I came online today to register at
www.slipknot1.com to post my two cents worth about their new album but the website won't let me enter the second phase when you go there.
It must be these dumb child lock-out things the library uses so you can't gain access to evil websites.
The website will pop up but when I press enter it just goes black and won't kick over.
What a shame.
I was really going to lay down the law.
I came out today armed with 3 A4 pages of addressing and now I'm not going to get to type it out.
I sat up till 12am last night writing it out.
Can someone go take a little look-see if there is a problem with that site for me.
Slipknot's new album
All Hope is Gone is utter bullsh*t.
It's worse than that Subliminal Verses thing.
The bonus DVD that comes with the CD is so depressing and boring it's not even funny.
This band is leading young gullible f**kwits astray!
Their whole message is bullsh*t.
The only track that saved that album was track 4
It's actually not a bad song but it's not without its flaws.
It really jams at the start but he kills it when he tons down the tempo and breaks into that, 'And the rain will kill us all if we throw ourselves against the wall,' bit.
He should have kept going with the same uptempo beat that caught my attention at the start of the song.
Even three-quarters of the way near the end of the song, they sort of suddenly stop and rift into an old tune they've used before from another album, and it destroys the tempo again.
I keep going back to that track though.
It's ok.
Track 8 is not half bad too I guess
Gehenna it's half decent but as for the rest of the sh*t it sounds like -
I'll put it this way........
All hope is Gone is just a B-side to
Subliminal Verses.
Even then what they've done is taken samples off all their old albums and tried to put them together passing it off as new material.
One song there 'This Cold Black'is the biggest theif on the album.
It cheats the paying customer that they're trying to pass this off as new material.
The knot has truly slipped on these drongos.
Album's sh*t.
P.S. Oh and one more thing....watching that bonus DVD that came with the CD - no wonder they wear masks they're actually funny looking underneath.
Some of ém are middle aged men too.
Keep the f**ken masks on please.
Corey Taylor looks a bit like Axl Rose and his tattoos are kind of comical.
Their lives are depressing living in Iowa so why do they spread their negativity to impressionable teenagers?
They're battering kids images making them feel worthless by calling them maggots and the like.
And that whole pentagram sh*t is plain rubbish.
It's actually dangerous and misleading their message is.
It's bullsh*t and it's taken me forever to see this.
Wish I could spread this message to their fans.
It's a shame I can't go ahead and type these 3 pages out and pass it onto their website.
I really wanted to put a dog up ém today.