Its all a bit of harmless fun on teh interwebs. Unless you are BF of course. The internet is a winner takes all pick up fest for BF. He's so into SC its not funny. Trying his hardest to impress at every opportunity. He kinda reminds me of an Internet version of Lloyd Christmas-
BF - "So what are the chances of a guy like me and a girl like you hooking up?"
SC - "I'd say about one in a million"
BF - "So your saying there's a chance!" *claps and wets his pants with excitement*