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A few points about tonights game


Post Whore
Jake the snake said:
No we don't want your points on Hayne.

Is it me or a more people coming on to this site with NO IDEA. You would surely have to be related to that Jay Jay idiot who knows nothing either. The only Idiot is YOU!! Your comments are laughable..... but that's what we should expectfrom 5 year olds.
well said mate to blame an 18yr old for not scoring a try and saying it cost us our season is totally blown :crazy: what about the 12 weeks before this game get a clue:crazy:

fish eel

Jarrod should have scored that try, no doubt. Should have reached out with two hands.

But FFS, if a kid in his third match cant make a mistake, who can?

I'll bet a house built by Suity, that next time Jarrod is in that position, he reaches out with TWO hands and scores.

Agent Mulder

Even though he is not a 5/8th, John Morris has been one of our best in the last two weeks, I really hope we resign him, Even if he has to come off the bench next year.


Agent Mulder said:
Even though he is not a 5/8th, John Morris has been one of our best in the last two weeks, I really hope we resign him, Even if he has to come off the bench next year.
lol Agent Mulder - when you go trollng next time you'r team can back you up - one point , 3 wins a coach that walked out on you and alcoholic front row - good one champion....still at the wrong end of the points table..lol oh and keep to your own forum unless you have something constructive to say


Post Whore
ozzie said:
lol Agent Mulder - when you go trollng next time you'r team can back you up - one point , 3 wins a coach that walked out on you and alcoholic front row - good one champion....still at the wrong end of the points table..lol oh and keep to your own forum unless you have something constructive to say
says some dumb f**k with nothing constructive to say :roll:


1. Wade is definitely a better attacking player then Reddy. Reddy, however makes less silly errors.

2. Hayne is class. He will learn from that mistake.

3. Morris was one of our best players, however he was the only half there. Thank god Tim Smith will return next week. I actually hope Morris re-signs now.

4. Widders is not the player he was. He appears far too predicatble with that Neil Hunt step of his. Delaney also has been a massive disappointment. Enjoy the Titans Brett.

5. Hindmarsh is God. 57 tackles, 142 metres. What a player!

6. These losses are prompting me to increase my dose of St John Worts. I'm actually glad I'll be away for 2 months.


First Grade
I'm still very impressed with hayne. So many less heart attack moments than Burt and Petersen.


Staff member
nöyd said:
Just on Morris (and Gasnier more-so)

There was a thread here this week about Morris not being a 5/8th? Fair call perhaps, but in checking out the stats of tonights match, I see that John Morris passed the ball once all game, and Mark Gasnier passed the ball a total of ZERO times.

Sure, tonights conditions meant the ball wasn't flying through the hands, but come on. Someone also said (during the week) that Morris "stops" our attack, that there is no real flow in the backline when he has the ball.

Well if St. George-Illawarra believe that Gasnier is the answer at number 6, they have some major re-thinking to do in my opinion. Rain or not, a five-eighth not throwing a single pass all match? Hard to believe in this day and age...

yeh, I started that thread, and I still beleive he is not a 5/8, although he is our best option atm

I was also gonna say the same thing about Gaz, he was resigned on the basis that he could play 5/8 and I thought the Drags really missed his running out wide, he is no more a 5/8 than Morris is


Staff member
ozzie said:
lol Agent Mulder - when you go trollng next time you'r team can back you up - one point , 3 wins a coach that walked out on you and alcoholic front row - good one champion....still at the wrong end of the points table..lol oh and keep to your own forum unless you have something constructive to say



I was disapointed in Hayne not socring that try tonight. But his positional play in the first half was brilliant. His positional play was the difference between getting tackled in goal and having to defend exta sets, and making 10-20 metres out from our own line.

And on Morris, he carried us in the halves. With Jeremy Smith hiding in the 3/4's, Johnny was our focus point and i thought he out played his more "highly fancied" opponent.

I agreew ith the poster who questions Gasnier as a 5/8. I have my question marks also. Makes you wonder if Jamie Lyon will be any good at it also.
James_Hardie said:
I was disapointed in Hayne not socring that try tonight. But his positional play in the first half was brilliant. His positional play was the difference between getting tackled in goal and having to defend exta sets, and making 10-20 metres out from our own line.

And on Morris, he carried us in the halves. With Jeremy Smith hiding in the 3/4's, Johnny was our focus point and i thought he out played his more "highly fancied" opponent.

I agreew ith the poster who questions Gasnier as a 5/8. I have my question marks also. Makes you wonder if Jamie Lyon will be any good at it also.

I don't know If Jamie has the Natural flair of a 5/8... sure he can run and score and set up his winger with a sublime Flick pass but to have a natural passing game ........ I don't know if he he has got that. As a natural 3/4 Jamies 1st instincts would be to beat his man but setting up his outside men in the backline might not come naturally for him..... anyway we will soon see if he comes good at 5/8... that's iif he signs with us.


On Hayne, he is 18 and probably should have grounded the ball, however if you were at the game, which i stood in the rain and wind from 3.30, the conditions were crap!!! Two hands could have helped, but you know what would have helped more? A BETTER HALFBACK!!!!! Jeremy was terrible, John Morris had to take control, i said earlier in the week that we would not win without Timmy at halfback, Jeremy was not up to it, some of his decisions were terrible!!

Morris had a great game, the only thing he did realy dumb was putting a kick through on the second tackle and the ball going dead. That was really annoying cause we lost a great attacking opportunity!!!

In the first half we lacked direction when we were attacking the Dragons line, an out of form Timmy would have got us more points than Jeremy. I am sorry but that is the way i feel!


Bravo Ron, another good few points you made. It's about time some people on this forum make logical points like you do. Welcome to the stiff school of logic


Twizzle said:
He only gets what he deserves Twizzle If he wishes to go to our forum and act like a fool then he cops a spray..if you have a problem - tough


Staff member
ozzie said:
He only gets what he deserves Twizzle If he wishes to go to our forum and act like a fool then he cops a spray..if you have a problem - tough

I dont have a problem Ozzie, we have heaps of trolls, I just find it very hypocritic that you do exactly what you accuse him of doing