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ABC net article - I hate Rugby League

Rockin Ronny

hehe... I think the line to kick me in the balls is appallingly long - if you can stand the four hour wait, I'm sure it'll be worth it, though.

I should actually say something here about the article - something that I, reading it back, don't really like about it.

I attacked your sport. which I think is fair game.

But I was also pretty hard on the fans of the game - and that was a pretty low blow. I believe the footy parlance is 'playing the man and not the ball' - a crime for which I think maybe I deserve a bit of a hard time.

so - sorry if I was harsh on the fans.

Actually, I thought your article rang very true on most points.

Rugby league and its fans lost the moral high ground when News Limited was handed the game and the Bears and Rabbitohs were targetted for extinction. Rugby league is now simply an asset held by a media company to scrape back lost funds - and it will be dropped as soon as corporately appropriate - leaving 80% of current clubs to fall over.

As for the fans - no fan sinks lower in the human or animal scale than the vermin who support Manly. Intellectually, socially and scent-wise, they are a disgrace to all who love great sport.


i think everyone here is getting way too worked up over this.

i mean, who the f**k is Gregor Stronach when he's not at home and who gives a sh*t what he thinks about rugby league?

no offence mate, but your opinion on our great game is worth absolutely nothing.
You know what my friend calls Rugby Union ... 'a private schoolboy wankfest'

And you know, he is absolutely true.

Half of my family on my mothers side loves Rugby Union and they ALL went to private school in Sydney (St Josephs). Those who don't give a crap about Union didn't go to a private school. They also tend to be largely ignorant of Rugby League and hate Rugby League because:

a) Rugby League is too stop-start and predictable
b) Rugby Union is bigger internationally
c) Rugby League's are unintelligent buffoons

All three are kind of funny when you consider Union is way more stop-start than League and tends to be just as predictable as League, and that if you base your love of a sport on international presence then why aren't they supporting Soccer and that Union players tend to be private schoolboy wankers who are totally in love with themselves (see Peter Fitzsimmons)

And don't get me started on AFL supporters.

I find Union and AFL to be significantly more ignorant of their rival sports then Rugby League supporters. League tend to be more open-minded and accepting. But this is sort of tapering off because of idiots who write articles on why they hate Rugby League or write an article about how women love AFL and hate Rugby League or write an article how Rugby League would be dead within 5 years (this was 6 years ago)

But where is the 'I hate AFL' or 'I hate Rugby Union' article

Where is it?

Simply it hasn't been written cause Rugby League writers aren't obsessed with AFL or Union.
But where is the 'I hate AFL' or 'I hate Rugby Union' article

Where is it?

Simply it hasn't been written cause Rugby League writers aren't obsessed with AFL or Union.

There is a request for you Gregor. You are obviously a hater of all things sport. Your task for the next few months is to go away and write an "I hate Rugby Union" and an "I hate AFL" article. Won't make you anymore popular, but at least it will balance things out.

Some of you don’t like what I wrote at the ABC site a few weeks back. Fair enough – it was pretty harsh on the sport you love.

However, there are a few things that you should bear in mind before you start imploring each other to come after me and kick me in the nuts….

One of you raised the point that I’d hit on every anti-RL cliché in the book – that should probably have tipped you off that maybe – just maybe – you’re not really supposed to take the article as seriously as most of you have.

That, combined with the tone of the piece – ‘outrageous’ I believe someone has called it – should have been enough for you to realise that I was taking the piss.

So you can stop getting your knickers in a bunch. It’s just words, people. Simmer down and stop taking yourselves and your beloved sport so damned seriously.

[FONT=&quot]gregor [/FONT]

No offence, but I think it would be difficult to kick you in the nuts.

Let me guess, your "impact" worn off?


As for the fans - no fan sinks lower in the human or animal scale than the vermin who support Manly. Intellectually, socially and scent-wise, they are a disgrace to all who love great sport.

That's as inane as Gregors article. Get some bloody common sense about you.



If this is your attempt at writing, I pity you. You say you meant it as humour, quite pathetic really, claiming no-one saw the humour. If you dont like getting belted on 'thechin, stop leading with your head. If you write tripe on a public forum in an attempt to sound, smart/funny/intelligent/educated, have someone apart from a family member read it, of course ensure that person is willing to be truthful with you.

thug jimmy

if they are just words, i suppose he wouldnt mind if we created a site calling him a f**kwit!
afterall they are just words man, dont take it so seriously.
take some responsibility for your actions you amateur.



This was my summation of your article.

The point is that in hiding behind his "satirical " role he is unleashing his prejudice....hence exposing himself as a puppet of his upbringing....and showing the true nature of the Neanderthal.

Would you like to point out where I'm wrong here...please....


It is the sheer audacity and frequency that the game and the hence the people that follow the game are slandered in all parts of the media for no apparent reason, except simple bully boy tactics.

See, you (and plenty others) had no problem putting crap on the game, because your hierarchy endorses (and probably encourages ) it, that's what pisses us off.

I'd like to see a similar article in the SMH about RU or in the AGE about AFL.....it just ain't gonna happen.

If you don't understand that, then go back to kindy sunshine.


I'm somewhat disappointed that I actually bothered to criticise the article. I knew it was satire...but meh. iirc, and reading back, it was a pretty sh*t couple of weeks for RL in the media, so everyone was getting a bit sh*tty. My point still stands about sport hating arts types though. Losers.


I'm somewhat disappointed that I actually bothered to criticise the article. I knew it was satire...but meh. iirc, and reading back, it was a pretty sh*t couple of weeks for RL in the media, so everyone was getting a bit sh*tty. My point still stands about sport hating arts types though. Losers.

But it ain't satire.....


I'm somewhat disappointed that I actually bothered to criticise the article. I knew it was satire...but meh. iirc, and reading back, it was a pretty sh*t couple of weeks for RL in the media, so everyone was getting a bit sh*tty. My point still stands about sport hating arts types though. Losers.

I've met plenty of arty types who are league fans. You are being unfair there. They are entitled to their interests just as league fans are.

And no I am not an arty type.


But it ain't satire.....

I agree,

Option a) SATIRE - a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.

Option b) sh*t- excrement; feces, waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement.

I'll lock in B thanks Eddie.


I agree,

Option a) SATIRE - a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.

Option b) sh*t- excrement; feces, waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement.

I'll lock in B thanks Eddie.

:p It is only the first question after all..........

Adolf Hitler

Heil everybody (in the best Dr Nick voice)

I'd just like to explain why I, as a child, used to pull the wings off small birds and insects, and why I persecuted the jews, and why I invaded Poland. Blah blah frickety blah !

Are we all sure this troll is the real Gregor ?

If we are....feel free to quiz me on my atrocities

Oh....and Gregor....you are a tosser