The open forums are where anyone can have their say.
The JA forum pre-dates LU by a considerable period of time, and it is made up of St George supporters. I was on the original forum, and I quite like the restrictions. I can always go to the main sites.
It still gets heated in JA, especially now, but there was time when a certain coach managed to galvanise all forum members as one in their absolute loathing of him and his coaching methods.
Actually, the forerunner of LU and JA forums started at about the same time. But the original JA website predates both.
1997: Glenn Baker starts Jubilee Avenue website, providing weekly updates for supporters. He backs this with an email group. I got to know Glenn via my site SOTV in 1998.
2000-2002: Jubilee Avenue moves to World of Rugby League (WORL), hosted by NineMSN and managed by Canterbury supporter Matthew O'Neil (matto). It had discussion forums and those in the old email group started posting there. WORL included fans from loads of Clubs but I think it's fair to say the majority were Saints and Canterbury supporters. Glenn continued to write on the new Jubilee Avenue website.
2001-2002: An interesting time. A breakaway group of supporters basically revolted over matto's style of management and moderating. I recall him saying words to the effect that if you don't like, then piss off.
So we pissed off and formed LWOS. By "we" I mean six posters. Hosted on NineMSN as well.
LWOS was the forerunner to LU.
Around the same time matto set up Rleague and his Grandstand forums. But most Saints fans at WORL preferred to stay put, so it became Jubilee Avenue (although posters continued to refer to it as WORL).
Meanwhile LWOS was growing and ready for a makeover. LU was instigated but it took a few format changes before we settled on this 'look'.
2003-2007: A number of weird things happened during this period but basically it saw the beginning of the demise of Rleague and Grandstand, Glenn left Rleague and LU became the host for his website.
In May 2003, LU settled into this forum format. By now it had grown from six original members to thousands.
When NineMSN announced the scrapping of their communities, LU made an offer to the WORL / Jubilee Avenue posters to move over to The Front Row forums here on LU.
It was put to the vote in 2007 and here we are.
Thanks to Coby, all the old posts from WORL were migrated over. It was no mean feat.
What's interesting is that JA has been hosted on LU for much longer than WORL.